2 Handed Frost Death Knight. Bring it back

This is the mindset that I don’t get, seriously - There are currently a large number of specs which vastly under performing as compared to other specs. They are still in the game. Prior to Legion, DW usually only out performed 2H by a few percentages, a much smaller gap than some other specs in the game now are under performing compared to current other specs… I would never argue that those under performing specs should be removed merely because they are not the optimal spec for the role they are trying to fulfill. Game “balance” is an ever changing thing and is highly dependent on a given situation. The game will never be perfectly “balanced.” Just becasue DW Frost out perfoemed 2H Frost in most sigtuations at the end of an expansion a few years ago in no way justifies the logic that it should be trashed or is game-breaking in any way.

Also, I am not asking Bliz to re-institute 2H Frost for “ethical” reasons. I am telling them to re-institute it for good business sense reasons.

But, it doesn’t matter - You have you opinion, and I have mine. We can respectfully agree to disagree.


Because they are fully realised specs with unique themes, not tacked on sub-specs, and they don’t each come with the huge design caveat that intertwined sub-specs do. I would argue that Blizzard should be able to balance these individual specs better, but even as they aren’t able to fully do that as you argue you still want them to add back in something that is inherently worse and bring another spec into that problematic range. This is where I say a single playstyle needs to be consolidated on, not across an entire class, but within a spec with split design.

It was always more than a few percentages. There would have been no reason to remove 2H Frost if this were true. It’s not. Stop perpetuating this misinformation.

We know this. Which is why we don’t want a needlessly complicated and flawed system on top of all that. We aren’t arguing for “perfect,” we’re arguing against a bad idea that makes everything worse.

Again, you’re laboring under misinformation. Dual-wield outperformed 2H Frost at every turn except for Highmaul. And even then, dual-wield was still scaling better and caught up to 2H in BRF without even receiving buffs in 6.1. The very design of 2H Frost was flawed, and the sub-spec concept was flawed too. That’s the logic that justifies it being removed, that it was more trouble than it was worth to continue to develop and balance. If it doesn’t work, it isn’t kept around just because.

When an idea doesn’t work for six years, it’s really good business sense to drop said idea and stop wasting resources on it.

Respectfully disagree, it was always close. I played this game since release to Legion, including the release of WOTLK. BFA was the only expansion I pretty much avoided after the first few weeks - I lost interest in Ret Paladins and Arms Warriors pretty quickly.

Again, respectfully disagree. Not everyone plays to raid and bases their decisions over simcraft logs.

Have you seen the trajectory of this game lately? It was most successful when there were less restrictions on how people could play their class. Ever since the end of WOTLK, Bliz has consistently tried to increasingly tell people how to play by blatantly restricting variations in play styles… and the popularity of the game has consistently decreased. Bliz has explicitly admitted to this in the most recent Blizcon.

I still don’t understand how me using a 2H weapon bothers you DWing. Ill play in my little corner of the game, you can try to top the DPS boards. Were both happy.


that guy with 2 2H?

one in a million

definitely not

or, they could just remove dw now and let it be 2h from now on,like it is supposed to be.


Yes, Thassarian. How many rune weapons do you know of that is blue prior to ICC? And he still DW. Marwyn was one of the first right along side of Arthas.

But since these people don’t support your 2h only bs you ignore them while cherry picking what you want.

Its not supposed to be 2h, that is just your opinion. Go play ret, stay on your warrior or go unholy. DW isn’t going anywhere.

DW 2h are compltly different than dw one handed weapons.

one in a million, he was exception among the infinity of other who 2h

but i never said they are “2honly” just the normal

it was yes, cause it was all thing were, dw was just an option

I want dw go the same way you want 2h to stay away, who prob have to do with 2h being waaay better and cooler


I never said I wanted 2h to go away lol. See again it’s you just cherry picking and thinking every dk has to be 2h like they cant use other weapons. Out of the first 3 death knights from Arthas, each had a different weapon set. DW, 2h, sword and board and others have been DW along the way as well.

And no using 2 2h models because there wasn’t anything else in terms of rune weapons in ICC other than a tank weapon doesn’t mean it should go away.

Half of the things you are even responding with had absolutely nothing to do with what I was even talking about.

you seem very eager to 2h stay out, for the brief time i checked this section

most of people who want 2H back want an option to pick both , you in other hand seem to think they can’t use other weapons except dw on frost and would be enough just a transmog option

don’t know what you are talking about, you showed a DK with one hand rune weapons, and thassarian weapons were not runeblades, at least you can’t see runes on it.

you said 2h should come as transmog, i said they should just remove DW and let DW be a transmog option.


You not knowing the limitations of transmog shows that you don’t have enough knowledge on that subject. They cannot do 2h to DW transmog due to auto attack and even possibly strike animations. You would only be using your main hand weapon.

Transmog is the best possible way for 2h to come back or go all the way back to wrath design and create a 2h runeforge that combines fallen crusader and razorice.

I thought that Thassarian had different swords than he did. Still doesn’t change that he DW. Also just because something doesn’t have runes on it doesn’t mean it’s not a rune weapon. Felo’melorn is a rune weapon with no runes.

im pretty sure is the other way around, and ofhands would not attack with the 2H mog, could be wrong but this is beyond “knowledge on that subject.”

or, they could just remove DW entirely

or move dw to unholy

DW 2H, showing you need that big a$$ swords for the big hits

DKs have undead anormal strength, it would make sense use 2h, two little knifes? nah

to have runes is like the pre-requisite to be a runeblade/weapon

Felomelorn as far i remember do have some runes, but they are elf symbols on the edges/hilt


Go try it if you have a dk. Equip a 2h and transmog it to the blades of the fallen prince. You only attack with your main hand.

The artifact is already in place, the specs aren’t changing because you want it to.

Wrath already proves that 2 1h weapons can hit just as hard as a 2h weapon. Plus strikes don’t scale off of weapon damage anymore and instead off of attack power. Unless there is a hidden component that isn’t in the tooltip.

Also, death knights make anything into a runeblade technically. That’s what the runeforge does in terms of lore.

So? is just a glitch who could be fixed, if you mog 2 swords into a 2h the off hand would not attack, meaning you would lose dps

Legion is gone, you can do the entire content of it without a artifact, is old crap

not as hard, it was faster, why you think people liked the big crits? and by other responses, they had to buff strong DW to be nearly close to 2h.

yes, then why Thassarian didn’t use 2 one hand weapons but used 2 2h? thats contradict


Your just trolling now. It’s too obvious at this point or you just shouldn’t be giving feedback. when you said you lose dps going from DW and transmogging a 2h weapon that you lose dps, it was clear you are just trolling.

nice way to just bail out

“you are just trolling now” is the default card in this forums apparently.

my feedback is bring back 2H as an option or remove DW completely, thank you very much


Alright, I’ll bite.

It’s not a glitch it’s a limitation of the system. When you transmog to DW over a 2h it doesn’t know when to auto attack with the offhand so you just do the main hand attack. The other way as in 2h over DW the animation uses the main hand swing timer and the offhand damage still goes off. You don’t lose anything.

Legion is not gone, it’s still in the game and the artifacts are there as well to gain and chase skins for. It’s a valid reason why DW frost isn’t going anywhere.

In wrath DW obliterates were doing 25k crits while blood 2h with death strike was doing 26k. There were people critting in frost DW for 28k but the average was 25k in ICC without the buff active.

Your last response has absolutely nothing to do with what I said about rune weapons. The developers probably just liked the model and decided to use it.

Yes, Thassarian, the only named Death Knight with a constant erstwhile ghoul skeleton companion is Frost. :roll_eyes:

You keep bringing Marwyn up, but Marwyn’s husband used a shield. Death Knights don’t use shields at all.


Blizzard is bad at consistency, I can’t do anything about it.

Honestly, I do not understand why anyone should listen to feedback from someone who uses a character lower than the ilv of world quests available to hide behind. If you want people to honestly listen to you, id start with a character that can front some reasoning behind your thoughts. Non of your progress shows you should type about this subject.


The “Vocal Minority” like you are part of the reason the game is going downhill so fast, the fact that you’re barely at an ilvl that you could complete WQ’s solo, yet you’re commenting on a topic that would have a possible impact on endgame content. You don’t belong here, and your ignorant comments based on your mentality of “I know better than you yet I can’t play the class”, isn’t welcome here either. Sit back down.


Is that really your argument? It’s pretty empty if it is.