Uh, at what level? Because I’m pretty sure outside of boss elites and raid bosses, the kind of mob that can 2 shot anything is very rare.
You should read the rest of my post, instead of just jumping out and saying “your wrong” and replying to half a post.
Once your weapon is several levels out of date you are getting like 5-7 rage per swing, I have literally just white swung on a the last mob, and only generated about 20 or so rage by the end of the fight, then had to wait for the rest of the DPS and healer to get mana, then had less than 15 for the next pull.
This 2hander meta in ZF is stupid asf unless you have the aoe for it. Just had a warrior in mail trying it with two hunters and a dps warrior. Having to drink on every single pull for a little extra dps is costing time, not saving it, not to mention my gold. The heals I have to use to keep them up (Max Rank HT back to back) means im constantly pulling threat on mobs in pack pulls and adds on bosses like antu’sul. Which then means my heals are being slowed. Then the DPS are pulling aggro too anyway and then im tossing out more heals. Its obnoxious.
Fury talents were bugged on pservers to be way better, it is not actually better until level 60 in classic.
And even on those pservers arms was still better after 40.
I figured it out You’re fury so you don’t have anger management
Arms is better for tanking early because of anger management. Not only does your rage decay slower out of combat but you gain 1 rage for every 3 seconds in combat.
I’m calling 100% BS here.
It is a good tanking strategy, but you should always have a shield handy for those pulls that hit you hard. Dual Wield tanking is the meta for hardcore guilds, but only so the dps can melt the mobs and they still use a shield sometimes
Only for BIS warriors at Naxx Tier with BiS groups.
yea, because I cant stand leveling as Arms, having done both leveling multiple warriors over the years, fury is by far better, even without using private server bugs.
Arms has too few damage increasing abilities. Yet people are obsessed with Overpower, even though it only happens 5% of the time (if it hits that is) I absolutely prefer enrage, flurry, and deathwish.
Yet there are people that still think that the tiny DPS increase that impale, deep wounds and overpower crit is better.
The only things worth anything in arms is mortal strike and sweeping strikes while leveling.
Can’t wait till mortal strike
It becomes viable around AQ40, but you will have to use a shield a lot until you outgear it.
Yea and your not going to use it on naxx progression either or at least the harder bosses. Either way the point is using it or 2h during leveling, unless your part of a cleave group, is just idiotic and wasting everyone’s time and the healer’s water (so often gold if you dont have a mage)
You have to use it on Horde without a Thunderfury when possible or you will gimp your dps.
You don’t really even need dedicated tanks until 60, so I don’t think it’s big deal.
Ah the good days are back. Just missing the hunter with no ammo spamming Raptor strike with a /yell macro.
If the tank tries to “tank” with a 2 hander, I just ask them to switch to 1h shield. If they don’t have one I leave and get another group. They don’t have to tank with a 1h and shield, and I don’t have to heal if they use a 2 hander. Works for everyone.
because while lvl’ing mob do so little damage a deep prot warrior would be rage starved, unable to hold aggro on multiple mob, and slow down the instance because of it.
give me a real warrior sweeping striking + cleaving stuff with whirlwind axe… not that deep prot noob.
Why would they be prot? fury/arms is fine with sword and board. 2hander is just wasting healer mana/gold and costing more time in drinking then your gaining in kill speed, unless its a cleave group
and outdps’ing the entire group with a neverending supply of rage to throw in cleaves.
I like going fast… hence why i prefer 2 hand tank.
Its not faster when you add in the drink after every pull instead of every 5. Thats ~2 minutes added to every 5 pulls.