2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

Another flat, empty and annoying bully tactic.

Do you really not have anything to bring to the table?

so? what you e trying to say?

you are telling me that, if i mog a 2H weapon to a DW, and it doesn’t attack with the off-hand is not a glitch and cannot be fixed? are we in what? 2012?

And somehow if i mog 2 onehanded to a 2H it will work fine, alright

you can get those appearances even if you are not using the weapon, so, its not a valid reason, if ou get the mog, mog your 2H into the DW appearances and be happy.

I rly doubt that, rly doubt, and if it was so close, why remove then?

and why not use DW with onehanded? and instead he use 2 2H big a$$ swords? because 2 little butter knifes do not combine with a Death knight, thats why


You cant transmog a 2h to DW and it work properly, that is the entire point. It will only attack with the main hand because of the system. Its not a glitch at all. 2h only correlates to the main hand and the offhand will just have weapon in its hand and do nothing. They would have to write it into the code to fix it.

I already answered your Thassarian question and you just keep on with it because you just have a hard on with 2h weapons and there are plenty of specs that you can play that has that option.

And again, DW had more mechanics that pushed it ahead of 2h in Wrath.

And no, some of those skins for the artifact requires you to use that skin.

See, this is why I call you a troll because either you are new and just pulling stuff out of nowhere, or you are just trolling to get a rise out of people because of how much misinformation there actually is in your posts.

then, it can be fixed, and your point is moot

you rly didn’t, you said he had 2 2h because there was no one handed runeblades so he had to use those

yet, those were not runeblades and there was onehanded runeblades

and you keep bringing up nonsense because you have a hard on on DW even if apparently you do not play frost but newsflash, there is MORE SPECS WHO DW than 2H, so you can play that has that option

only believe with videos.

it don’t, you can get all the skins with the weapon in your bag

you are calling me a troll because you can’t respond in the same lv, its your way to get away by the tangent

you call me new but i have more than 1k posts on the forum than you and my DK who i dropped since Legion have more ilv than you.

So now, Im calling you a troll since you actually don’t play DK and your last achievement is an unfinished Antorus LOOK FOR RAID.

so you don’t play DK and seems to not want the ones who play get what they want, trying to make your feedback more valid than others when you do not even play the spec


Personally i dont think blizz got rid of it because they couldn’t balance it.

I think the only reason they got rid of it was because they couldnt have 3 artifact weps for 1 spec


This, exactly.

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and the sad part is how we lost the frostmourne appearance to 2 butter kinfes


I’m gonna be bitter about that forever, I think.

Especially with other classes getting their most important lore weapon while we got some imitation toothpicks.


All you guys ever do is not listen.


I shan’t forgive it, either. It looks amazing.


I knew somehow you would be here telling the community 2 hand has no place in the game. A glyph or a mog due to the available technology? No and no. I swear when somebody suggests this i have to wonder did you ever PLAY wow as a mighty 2 handed frost dk before? Appearing to have a hot body and actually having one are two completely different things. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though. But appearing to have a gun and actually having a gun when youre lets say robbing a bank definitely makes a difference. Based on the technology we have i would say that after the next level and stat squish 2 hand and dual wield should be available to all dk specs again with a very small % difference in dps vs thousands like it was before. I think the new level cap can fix a lot of scaling issues for the class. I tried running old content with a 2 handed weapon just using howling blast and frost scythe and auto attacks early legion. No fun. Not the same. Need obliterate. Big deadly 2 handed obliterate. Level 60 cap…levels actually rewarding you again? Is it possible to have custom builds again you think? Real useful talents and spells returning? Wait a second…there may just be a way to make dw and 2 hand work together again? Since legion i know frost dk representation has been in the toilet. And thats a fact.


Imposter. Go back to dark iron server. Hiimtim.

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I did play it in Cata while I was hunting down the elusive 1h str weapons that were rare because at that time only I spec used them. If you looked back then people were complaining about the low drop rate of the 1h axe in firelands.

And no, I am not anti-2h but you 2h clowns label whoever doesn’t have the same thought as you do when it comes to 2h, anti-2h. It’s not like I have suggested other ways to bring back the weapon as an option by trying to make the differences between the 2 weapon sets as small as possible. But transmog is your best bet at this point. They aren’t going to make another playstyle for 2h when a lot of people just want the look. You guys have been complaining for almost 4 years now and just saying “I want 2h” isn’t working.

Obliterate isn’t going to be deadly just because you have a 2h either unless they go back to using weapon damage. Or they buff obliterate but then it’s buffed for DW and you won’t feel special and complain that 2 1h weapons are hitting as hard as a 2h and it just shouldn’t be that way. There really is no pleasing you guys, so at this point why should Blizzard even try?

But you are anti 2 hand lol


Yeah post #290 you claim mastery did “almost nothing for frost” in the other dk forum " its time blizzard bring back 2 hand frost" sorry for the confusion


Duly noted.


Not even just firelands. Running za zg for 1 handers sucked. I dual wielded in cata a little and mop and 1 handed drops have always been an issue. But we had more tools to use back then as well. Usually just got all my decent 1 handed weapons from honor vendors and hoped for the best in a heroic dungeon or raid. Frustrating times. Or use the same 2 hander across all specs.


To be fair with this. They can make scaling for 2h seperate. So 2h could use 200% ap vs 61/61ap or whatever the ap scaling is for dw atm. Could do the same for FS.

Depends what u mean by playstyle. If wanting 2h around to see big oblits and frost strikes and very little cleave vs dw doing massive cleave and consistant hits with oblit and fs, then thats understandable. But the spec will be similiar to how it is now. Ive already agreed with you about the spec needing fixed (as should everyone), but u have also agreed with me when i asked if u were fine with 2h being implemented right now.

After having that reply i can say you arent specifically anti 2h, but u do argue against it often enough to fool people. Most folks wont go back n read your posts on your account nor will they read all of the posts in a large thread so your origional point can be lost very quickly when the conversation devolves and all they see is “why put it in, it will just do less damage anyways”, “it was always worse so 2h mog is all u should expect.” Etc.


Thats my impression as well. Kelliste is not against 2h as a whole, but provides reasons and arguments for why “it isnt that simple” which is fair. A lot of the anti 2h people could learn a lot from reading his/her posts. Fingers crossed for it coming back in some way

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While not openly declaring “i am anti 2 hand” there is plenty of conversation above along the lines of “theres no point” “it cant work” “the way YOU people act no wonder blizzard doesnt listen” “people just want the visual is all” …the last phrase being very dangerous to the wrong eyes and ears. Real 2 handed players want 2 handed playstyle back. The ones just asking for just a 2 hand mog have no idea what is at stake here. Which would put them right in the middle of not giving a f@ck which way the spec goes. And i can respect that because hey weve all paid our $15 for the month!