2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

/points at Hazzed
You da man
Big fan here!


Well there is no doubt a big group asking for this to come back. Damn look at the topics for the past weeks. Hopefully it happens! Bring 2h back somehow blizz!


uhhhh, the reason people used dual wield frost, was because they were simming higher dps not because they liked frost dw. it was also used as an off tank spec because it produced threat a lot better than 2h blood for add fights because of howling blast aoe damage. AWKWARD.

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i mean it was intended but unholy had the majority of the tank talents and blood had the stamina/healing talents. frost was more active abilities.

Kelliste and I don’t see eye to eye that often, but from most people here that is the general consensus. I’ve brought it up to fix the spec and introduce 2h and people want 2h now and spec fixed later. Most people ATM dont care about the performance, they just want 2h back and if blizz said ok right now we would effectively get a transmog that lowered oir damage because the scaling is on AP not WD. Sure oblit damage will go up a bit, but not near enough.

2h frost and fixing frost are 2 different conversation and we shouldnt mix it tbh. If 2h is introduced it needs seperate scaling from dw to make it good not just thrown in and then allowing us to oblit,fs, etc. With a 2h.

As i have said. Other 2 hand forums too. Class needs a rework 100% agree with you. I dont want a 2 hander for the way frost plays right now it would be complete $h!t. Could maybe use remorseless winter and spam frost scythe to be an aoe machine but really the spec needs to be reworked not more buffs and nerfs. Slapping a 2 handed mog on it is probably EXACTLY the fix we will get though. And i still wont roll it.

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1 more thing. I believe the reason KM proc worked on frost strike and obliterate both was because you prioritized one over the other depending on your playstyle. Intentionally giving you the tools needed for a dw or 2 hand playstyle. Before warlords frost still had death coil for rp dump. Im not sure what the criteria is anymore to be considered a “casual gamer”. I play when i can until i get burned out. So i gotta believe there are more people out there with responsibilities and schedules so you know absolute min maxing between dw and 2 hand never affected the way i played. I think we had a good thing at one time and killing off 1 sub spec for the ease of new players or because nobody wanted a 2 handed frost in heroic raid or mythic content to me doesnt make sense. So who was being catered to at that point? Why was the spec changed so drastically? So i think an argument could be made that the 2 sub specs were intended from the moment ToT and Mot frozen wastes were thrown into the same talent tree. Figuring out what worked best for you with gearing, gemming to contribute to your group felt more engaging. This all coming from a casual.

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I said in another thread we really just need oblit worked on. I would personally like to see seperate scaling with it on our mastery, so like .5% increase to oblit for every 1% to frost damage, or something like KM oblits do more damage per point of crit u have kind of like chaos bolt. We need more options for sure, but man i would like frost to be flushed out and be able to play a spec i like with a weapon i like.


who the f care about “fixing the spec first” after 3 crap expansion of ignoring feedback people still don’t learn how blizzard work? you can’t expect something to happen after something else happen

give 2h first or the same time they fix it doesn’t matter.

I rly prefer to have a crap spec but wit at least 2H than have a crap spec with 2 knife butters, it will be more enjoyable and it will feel better…


At this point i just want weapon restrictions lifted like they were in mop i could care less about balance, fun is what I’m after but then again i don’t really raid anymore.


Because the spec is the most important part. You would rather have a crap spec with a 2h than a crap spec with DW which means you are ok with a crap spec and just want a look.

Well I and actually almost everyone else, doesnt want a crap spec and now is the time to actually give feedback on it. No feedback mean no spec fixing with will result in the same outcome as BFA, 2h or DW, the spec is more important.

Personally, aside from BoS, I don’t really mind how the spec plays currently. It just doesn’t look good.

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But you cant play how it currently plays, at least not on the character you are posting on. From the words of the other players that keep bringing up that I dont play the Dk, you wouldnt know either. Unless you have another character that you do play at above 100 to have access to the last tier points, you dont know how it actually plays. But im not one to discredit someone because reading is a useful skill and you can read abilities for yourself and make a well informed idea of how something would play.

But ultimately, you just want the look, so transmog would be fine. The thing is, there are too many different types of people that want 2h back, each disagreeing with each other with how it should be implemented “transmog” “weapon option” “different playstyle” each one attacking anyone that looks to be against 2h when people actually arent. Its actually quite annoying to be honest since what I say is twisted by one person, then another person reads what that person says and assumes that is what my argument is and then I have to explain it over and over.

