2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

I do not care to get into nitty gritty of mechanics of 2H vs what we have now, but I miss the chunky heavy hitting 2H playstyle and the aesthetic of wielding a 2H.

I want to be the Arthus Lich King wielding Frostmourne. (not necessarily be the lich king or wield the actual Frostmourne, but that is what I think of when I think of a Frost DK).

When I cast howling blast, I want it to be one massive 2H outstretched. When I cast obliterate I want it to hit HARD in a big chunk, not whoosh whoosh. The feeling and aesthetic does not match what I think a Frost DK should be.

I think there is enough outcry from players for this and I will leave it for Blizzard to figure out the details of how to make it work. They are, after all, the developers of the game.


You would have most likely liked it back in Wrath because that is almost what the 2h playstyle people liked was pretty much based on. DW hit almost, if not just as hard as 2h though. So overall you were asking yourself, do I want to lose frost damage because im missing a runeforge and get less KM procs because I want to look a certain way, or do I play at max potential.

And them being the developers really needs to sink in. They are the developers, its their game, you just pay to play it even though I will agree that right now its pretty much a simple change and it could be back.

I dont know if min maxers would want to continuously swap weapons because that is how close the base damage of abilities are (at least obliterate) without razorice coming into play.

I actually ask myself: ā€œWhy canā€™t I be/look like the Arthas as the Lich King?ā€ :rofl:

Just a thought, how many other classes can choose different weapons from what their artifacts were in Legion?

I think all casters can choose whatever they want. Shamans can even choose shields, but enhance is in the same boat as us, and from what I can tell, some want a 2H option too.

WW, enhance and Frost all are stuck with DW, when they all previous had 2H options.

Maybe this makes DKā€™s too much of a special case, but with the all the newness we will see with DKā€™s in 8.3 (allied races), maybe it deserves a little extra attention.


Round and round we go


Any class that doesnā€™t use their weapon to do damage can choose because itā€™s just a stat stick. The only one that really has any choice is holy paladins.

Nothing really new coming for the dk. Shamans have also wanted 2h for far longer than Frost has. Even wanted tank stuff back. Have they done it? Nope.

And like I said, you had to choose if you wanted to play at your max potential, or be how you want to look. The mechanics were not in favor of 2h forā€¦ well, any of it.

Already addressed it. Not the one creating these loops.

I loved using 2H as Monk. To start, a Monk dual-wielding anything is completely contradictory to what being a monk even is. Though what really makes no sense to me is why a class that doesnā€™t even touch its weapon anymore is forced to use certain weapon wielding tactics. Specifically for WW. Jab was the only ability that used out weapon and that was removed forā€¦ some reason. Way of the Monk was also removed so the auto-attacking mechanic was homogenized. Yet when wielding a 2H, canā€™t use Fists of Fury. There is no reason for that.

I canā€™t speak for Shamans at all. I know one-handed maces are a critical theme for Shamans which may have prompted the removal of 2H concepts, but I still think they should be able to wield they want within the confines of what weapon types they can use.

1/3 of thread replies


I understand. The lore has been reworked and changed to fit the agenda. Just gotta role with it man.

and i knew you were there back at again, every time someone say a thing about the 2H, thats funny

why its matter to you if 2H go behind DW anyway? pretty sure i and many people would not care


Space time continuum. Its real. Each of us has a purpose to serve. Right here in these forums. Repeating endlessly.


No, you dont at all. But if that is your argument then the same thing could be said about people who want 2h. Times have changed and you just gotta roll with it.

What do you not understand about my post? Its pretty straight forward in what I was responding to.

You didnt really read my post did you?

Sigh Here we go yet againā€¦ :pensive: But back on topic, I agree those DW classes and specs who used to use 2h like Frost should have the option back. On an unrelated note though, I wish we could use Doomhammer together with a shield, instead of a mace made out of the elements. I think that would look far more awesome. Maybe they can even make the tmogs so that not only is it not restricted to the spec that got it in Legion, but also add the option to separate the offhand and main hand tmogs for Artifacts too.


So I have made post on this as my dk and now I am doing it on my Enh shaman. Yes there are those that want 2h back for shamans. There are monks that want 2h back for monks. And there are a lot of Dkā€™s that want 2h back for frost.

All of this being said Blizzard at the time of mop and wod had ww monks mostly balanced between 2h and dw. I saw many ww monks using both. They simed close in dps. I believe that if blizzard could bring that back and add it to all 3 specs 2h would be back and viable. This is from my aspect of what I saw on my server. And for the most part this is my thoughts. No it would not be perfect but they could start with this and move from there.

All in all I support those that want those options back. And I mean the real option of using 2h not a transmog for the look.


Hey Trumpknight /bow

So I have made a few post about shamans in the Shaman forums what could be good to help them. One of the things I want to see is to gain access to swords as a weapon type. I do not understand why we still do not have access to them. And if its the bladed weapon argument we can use axes which is a blade and a lot of the fist weapons are bladed as well. So that argument is out the window.