All the brains we eat
I can’t wait to get home and vendor my shield for a gold.
I guess I’m weird… I’ve been dual wielding while tanking, but I always run with the same healer and he prefers me to dual wield so the run goes faster.
I do throw a shield on if I’m getting hit hard though.
Sounds to me like you need to work on your mana conservation and stop blaming it on the tank.
Being overly dramatic, why not keep both. Fat juicy two hander and battle stance for charging in and quickly generating rage and snap aggro, then swapping to defensive and shield.
Haha im one of those psychopaths!
You know what i’m getting rid of everything. I’m going unarmed until 60
This thread hurts my brain.
2h tanking is stupid. There are no dks in classic.
You eat damage and healer mana like a fat man in a hotdog eating contest.
If the pull is too big for you ask for cc.
If you have to range pull hit bloodrage as soon as you enter combat. Agro is created by your resource gain and you are getting rage.
If the dps are split then mark targets for them. Mark a kill order or a focus target for them.
Demo shout and battle shout are awesome AoE threat.
A handful of points in prot gives you rage when you block.
Shield block is your best friend, also get a shield spike.
Tab sunder.
This isnt hard guys.
Is it possible to change stance and weapons and put that macro on the special action bar?
Welcome to Classic. Prot was always second class until BC when they added the stam talent and devastate. Blizzard put all the best talents at the beginning of the tree so Arms and Fury warriors could grab them then go out and tank just fine.
On the stance bar? Don’t think so. And swapping gear does incur gcd. I have macros for swapping stances. 2 handed tank in defensive a lot, and for swapping gear. Depends a lot on the situation for how turtle I wanna go.
It’s certainly the SM Meta. I have not healed a run with a tank with a shield. They all just face tank.
Its all about the tank and the healer having a safe word between them
Wheres my money back? You broke your gauruntee because I am playing a warrior in classic.
2h tanking is feasible, just because you dont like it doesn’t mean everyone who disagrees with you isnt playing a warrior.
The 2h tanking thing isnt an opinion piece, its fact, all you need to hold threat as a warrior while leveling is Demo shout and piercing howl to kite. Shield is absolutely not required unless your healer likes to whine.
As a warrior, I get constant whispers from other warriors for a tank. This is fine and all, but goes to show how many warriors have no idea how to play their class. Sure, a warrior CAN DPS later on when they get the appropriate gear, but not at this junction of the game. Find out who the tanks are and go with them for your dungeons. I am on Westfall and always have my 1 handers and shields ready!
Youve had warrior tanks? Lol so far I’ve had a shaman tank and bear tanks and the one time there was a warrior in the group he was dps.
because the “its too hard” army of incompetent players would rather turn each and every mmos out there into a dps race. dont worry it should not be long until blizz announces a revamp on sham priest palk druid helaing to alow those classes to be able to output more dmg because its makes incompetent players look skilled.
and for a tank more dmg =more dps = more aggro. so dont freak if you get to play DK years in advance of wotlk
I’ve healed all the dungeons I’ve been in (gear doesn’t reflect it too much, bad luck on drops) and haven’t experienced this. My mana management also isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I have a few pieces of +int/healing-esque gear in my bags and spend the majority of the fight using down ranked heals with maybe a few mana breaks that is pretty typical.
I healed a ret tanking sm with a 2hander, was amazing.
I actually had to heal.
I dual wield-tank as much as I can, but “oh, s**t” pulls I’ll throw on my shield, since mitigation becomes more important than threat at that point.
2h tanking, at least before DW is available at 20, is likely for burst threat. It can be better, but it likely boils down to your talent pathing. If you’re full Arms, I can see why, but if you pick up Tactical Mastery it’ll never be worth it after the initial Charge and damage opener before you switch to Defensive Stance.