And for some reason, me and Monkiy get labeled as the same person because why exactly? Because we have the same idea of what should be done? By that logic then Dreadmoore, Trumpknight, Syegfryed, Vynlardil, Vyktur, and so many others are the same because they have the same talking points.

Its baseless and reporting people just because you “think” they are the same person should just warrent a perma ban.


I think I linked my current DK in one of these threads before, but it got buried pretty quick.

I played Frost for a bit in 8.1, and I actually like how it plays and looks (Gathering Storm is glorious) aside from the weapons. Since Legion launched I go back every so often, but just can’t stand DWing.

Honestly, while I’d still like Might of the Frozen Wastes back as I did prefer the 2h playstyle, a mog option would still be vastly preferable to how it currently is. Plus it has no negative effects on balance, and shouldn’t in theory be too difficult to implement.
(though I’ve got no idea the kind of spaghetti they’re dealing with)

Gonna have to eat crow on this, but I’m pretty sure I incorrectly assumed that you were against 2h Frost outright. Seemingly (to avoid another incorrect assumption) you just want the spec fixed/balanced first and foremost, and believe the non-mog ways of implementing 2h would make that far more difficult.

Mostly I believe it’s because the way you both post, and that since Monkiy posts on a classic toon it’s impossible for anyone to confirm otherwise. That and it’s not uncommon for people to do so on the forums.

I’ve never understood why people jump to that without actual evidence, honestly. Kinda makes you seem paranoid to do so.


It’s the separate playstyle that I don’t like. Look at everything that had a separate playstyle, they all were removed for whatever reason you want to insert, they were all removed.

It’s not like people even like the spec as it is now. Even the 2h playstyle is how DW played long ago.

In MoP was when they decided what km would focus on depending on weapon set…

I think if they are going to have crit be the basis on how KM procs then the active potion needs to be different, and since it really only works on obliterate I think it should have an armor pen component say KM makes obliterate have 100% armor pen when next used. Of course it could be any value but since it’s physical damage it just makes more sense. Then change Frostscythe to be a replacement for frost strike where it does less damage single target then frost strike and is a cleave option RP dump. Then just balance stuff accordingly. 2h could be brought back with just a new runeforge to be completely honest.

Less focus on BoS more on the core. A fun spec to play would do more good at this point and 2h can literally be a transmog option. Frost is never not going to have DW, the artifact pretty much set its fate.

Oh, and in terms of transmog they could do it tomorrow you would just have a fast attack speed. It’s going the other way as in 2h with DW transmog is where the issue comes in since you only attack with your main hand.

no its not

if i will get a crap spec with DW anyway, i would prefer to have a 2H instead, yes, use your brain to understand what i said

Now is the time to feedback b eignored, what you want in “fixing” the spec, mean nothing to the dev team anyway

there was feedback into spec fixing to bfa, are you blind? it was ignored, and we didn’t get 2H, so your rant about fixing instead of giving 2H is meaningless, cause they happen independent.

and the spec with 2H is more important than DW

give 2H to Frost, end, if they fix th spec, great, 2 birds in one hit, if not, well im happy with one bird


Did they get feedback or was it just a bunch of “I want 2h” posts that did nothing?

Fixing the spec isn’t important? The thing that you do the most when playing a class isn’t important… right.

Your posts have troll written all over them.

well, are you not the DK player? did you never participate on the beta/alpha foruns to give feedback, or you just spend your time trolling in the threads who ask for 2H

ah yes, i forgot, you are indeed a troll who don’t play dk at all.

yes, in this case i would care less, i main arms warrior, i am accustomed to play as a crap spec with no hopes of fixing, because i like the spec regardless, and i would still play my frost if i would like the class the way i like

Again, cause apparently you have some difficulty because you are focused on troll can call others trolls.

there is 4 scenarios

1 - The spec keep being crap and stay DW only
2 - They fix the spec and stay DW only
3 - The spec keep being crap and we get 2H back
4- They fix the spec and we get 2h back

and i rather get the 3 or 4 options, thank you.


Says the warrior, nice try.

Oh my goodness, you are still here arguing for DW…

We get it. Some people disagree with you. Its okay if people have differing opinions.

Agreed :slight_smile: