2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

Demons stole them from the Shadowlands…

They created them. And how do demons get to the shadowlands exactly?

At this point, it’s actually a little unclear who made the Lich King’s armor and Frostmourne. Previously established lore was that the Nathrezim created them, but now we’ve been told that these items were created at the Forge of Dominion in the Shadowlands, throwing who created them into some amount of question and we don’t know if things are being retconned or if the Nathrezim had access to the Shadowlands. The first raid of the expansion is currently planned to be Castle Nathria, which could imply some connection based on that name. Hard to say at this point.

There no source I’ve seen on the whole stealing idea, though. But I’ve seen people throw it out a bunch on MMO-Champ, too.

I only have a guess so far, but the Nethrazime look a lot like the Gargoyle looking things in the Shadowlands and we know that Sargaras once corrupted was changed in appearance. My guess is that the Nethrazime were once denizens of the Shadowlands that have become corrupted.

The Nathrezim are said to be crafters and even had to protect themselves when creating the blade so if it was used against them they would be sent back to the twisting nether and not trapped within the blade.

Sounds pretty retconned to me. Unless they explain how they are able to get in when up on stage Ion stated there was no way to get there but dying and no way to leave. He did say that there was something with someone escaping or entering without dying, it was pretty vague

They have their own world though, and being demons are tied to the twisting nether or the space between worlds where their souls return.

Even Sargaras a Titan was changed once corrupted. I think it is possible something more powerful than both allowed the Nathrezim in.

Does that corruption, which I would assume is fel, allow for transdimensional travel? If so why dont they all just go try and fight the Void Lords? Cut off the void at its source. Even as powerful they are, they cant directly interact with our realm and had to send out the Old Gods to do it.

It just sounds very cloudy and not thought out to be completely honest and even retconned.

Correction, demons forced someone from the Shadowlands to help them create the armor and sword in the Shadowlands. But still, they couldn’t have done it without the Shadowlands’s Forge of Domination either way.

I don’t think the Nathrezim are from the Shadowlands at all, but I think it’s still possible they found a way to get into the Shadowlands to force the owner of the Forge of Domination to create the Helm of Domination, Plate of the Damned, and Frostmourne.

Yeah, Arthas only used frost fever to make scourge strike hit harder, lol. Blood, though quite fun as DPS, and frost just kind of seemed like they were tacked on in the sense that DKs just seemed more UH than anything. They all used the abilities, but were more undead/unholy beings. Some of them excelled, or just chose to be different, but DKs are undead juggernauts. Its a bit like people wanting to move shaman into a single element per spec, and make ele a fire spec. Lightning is way too built into their lore for that to make sense. At that point, they are just fire mages.

They are only juggernauts in the sense that they are hard to stop. They removed a lot of stuff to make them this slow playing class. Icy Talons, constant changes to the rune system and the removal of a lot of rune generators like Blood Tap or some artifact talents, or Rime giving runic power, unholy presence.

The fantasy at the time was, death cannot be stopped, and its going to come at you and draw you in relentlessly. That was it. It was anti-mobility. Its not even close to being the hero class it once was.

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I can’t even play DK anymore. I just don’t enjoy it at all. I’m having a lot more fun as Warlock and Druid. Maybe I’ll go back for Pandaren DK but if there aren’t any major changes to the spec, I’m done.


Yeah, I was just speaking in general, about lore. I didn’t mean to speak of abilities or skills.

Oh I know. Though lore is just a mess right now.

Have abilities deal damage based on attack power instead of weapon damage to ensure there is little to no difference between the two. If weapon damage must remain a factor, have 1h weapon damage be half that of 2h weapon damage so that the combined 2 will be equal to that of 2h weapon dmg.

Have DW main and off-hand both be half the speed of 2h. For 2h, 3.6 seems to be the standard these days, so for DW both main and off would be 1.8 with no delay to off-hand, just alternating 1.8’s. White damage should be roughly the same. You could even change DW weapons to drop in pairs to ensure this remains true. If resources are generated by auto attacks, DW hits should generate half the resource of 2H to account for twice the hits.

Most procs seem to be PPM, so very little discrepancy between the two. Any procs from weapon attacks that are not PPM should either have a reduced chance to proc for DW or reduced effectiveness to off-set increased uptime. Alternatively, increase chance to proc or increase effectiveness for 2H.

Give DKs Might of the Frozen Wastes - Your base weapon speed is 50% slower (2.7 for DW / 5.4(!) for 2h) but your auto-attacks deal 75% increased damage.

Change Killing Machine to proc off Frost Fever ticks with diminishing returns beyond your primary target. 12%, 6%, 3%, 1%.

Make Obliterate damage scale with Haste.

Adjust Rune of the Fallen Crusader so that when applied to a 2h weapon it also increases your Haste by 10% at all times to offset the lack of Rune of Razorice.


Is an Elfen weapon. Not a rune blade. Elves did put runes on it but not like true rune blades.

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Its a runeblade, its even classified as one in lore.

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Runeblades are not used just by DKs, there are quite a few Runeblade outside of the scourge-based ones.

Demons, Elves, and Death Knights have all created Runeblades.
Notable ones include Apocalypse (demons) and Felo’Melorn (elves).

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The demons looked like they loved creating runeblades.