i 2h tanked deadmines, gnomer and SM as a holy spec paladin and never had a single issue, and my healer was bored and told me to pull more…in my case i didnt choose to do that, but we were making due with what we had available.
Judging by OP’s level and my own experience, the issue is 40+ dungeons. Ulda, ZF and beyond.
Whatever’s clever.
This is absolutely false. Without significant +healing (which you don’t have at lower levels), higher rank spells are both higher HPS and HPM.
Absolutely, 100% not true. Sorry pal, but you gotta learn to warrior tank.
Until like SM, warriors have serious rage generation issues and DPS classes in this version of Vanilla do not seem to understand what aggro management is.
Pull mob == Full DPS before sunders or anything apparently.
I still use sword and board, but I have to tell the people in the group NOT to full Dps immediately on the pull because I need the rage from the mob hitting me to be able to tank effectively.
People are using 2handers to combat DPS classes being stupid, essentially.
I want to have a heal / tank in classic but man I’m having flashbacks to retail. Rush rush rush, oh we pulled too many, healers fault.
Whatever you say, non-tank.
These people have no idea how to play Warrior.
Like, Revenge is actually a lot better than Sunder armour at lower levels because it’s cheap and you’re rage starved basically all the time.
IF they’re geared properly, tanks do it for faster runs and better threat gen. If your tanks suck, that doesnt have a lot to do with the weapons they’re using. Getting 1/2 their health knocked down in one hit wont be fixed when they equip a shield.
2h tanking, atm, is faster clears with no noteworthy risk, even with conservative healing. I’ll gladly throw on a shield as I hit 60, but it is a glaring detriment to clear speeds with no pay-off as it stands. And this was the same experience I had on several warriors across several servers during Vanilla’s run.
Exactly this.
Because most of them don’t understand the 5 second rule.
I keep renew on the tank and when he hits 40ish hp i hit him with a heal 4 and presto right back to wanding.
Only when we get more than 4 do i need to be more spammy but even then i wait as long as possible and land a big heal.
5sr regen is not possible with a 2hndr tank in ZF+. You have to spam max rank back to back to keep them up, which leads to the aforementioned problem of the warrior not having threat on any targets outside the few they can cleave, and those targets beating you down.
Because you cast 4 of anything and youre OOM. Plus some tanks still think theyre playing retail and pull 2 or 3 packs at once, or chain pull endless waves despite the fact that just looking at the tank feels like it saps 60% of your mana
At least in retail everyone is 400+ purples and healers (except for resto druids) never go OOM so the go go go makes sense. But in classic when everyone is leveling in greys and greens - sometimes 5 or even 10+ levels lower than your current level … wtf are they thinking lol
Part of it is theres been ALOT of posts about its ok to 2hd tank in low level dungeons. Its actually ok, if your group is coordinated or at least experienced, and you dont have THAT tank thats go go go while you are oom. I would suggest you insist on at least cc 1 mob if your group has it, on each pull to ease off some of the pressure. Eventually though S&B is going to be required as you hit the higher level dungeons.
Was the main tank in our raiding guild through Wrath. This is a classic case of L2P.
Why are Orcs tanking? News Flash! You cannot tank fury or arms this early. Get a dang shield. Or go druid.
To be fair on this, I’ve been harassed in a deadmines already for “only casting renew” because I wasn’t spamming lesser heal the whole run.
People are stupid.