Umm it’s a game that I enjoy?
Are we randomly asking stupid questions now?
Umm it’s a game that I enjoy?
Are we randomly asking stupid questions now?
woah bud who said anything about prot lol (the word phycopath is a weird choice of wording…use dumb next time)… You can’t hold agro with a 1 hander and shield I get it. I can and have no problems with it so I will continue to do it. If I wanted to screw over the healer I would use a 2 hander but I’d rather not.
Part of it is because a ton of warriors want to dps, they get invited to a group, and then they’re asked to tank. Sometimes they don’t even have 1h weapon skills leveled up, particularly sub 30 or 40.
I’ve been using a stinking green of the whale shield this whole time when you’re telling me I could’ve been using my [Searing Blade]!? I’m deleting my 1h and shield when I get home from work
I know how to heal. My tanks are not getting killed because of these.
Its just annoying to have to drink after every pull, because someone decides they want to play like a dps, and puts the burden on the party on someone else.
The tanks are not doing their job.
And as I said earlier, it really gains not time. Any sort of time you gain, you loose it by wasting time drinking.
i’ll use whatever words I want.
You’re playing with bad healers lol, “screw over the healer” that’s funny
my priest friend has been healing me through red dungeons with a 2h axe since level 12. keep up
it isn’t screwing over the healer…stop giving people false info lol
You wanna fight bro?
you dont want the smoke
Lol mad cows
Because, a shield offers very little to a tank in early dungeons (armor values and block values are basically negligible they are so small). The 2-handed dps can often negate the extra damage the tank would take by lowering the duration of the fight. A 2-hander tank, however, should have macros to stance dance and swap to sword/board when they need the shield block or interrupt.
The problem is, they see these streamers doing it but don’t understand why or the coordination, or the macros, etc.
I dont like dungeons that take forever, so I push everyone to perform at 100%.
You’re a healer that doesn’t like to use their mana in stressful situations, thats unfortunate.
I’m with you on this one lol
meet me at the crossroads in 10 mins
ravager tanks are the best.
with another ravager dps.
it’s just more fun to blow things up faster … and the occasional close call keeps me awake.
I am new to tanking and did not play retail (except one week to get my bearings). I started with traditional 1H + board and found current stuff on AH if no drops. STILL I agree that it is hard to hold aggro when dps jump the gun (somewhat regularly), so I switched to 2H to start and dance to defense if a pull gets too big.
That has worked … so far … and yes Demoralizing Shout , spam it. And don’t use abilities that eat rage , let the dps get that damage. So Sunder + DS and 2H imo, except for big pulls or big bosses.
EDIT: idk why the icon says lvl 19, I’ve been lvl 26 now almost 27 for several days. So what I said goes for RFC, DM, SFK and BFD … not done RFK (yes, we did DM)
only bare fist and naked. brawler’s harness only
The tanks only job is to keep threat. It doesnt matter if you’re using a 2hander or a 1hander because you just spam demo shout for AoE threat, not hard, if your tank is getting destroyed he’s either:
Pulling too much
The mobs are too high level for him
You are overhealing him
You aren’t healing him at all
I mean its not hard to keep a sword and board in your bag. Its not like the OP is asking for a prot spec or anything. A little armor goes a long way…
It is true the best threat tanks in dungeons use 2handers but they do the dirty work with their paws…
I just noticed how most replies defending 2hand tanking… come from warriors