Conversation terminated by the cyborg. Over and out!
Hasta la vista, baby
Except if you have no rage you can’t generate threat. You suck as a tank if you don’t realize that.
Im not really having mana issues unless the tank is underleveled. Yeah you might have to drink after big pulls and no aoe but it’s either that or waste quadruple the time having to cc everything
So why bother when you can pull big and get more xp per hr? Get 2 to 3 gold a run… decent way to make gold
If you have no rage are you at your keyboard? Are you actively participating at all?
Alot of what I say relies on some sort of brain attached to a set of keyboard manipulating capable devices thats actually like, powered on and functioning lol.
I guarantee you are not playing a warrior in classic.
The only scenario in which you don’t have rage would be if you were asleep or just not at your keyboard. C’mon now, lets please at least infer someone is at the keyboard, if not… jeez.
Right, again I guarantee you are not playing a warrior now in classic.
They dont put on a shield because they dont need to. Git gud or select better groups. The only time you want a shield is against enemies with a level advantage. The name of the game in classic is threat per second, not mitigation. The faster a mob dies, the less damage it does. A 2h will generate more threat, keep aggro centralized on the tank, and will make your life easier because idiot dps players have a harder time pulling off the tank.
You are the definition of madcausebad in this one. This isn’t retail.
gottem /10char
Because you can’t hold threat at low levels as a 1h and shield tank anyway, so there’s no point in using it. SM especially, the clear time is much faster when you 2H tank.
If tanking with 2h what spec should you be? Arms? Fury? Dabble in prot?
no need for prot talents till closer to 50, go arms then start dipping into fury after MS.
Arms with 5/5 parry imo. Ret can also 2h tank with 5/5 parry. Parry is insane with 2h weapons. Prot points are unnecessary until 60. One of the meta tank builds at 60 will be a fury/prot build
Your right using a 2 hander makes it easier for a healer sorry.
That’s strange, most groups I run into the healer tells me to pull more mobs (I pull 2 at a time). Apparently, I’m not taking enough damage
I guess its a matter of comfort level (which of course varies from group to group) and most groups have a comfort level of “let’s spam this bish I wanna get to 60”.
As many have said, a 2H weapon helps hold threat, gives more rage, and kills mobs faster. I’ve been sword and board for 33 levels now and can attest to the threat issues. That being said, none of my groups have cared that the mobs are bouncing on and off of me. DPS are fine being off tanks, apparently. So I save my taunts for when healer gets aggro.
Still, there are some mobs/bosses (especially those that enrage) that really should be tanked with a shield.
Lot of y’all are acting like you can’t keybind a macro to swap from a 2 hander to a sword and board? Literally one button.
Here’s a pro-tip. You can swap weapons while in combat, and you can do it with a macro. If you are having trouble establishing threat up front, you can swap to two-hander for the charge + initial burst, then swap back to sword and board.
Best of both worlds.
I’m having trouble as warrior leveling and when I google for guide it is generally accepted two handers are best for leveling, but for tanking you need shield. I think people are too lazy to change for the dungeon.
lol I basically just posted the same thing. high five