2-3 hours until we see potential patch notes

Yeah, they wouldn’t just not even announce tuning for another 7-14 days, ri-right? :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

maybe it’s hard for me to sympathize because i’ve never played evoker but it’s so bizarre to me

1 min cd bleed/curse dispel seems like an interesting version of sanc (obviously worse)

is without a doubt one of the best cooldowns in the game both with and without coordination

which is fair but feels way different once you’re involved in coordinated play and things like static field or deathgrip start to break that up for you

ranged kick, klepto, and smoke bomb are INCREDIBLE tools that fill the holes missing from the list you’ve presented atleast imo?

i can’t really imagine what evoker would need to bridge the gap a lot of evoker players feel like exists
a more consistent shorter cd stun cr like fel eruption?
a reverse magic or grounding totem?

Hate to break it to you but the only people playing are multi glads and rank ones on alt. At the end of the season it will still only be tank1/glads on their 4-5th alt at 1800.

Pretty much, yes. The suggestions in my earlier post were removing the CD on our sleep and giving us default Swoop Up (offensive version of rescue), and lowering the CD on our racials (I’d like Landslide too, but that’s more into bonus territory).

That’s not even the case now.

What are you breaking to me? Lol

It’s still statistically the best time for trying to push. It’s not like if I come back and games are still awful that I’ll leap off a building, I’ll just say ‘oh dang, this still sucks, looks like I’m not queuing anymore.’ Lol

If they do have PvP balance changes, I hope they hotfix them into the game.

It’s weird waiting until next Tuesday.

"Hey, these balance changes need to be made for a more balanced PvP experience. Please just wait another 4 days.

You’ve already waited a couple of weeks. Maybe a month. What’s another 4 days…"

Outside of emergency stuff like Ret they generally don’t.

I don’t know how their internal structure works but for all we know they might have not tested or even made the changes when they put tuning out.

Just setting up camp so I can have a laugh at the inevitable boomie PVE buffs.

i hope if blizz nerfs spriest (and they should) it’s not overkill.

tired of going back to a spot where im reliant on an op spec

Kinda is. I face the same 2-3 teams at low mmr and they’re almost always multiglad like I faced Mvq at 1700 the other night.

I think we’re back to only actual patch updates being a source of “significant”(more than a bug fix) Pvp Tuning.

Zero hope.

Depends on perspective. I can confirm that I face a lot of high XP players in a lot of my games.

Then we can get into ‘high XP in an inflated season doesn’t mean anything, or Glad players on alts are just people on alts, etc. etc. etc.’ But it has to mean something to have XP, otherwise I’d have Magnus and Nahj begging me to heal them. Lol

But my issue isn’t even high XP opponents, I just think the gameplay sucks.

what sucks is blizz will likely hotfix the most egregious op specs like spriest, boomy, aug, hpal, etc and they’ll fail to look at and touch unholy, ww, subtlety, and prob warr

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I hope they buff Arms warrior bleeds to Affliction warlock levels of damage.

Basically a melee dot spec now.


I wish the 10.0.7 PT forums were archived somewhere. I tried so hard to not have Ret go live like that

They need to hold off and see how the augmentation fix to only allow 4 buffs impacts arena first.


Can’t tell if sarcastic

Im just saying, this season is dead and only the same 2 teams are queuing in any bracket. And usually they’re top players. I don’t think late season inflation will change that this season.

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think about itttttt

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