I’ve yet to see this happen up through uldaman healing a 2h tank.
imo 2h tanks are largely inefficient. They are just warriors using dps to hold aggro. You are better off using a hunter as a tank as they can feign death or trap / bandage. I think this idea began when dps warriors were trying to rip off aggro from sword/boards and figured they were better tanks (which they are not). Unless that warrior is 5+ levels above that instance, that warrior is just a mana sink.
Also you can hold aggro and gen rage just fine with a sword and board even in dm. The problem is with impatient deeps that intercept your pulls, and think that if you are engaging mobs that its “go time”.
I suggest letting deeps who get ahead of the tank to die. If they need more than a shield and hot they are doing it wrong unless it is an aoe CF.
oh and btw 3rd warrior getting to 60 with prot.
And it is far easier to just 2h Tank than try to explain that this isn’t retail to the DPS who do this.
I get ya. Usually the problem solves itself if you give a lil wink and nod to the heals about it.
Them taking half their hp in one hit isn’t because of the lack of shield - though over the course of a decent sized pull (take a pack in Uldaman or BRD for example), it’ll make a huge difference. I personally tank sword and board, but that’s because I prefer the playstyling of deep prot.
Warriors can smooth out their damage intake remarkably well in several different ways - i think you’ve just been getting people who either don’t know how to play their warrior for it, or are still trying to remember how.
Nope. No demo shout spam is involved.
Charge, autoattack, sweeping strikes, zerker stance, whirlwind, defensive stance and then tab target sunder. You will demo shout once for the damage reduction. You can also swap sweeping strikes for thunderclap and that will make you take less damage, but the raw dps is also considerable damage reduction.
Most of my healers are on my friends list and ask me to tank again, so Im doing something right.
Thats what you call a retail player.
I’m all for tanks leveling as dps spec and just tanking 5 man dungeons with their tank gear set while in dps spec. But if they’re trying to tank dungeons at 40+ with no shield, they gotta go. As a healer i’d Just drop and find another group if they refuse to play correctly.
I lovea tank with TWO-HANDER weapon as well while having 2 stamina & str points on every slot of my gear Chest. Then i buy some stamina potions or str potions…
If the healer have “HANDS” and is good i go with the STR potions and we clean the dungeons while my DPS is really high i barely lose the agroo.
if the healer is slow i use the STAMINA potion
If the healer is a “Cry baby” like the OP then i put my shield and i proceed to tell him “Let me tank on babysit” mode cuz we have one-handed man/woman as healer". Then as soon he let me die i ABANDON the dungeon anyways i can find another group on seconds…
I always wonder what kind of tanks there are, since I don’t DPS all that often but when I do I like seeing what tanks do differently. I have pretty great gear for my level that I dual wield tank efficiently, My healer will go out of mana after 6-7 pulls.
When mob density passes 3, I put on my shield and I’m fine. Two handed? Whatever works, I haven’t done it myself, but the only time I’ve had ravage rip threat off me, was when I was in a group with one warrior and two paladins with it and the mobs died before it even mattered.
Whatever people want to do to keep threat, keep at it. As long as you don’t stress your healer and lose aggro often, You do you.
What this guy said…my lord there’s so much ignorance in this thread. As if you think the extra armor from that shield in these instances is making up for the tank doubling the other dps’s output AND holding agro for your mages/locks to aoe to their hearts content.
Of course not. you can get 35k+ an hour farming ZF…we graduated to ZF last night…this is ez mode…if you’re having problems healing 2 handed tankers you might reconsider your role as a healer. This is not rocket science, we’re not even wiping in these places.
In early dungeons, threat is hard to come by with a sword and board. If the player has decent armor, 2H tanking trash mobs is viable. Instead of having to heal everyone in your group because the tank can’t keep aggro, you only have 1 target to heal but more intensively.
Alternatively, you can educate the DPS that they need to give the tank time to get aggro before unloading. Most tanks will cover this info at the start, but some DPS may require periodic reminders.
Tanking is a thankless job that requires a ton of micro management especially with trigger-happy DPS and multi-dotting classes.
2H tanking a boss is no-no.
I’m glad someone else can agree. I’m not even trying to grind these instances for the xp per hour. People are just bummed that there are workarounds to the difficulty of these 5 man’s it seems.
Personal attacks while completely ignoring what I said. Well played.
But yes, I am garbage because other people, who are playing warriors can’t hold aggro when I do a single auto attack and they die in a few hits.
Um…I’m sorry Ayrianna, but you are garbage based upon what you just described. The fact that you’re actually attacking a target that the tank hasn’t developed threat on speaks volumes against you. You are the definition of bad. You are what drives people to 2 hand tank in the first place ironically.
If your only get 35k you need to re-evaluate what on Earth you are doing. Pathetic
Oh and Warrior 2h doubling other dps. HAHAHAHAHA what a joke. Only with Ravager proc but having a Warrior at all for ZF is a joke, melee anything while leveling is a joke actually in 2019 meta.
LOL @ Tsundre…I’d say what you are but…I’d probably get suspended.
what a LOL…
that you think we actually need demo shout for aoe threat 2 hand tanking LOL…I remember my first day in wow
I like to Dual Wield tank tbh i find it builds rage faster even with all the misses. When i have Spastic DPS i may as well not bother with a shield because at least mobs are hitting Plate and not Cloth or Leather.
people who melee cleave are horribad
people who bring warriors to farm groups are just as bad
Nowhere did I say I say anything about doing that. Stop trolling.