You shouldn’t need it every pull. You should end a fight with some rage to spare more than half the time. If you are out of rage leading into a boss fight then bloodrage should be up.
Revenge cost 5 rage and is a warrior’s best single target threat. Which is why you force proc it with shield bloc. It costs less than sunder armor and generates more threat than sunder armor. With mobs you should be getting more than enough rage from everybody hitting you once you establish aggro to blast out demo shouts constantly.
Fury is an endgame build. If you level with that you’re in for dramas Your crit chance isn’t high enough to make it really effective and I believe Blizzard removed the /sit mechanic private server players were abusing to make it work
Buffs and debuffs generate threat. Demo generates 43 points of threat for each mob receiving the debuff, so if there’s 7 mobs you’re generate 300 points of threat. Battle shout generates 55 points of threat for each player receiving the buff and then I think divides it over the number of mobs aggro’d. In comparison sunder armor gives 261 and revenge gives 315+damage.
So, you are relying on your non-existent crit for impale and deep wounds, or relying on dodges to happen, and sweeping strikes for your damage? (OR LOLREND) What a load of nonsense people spew.
I get crit all the time, it does very little damage and is healed for the amount i am crit for, 120 damage crit and I get healed for a bit over half of it, on top of all the other damage increases you get, quite often as fury.
I mean seriously there are people that actually believe this nonsense. On top of that, you can use your bloodrage or spec into imp berserker rage, it isn’t ideal for PVP, but you are leveling, not constantly PVPing in a PVP build.
I find it laughable that anyone thinks arms is better.
I find it laughable that you’re so set on 2h fury being immensely better than Arms for leveling, because it’s so absurd that you’re spewing it like it’s a fact when it’s…not. In fact I’d bet most of the best warriors in the game right now leveled/are leveling as 2h arms, but you’ve got it figured out apparently and they’re all wrong
I can’t believe you’re saying Arms leveling is nonsense with the stuff you’re spewing hahahahahahahahahaha
have fun using half your spells after a 6 second wait to get the rage necessary, do you even intercept bro?
I havent had a single issue leveling, I have always leveled as fury, without issue and you are not really any faster than me at leveling since we are the same level, we are both on full servers, so it must not be so bad.
It also does better while tanking, since you have no defense anyway, i get enrage and do more damage while tanking to generate more rage and threat.
Once you get a ravager, fury is WAY better for the spins, doing 400-700 damage death wish crits on multiple targets is fantastic doing 800-1100 DPS on pulls is fun.
In low level dungeons you don’t generate threat by damage. You generate less threat as fury doing damage than the normal way. Fury/prot is the meta endgame build so once you get geared out it changes.
It doesn’t do better while tanking because you can’t stance dance at all.
Fury is great for leveling on a PvE server or if you run away from every fight, but to say since you spec fury and do fine it’s “better in every way” is hilarious and wrong. You lose like, all the utility that makes Warriors so strong in the first place. Sweeping Strikes + Whirlwind, stance dance for taunts and mocking blow without wasting rage left and right. Fury is fine, but “better in every way” is a bit of a bold claim my friend
95% of us warriors in dungeons don’t even want to tank. We just have to because we’re the only real tank class. And everyone is going to pick a DPS mage over a DPS warrior.
We did a dungeon yesterday without a tank at all. Classic doesn’t require the usual set up. I remember in vanilla not even knowing what a tank was… it was just jargon raiders used.
If I don’t lose aggro in the first place, why do I need to stance dance? I taunt before it even gets out of melee range. I have had zero issues spamming demo shout on 10+ targets as the mages AOE.
and when tanking small groups, I have no issue with that ether, I actually know how to tank, I have been doing it for one and a half decades.
At late 50s or 60 I plan to go deep prot with tactical mastery. I have no need for it until then.
That’s what Blood Fury is for. I was holding threat in RFC at level 13 yesterday vs a mage, warlock, and warrior dps, all at level 18, and only having trouble if I got bad miss/dodge streaks with my Sunders. Blood Fury as you go in gives you enough Rage for a couple Sunders, by which time you’ll have built enough Rage with your attacks to keep Sundering on your own. Once you’re down to the last mob standing, stop spending Rage and let it pool up, and you’ll have Rage to start the next pull with.
I tank with a 1h and shield, I find it funny me talking about me DPSing is talking about me tanking.
You do not tank 10+ elites with a 2h your healer will go oom and you will die. I stack them up and keep aggro on them so the mages can AOE the mobs down and not have to worry about anything.
You also cannot demo shout when your ravager is going, so it was obvious I was talking about different things.