The rage issue is further exacerbated by priests putting PW: S on the warrior tank.
Umm cause we’re the only tanks
kinda the subject matter experts on tanking, i’d think? also my healer friend tells me to pull faster more than anything, and tells me to take my damn shield off when I think I’m getting hit too hard soooo idk
Yeah for leveling we are, Piercing Howl is overpowered.
Oh lord that spell
Drinking after every pull is going to be a thing until you get mp5 and spirit, just to let you know. It doesn’t go away automatically lol, it might even get worse as time goes on, I dunno, been a while and I leveled pre-1.12 back in the day.
If you are within a level range which is relative or higher to the mobs and you have some form of good gear, it is totally fine, because you don’t usually take that much damage.
Problem is tanks with bad gear, using 2hander whose HP goes down 30% after each hit.
its not hard to heal a 2H tank either lol
Correct, spamming Piercing Howl and Demo Shout for AoE threat doesnt require a shield, hell it doesnt even require you to be in melee range.
Its MoP challenge modes all over again boys.
To be fair though, it’s kinda vague how useful Demo and Piercing are at first. I’m sure a lot of people forgot or didn’t know piercing howl even exists.
Watch Skarms’ videos. 2h tanking for warrior while leveling is very good.
your tank is under level or not using the correct stance then. Also, if you down rank your heals, it goes a long way with preserving mana. Also, big pulls may need a CC, regardless of wearing a shield or not. The 2H won’t make that big of a difference opposed to sword and board at low level dungeons.
I am not sympathetic towards people that cannot read abilities in their talent windows.
As for demo shout, even the slightest amount of interest in watching a high level stream, APES for example, you’ll gain a wealth of knowledge. Its 2019 boys, we are all interconnected by the internet, take advantage of this knowledge at your fingertips.
I wouldn’t go into a dungeon undergeared or underleveled in the first place, I mean if you’re bringing a 25 into rfk or course you’re gonna have a bad time, the tank being appropriate level to not get parried constantly is crucial.
Ran an rfk last night at 30 with a guild healer that didn’t know undead could even tank, midway was emote cheering and bragging in gchat about how beefy I was. There’s a lot of misinformation to wade through out there. Oh and I was 2 handing and gear swapping and stance dancing, that’s being a warrior.
It’s the annoying Meta of wanting to Aoe farm for experience that is going around so everyone wants a Tank with Ravanger for quick spam runs to lvl. People see this being advertised so they too want to be a AoE 2hand tank and get fast experience.
Which… is kinda an annoying Meta. I don’t fault people for doing it. It’s ok to dungeon grind Exp if you want too… Just I prefer the old traditional method of Class roles and Tank and spank.
Think to many people are trying to speed run when they have no business too in order to satisfy a quick race to 60.
I am a true Prot build and have people not taking me because they want a 2 hand Tank instead. That can do more damage. Which is odd and very sad.
Some of the tooltips straight up lie to you though. Anger management is near mandatory, but looks near worthless from the tooltip.
Again, I know how to heal, and I have no problem keeping tanks alive.
My post is an observation about how annoying this tendency has become, and as you may see most people that actually do the healing may tend to agree with me.
I understand the supposed “benefits” of 2hander tanking, which are just non-existant. The time that you would save, is just spent drinking after the pull.
So there is no speed increase to the actual completition of the dungeon. It is just a false perspective, because the mobs go down sooner, but the downtime ends up being the same.
Sympathy and fairness aren’t the same thing. Also I said vague for a reason because reading the tooltips doesn’t tip you to the importance of the ability. Like you don’t read demo and think, “oh, I should spam this”, you used the word spam. That was more my point.
Understandable, but again, its 2019. If you watch the streams, these high level players are giving you free information.
this is wrongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg