2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

I think both of you can be right actually. Felo’melorn may be a rune blade, but it’s an elven runeblade that was completely unrelated to the Death Knight and demon runeblades. Still, I think it should have been possible to restore Frostmourne properly, no matter if Felo’melorn was also a runeblade or not.

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And what would Frostmourne actually do?

Besides having all of it’s original powers, but being given to Bolvar for his final battle against Sylvanas and the Jailer in exchange for a tmog of it for the players to use for restoring it, nothing else I planned honestly. If Frostmourne were to be given additional powers though, I think it would be solely for everyone to stand a better chance of stopping the Jailer, if not outright slaying him and Sylvanas. (I think the former is much more likely though.) Though it would be worth it to see Bolvar lending it to Arthas to let him also have a chance to finish off Sylvanas when she’s defeated. If not, still will be brilliant seeing her get struck down with the blade that ended her first life.

Well, how you phrased it it sounded like you were talking about the past. “Should have been possible to restore Frostmourne properly”. That to me suggests you are talking about Legion with the artifacts. And in that case what would Frostmourne actually do for frost. Its a soul stealing rune blade so that doesnt really fit the theme, it did shadow damage in the Arthas fight as someone else linked. Im not saying the Blades of the Fallen Prince are the most awesome thing, but they at least did frost stuff they just happen to use Frostmournes metal.

I say leave Frostmourne done, it died with Arthas, its a fitting end. Their journey started together, and it ended together. And depending on how the scourge is dealt with, we might not need a Lich King anymore at all.

You keep saying this, and I still don’t believe it.


Yeah, me neither. And besides, it STILL feels like the Blades of the Fallen Prince were the biggest middle finger given to both Frost DKs and DKs as a whole. Also, we could have the quest line to truly reform Frostmourne using it’s hilt, and the Blades of the Fallen Prince, to reforge Frostmourne proper. I think the process might be a mix of Shadowmourne and whatever happened in the Shadowlands using the Forge of Domination to reforge the sword, to let it be reborn anew. And I keep saying it myself so many times: the sword would be for Bolvar to use against Sylvanas and the Jailer. Think Tirion with the Ashbringer, but with Bolvar and Frostmourne. I think that’s a pretty similar scenario. Not including being frozen in ice of course, I meant the rest of that scenario.


i don’t even think he believe, just say for ~~reasons


They did do frost stuff. Created copies of itself and those did Frost damage. They also had the Frostwyrm’s Fury ability that became a talent. It doesnt really care if you believe it or not, they actually did Frost stuff.

That’s less Frost things than Frostmourne did, and you’re very adamant that’s got nothing to do with Frost.


Alright, what did Frostmourne do that was Frost?

I have to correct myself, as what I can find show Frostmourne having two instances of doing Frosty things, same as the Blades.

One, the thing you’ve never answered (which is funnily enough in this very thread)

I’ll answer for you. Here’s a video showing what happened
(also Tirion is a Corgi. Could not find a better video.)

Second, also brought up to you in this thread.

There’s also this, it’s less doing something Frosty and more being Frosty, so I’m not sure whether to count it or not.

So effectively, they’ve done the same amount of Frosty things.
I’m still near-certain Frostmourne has done more, If find more I’ll bring it up, but there’s a lot of things to go through and it seems no one has ever listed each instance of it.
(Likely because it’s never been in contention, because why would it)

EDIT: Oh man I’m dumb. How could I forget Sindragosa? It’s definitely an arguable one, but Frostmourne at the time glowed bright blue and raised the The Frost Queen.

EDIT 2: Looks a lot like he uses Frostmourne when casting Remorseless Winter during the ICC fight.

EDIT 3: He 100% uses Frostmourne to create Ice walls during the Escape from Arthas fight in HoR.


Which time? The first time or when he broke Frostmourne? First time he was frozen in place, still doesnt make Arthas frost based or even Frostmourne.

Another game entirely which isnt part of the canon. I dont know how a fire rune weapon is going to combat a weapon that does shadow damage in game which was linked by someone else, and stealing souls.

Raising the dead is frost based now? Yeah he raised a Frostwyrm… so what? He turned Svala Sorrowgrave into a Val’kyr and her kit was all Shadow aside from 2 physical abilities and used Frostmourne to do transform her.

So the Felo’melorn tried to counter Frostmourne wish is a soul stealing runeblade, and some non-canon stuff gave it some frost damage even though that frost damage came from “Harvest Soul” which is linked pretty heavily to unholy magic.

I remembered raising Sindragosa and freezing Tirion the most, but I’m glad you found all those examples for Frostmourne doing icy stuff too. If we find anymore though, hope we can list them too. And another thing, though Kelliste wants Frostmourne to stay in pieces, there’s two major things for why I wanna see it’s return. First, the Blades of the Fallen Prince not only feel so insulting to Frostmourne’s legacy, we should have been able to properly reforge Frostmourne anew instead of just making two separate swords that were SUPPOSED to be as dangerous as Frostmourne, but felt MUCH weaker in reality. And second, with the Forge of Domination appearing, and what Sylvanas and the Jailer are planning that would threaten the balance of life and death itself, what better weapon to use against both of them than the very sword that ended Sylvanas’s life the first time? Plus, this is the land of the dead, so Arthas reappearing is a major spoiler that Bizz won’t giveaway that easily. But I would like to see him pull what Bolvar did and replace the Jailer after he’s defeated (the Jailer being defeated of course) to help make things right. And on an unrelated note, I would like to see what kind of beyond super hell Arthas could have gone through at the hands of both Sylvanas and the Jailer, and what his regrets could have been.

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The Forge of Domination is retconned and doesnt fit the lore of the Lich King and how his armor and weapon was crafted. What needs to be explained is how these demons used this forge in an area that they cant get to. Like Blizzard said the only way in was death until now and there was no way out.

Sorry, but Blizzard totally screwed. Not to mention they have a lot to explain from the cinematic.

We’ve gone in and out of the Shadowlands quite a few times. I’m not sure why you think they meant that completely literally.

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Where? When we die?


That lists all the times the Shadowlands have appeared, many of which involves us traveling directly into it.

Notably, that’s how we get our Deathchargers.
Also from this expac.

Centuries ago, Summoner Mepjila cursed the followers of Kimbul to constantly relive their battle with her naga forces as spirits for eternity. Kimbul sends an adventurer into the Shadowlands to slay Mepjila’s spirit and free his followers from her curse.

Vol’jin’s spirit and a Horde adventurer traveled through Orgrimmar in the Shadowlands as Vol’jin relived the day of his death and realized it was not the loa who told him to make Sylvanas Windrunner warchief.


The deathchargers are from The Realm of Shadows / Shadow Realm / World of shadows and they are put there by Salana. This is not the shadowlands.

Witness is different than going there. Plus it tries to say the Realm of Shadow is the shadowlands which they aren’t. I have a feeling that they are trying to say other realms are the same as the Shadowlands.

The Realm of Shadows is The Shadowlands. Many names for the same place.

Bolvar even directly refers to it as the Realm of Shadows, and a few seconds later The Shadowlands.

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Then it’s just a retcon yet again and not actually following blizzards set rules on the Shadowlands. No way in but death, and no way out. I looked up this point since I knew you would bring it up and nowhere does it say the Realm of Shadows is the Shadowlands. They are different which can be entered by certain death knights and the Lich King as well as them being able to send people there.

In Blizzards own explanation of the Shadowlands it’s these new zones where souls are sent based on what they did in life. You can’t just pick something with shadow in the name and say it’s actually the Shadowlands.