2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

by the 9 it’s like trying to talk to a parrot.

There is an official video stating that it’s the same and you’re still saying it isn’t. There is no universe where you can ever be wrong, is there?


Do you know what retconned means?

It has been shown in the game several times that DKs have access to the Shadowlands. DKs don’t need to die to go there. They’re already dead. And if the Realm of Shadow isn’t the Shadowlands, then what is it? Are there overlapping dimensions in the same dimension?


I certainly do, but I don’t think you actually do.

You’ve been shown evidence of you being wrong, and opted for responding with parrot-like denial.

There is no point in continuing to try and converse with someone so astoundingly obdurate.


What is the Realm of Shadows? Also known as the Shadow Realm or World of Shadows where shadowy tormentors and Shadow constructs are? It’s almost it’s a realm of shadows which is a shadowy version of the world.

I don’t think you do because Blizzard is notorious for doing this and has been pointed out all the time.

So, Ny’alotha? Because Ny’alotha is just a dark version of Azeroth. On Azeroth.

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No. You do understand that there can be multiple dimensions right?

I just implied that I didn’t, which is why I was asking. If passive-aggressively.

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Both you and Trumpknight are right Mauden. We ALREADY went to the Shadowlands to get our Death Chargers, and we had quests related to the Shadowlands too. Even Wraith Walk says we enter the Shadowlands in some form to move faster. What Kelliste doesn’t wanna see though is that the Shadowlands could have multiple layers to it like the Emerald Dream. And we’ve only been going into some kind of surface layer up until the new xpac, where we go so far deep into the Shadowlands to team up with the Covenants and fight the Jailer. But it looks like arguing is like talking to either a broken record or a brick wall sadly enough. She really needs to get it that she’s never always right, and can’t always win at all. I already accepted all that myself that I’m not always right, and can’t win at everything, even arguments, a VERY long time ago. And I think that helped me grow up and mature more for the better.


No, we didnt lol. It was The Realm of Shadow. I am going off of what the quest says, and what Blizzard has said that the Shadowlands is. Its like saying the Shadowlands is the home of the Void Lords because they are shadow and shadowlands has shadow in its name.

It has already been explained by Blizzard that the Shadowlands is a realm where the souls of the living go after death.

Ugh, are you that dense? The guys before me ALREADY pointed out that Bolvar called it BOTH The Realm of Shadow AND the Shadowlands!

“Within the Realm of Shadow, lies the darkest of terrors. The Shadowlands are infinite. Their terrors and beauty were never meant for mortal eyes. I wonder if they can bear all that awaits them.”

Those first two lines from Bolvar meant to refer to THE EXACT SAME PLACE! NOT two different ones!


Excuse me Mr. I dont read anything and make assumptions about lore? Its called a retcon and Blizzard is no stranger to doing this. They clearly arent the same even if weaker than a unspecialized DK Bolvar said they were the same.

They arent and quite frankly im sick of people running with retcons because they havent played most of the game, or at least paid attention to it. and held Blizzard to a higher standard.

The Realm of Shadows (aka Shadow Realm or World of Shadows) is a dimension. It apppears as a shadowy version of the real world. Apparently powerful death knights, as Lady Alistra, Salanar the Horseman, Koltira Deathweaver and the Lich King, can teleport others (and probably themselves) to and from it.

Lady Alistra summons Shadow Constructs, Forgotten Servants and a Cenarion Scout for the Shadow Realm to train her Diciples of the Unholy.

Shadowy Tormentors inhabit this dimention, and emerge from it to torment death knights such as Koltira Deathweaver, who implies that it is the Lich King who commands them.

So it really doesnt line up with past lore and something some bad writers who dont know the lore put into the game.

i actually just noticed a concept for frost dks being discussed on the MMO champion dk forum but am unable to post links on my account. it had the spec redone with both dw and 2h frost in mind and went into some math on equalizing them.

brought back some nostalgic ability names and such but it was an interesting read. i recommend it


the relm of shadows and the shadowlands are the same thing, its not a recon

The Shadowlands can be seen as a shadowy version of the physical world

Aka, the same thing

nothing you said show that “it doesn’t line”, the shadowlands is not only one thing as we can see by the different afterlives, there are different places, the death knights interact with one of those places


Read it on MMO after you mentioned it, and can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m very glad you told me all about that. Thanks for that. Hope Blizzard can take a look at that discussion too, cause it was a very nice one.

I think you need to send in your resume to blizzard human resources. That whole post of yours just makes way too much sense. Good job!


Its simple. If Frostmourne had nothing to do with Frost…then why did we reforge the fragments of Frostmourne into blades of the fallen prince as the FROST artifact?

Do you think she got that??

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Irrelevant point. Retconned lore or not it doesn’t back your argument over what’s happening now. The past is the past. This is new information unbeknownst to us all. This is what we have to go forward on now.

Also with us being fledgling dks at the time…just referring to it as the realm of shadow is probably fine. We didn’t need to know much more about it at that time. We were just created. Sent there to get a death charger. And immediately sent into battle to serve the Lich King. Any knowledge of the shadowlands was not given to us at the time because it WAS NOT RELEVANT. Soldiers and puppets don’t need knowledge of the shadowlands. Only orders and steeds to attack lights hope. After the battle we earned free will and never looked back. There was no reason at the time to be concerned or even give the shadowlands another thought. Retconned or not.

You went into the shadowlands in the dk starter zone to get your very first class mount. Unless you boosted this toon then no you didn’t physically go there. Salanar I think his name is gives the quest.

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Do you want to use the past is the past as an argument? Because it could be applied to 2h.

New information that contradicts old information is an issue. No other way of putting it. Not to mention new information is contradicting new information or, I should at least say, recently verified information. Again its a problem. Its kind of hard to be immersed in a story (remember that immersion argument for no flight?) when its constantly fluctuating and changing.

The Realm of Shadows to me sounds like an extention of exactly that. How do we know that it really isnt a realm of shadow. Its where the void lords are which would screw that storyline up since these powerful beings cant come into our realm, but some demon inspired death knights can be sent through willy nilly? Death Knights are kind of modeled after the Nathrezim, they were even charged to look after the LK.

I have a real problem with assuming that where the Deathchargers are is the Shadowlands. Even looking up that quest and the information on it, its just seen as another dimension only accessible by death knights. So Blizzard would have to make some sort of official announcement, otherwise its just a claim for me. Kind of defeats the entire “death is the only entrance” rule Blizzard said at Blizzcon. Too many contradictions for me.