reading through this thread, im beginning to think that there isn’t much difference between classic dungeon difficulty and bfa dungeon difficulty
the dps can still go ham
the tanks can still chainpull and keep aggro
the healers rarely go oom
is there really a substantial difference?
there is; the tanks use a 2h instead of 1h+shield, and they spec dps instead of tank, even in max-level dungeons
is it even easier than BfA?
Man this 5man grinding meta is so god damned boring, and thats as a mage, the class sought after by everyone.
The cleave meta to just clear instances asap with aoe is so boring. Flat out retail mentality. Might as well just play late-game WotLK pservers. I hate that its something lasting into end game too.
But yeah. Nothing less fun than sitting there for 15 seconds while the tank pulls the whole room, then hitting blizzard 3 times over 15 seconds, then drinking for 30 seconds. I hope this ends.
hey hey I’m one of those enhancement shamans~~
Qeust rewards are not tailored to class and spec. I don’t recall on Horde. never got one that far back then, but on Alli side, the quest chain leading up to Deadmines gives a 2H sword that would be better than any sword/shield combo they would have gotten. That’s for EK questing. maybe a Nelf that stayed home until BFD would be geared different. Not sure.
Also, even if they are a smith, they cannot make shields and like any wow prof, you have to be pretty much maxed at where you can possibly be per level to be crafting anything useful for yourself. that leaves AH and dungeon drops because drops in quest zones are the level of a zone before
I am posting on my warrior.
I’m not back tracking on anything, there should be no situation where you don’t have rage outside of being underleveled, poor play, or just not being at your keyboard - which are all bad things.
Don’t be upset because you know I’m right.
Can you imagine your were dps healing.
No mostly they are not spec correctly.
If you keep range by healer, they should cc or slow them.
Don’t be offended that my aggressive style of tanking bursts your 'Oh I want everyone to play like they have never played before so I can have an authentic WoW experience, woe is me" safety bubble.
Demo shout is broken
Piercing howl is back in the game
Warrior tanks are gods as long as they know how to hit these two buttons, lol
Nuff said.
Get a handful of mages and a warrior tank throw them into a dungeon and watch magic happen.
Why is posting on my vanilla char relevant? Do I need to have a level 60 char in MC gear to tell you that if your tank doesnt have rage and/or threat, something is fundamentally wrong?
Do I need to be level 60 in MC gear to tell you that Demo Shout is insane and Piercing Howl is OP?
Do I need to be level 60 in MC gear to have your permission to use Demo Shout and Piercing Howl?
No, I don’t. You’re just being petty.
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Yeah, if it procs quickly enough.
Content is severely undertuned so people are taking advantage of that by speeding through.
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The ones i see have shields. I think you had 2 back to back warriors try this and felt compelled to tell the world how it’s ALL YOU SEE.
Just a tornado in a tea cup here.
Just had a gnomer run with a lvl 30 fury warrior dual wielding cruel barb and TOXIC REVENGER (dagger). Dude keeps insisting it is fine and is on berserker stance all the time. No sunder armor. No taunt. In the end the group wiped 3 times. The rogue in my party was fed up and we formed a new party without that “tank”. I’ve played Vanillia back in 05 and never witness a warrior tanking with sword and dagger until today. Truly amazing.
While you’re not necessarily wrong, it’s not so simple all the time.
Imagine being in Stormwind and then asked to heal a dungeon. You fly then run all the way to it only to find this out. Then you either run back to where you were or sacrifice your hearthstone CD.
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Let’s just call this what it is: a bunch of incompetent people trying to justify being lazy. They’re losing at least ~20% mitigation and a significant amount of threat by going dps-mode in battle/berserk stance. I have zero problems holding aggro in defensive stance with a 1h/shield.
Really only the first few dungeons are tuned low so you can survive with a 2hd, unless you are over geared for the dungeon at higher levels. In the same vein with the right mix of cc, slows and aoe you can go tankless. However that isnt the recommended way obviously. My wife and I double hunter the low level dungeons back in the day and we finished them fine until we got past SM. Note we were at max recommended levels of each dungeon, doing this, for kicks.
IDK… but there are a ton of questions like this…
Why do shaman keep Rockbiter on?
Why do shaman open with Earth Shock the second the mob gets to the tank before the tank can even hit the mob?
Just let em die I say!
This was not the way healers were treated in old school. That is a modern ideology because threat is meaningless in modern games and people just want to wave their dps numbers around.
Granted current game design help facilitate this.
tell them to slap a shield and tank properly ot just let them die and leave
shrug. let em try something… don’t be such a judgey judge.
True. Last night, we had a Shaman with a shield tank SFK.
Good news, we completed it fine.
Bad news, I lost roll on Arugal belt ![:frowning: :frowning:](