2-3 hours until we see potential patch notes

no way they let us rot another week right



end the eclipse bring back the sun


Oh…my sweet summer child…


Season is dead for me if there are no notes for pvp today.


if they nerf the duration of my clone because of your spec, I dont know if I can ever forgive you my druid brother

You guys out there destroying worlds with clones and moons


If we’ve learned anything from Diablo 4… Perhaps no patch notes are the best patch notes, eh?

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if they nerf clone it will be because of the people that thought poly and fear were 10 and 8 until 2 weeks ago man. i won’t sign for that

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every boomy player shaking rn hoping to make it through the week again without being touched


I still can’t believe ppl thought that lol

at this point im expecting boomy buffs and devoker nerfs


that would more closely mirror the trend of the actual patch notes, for some reason

if they correct moons not resetting in shuffle, it will literally be a buff

Hey blizz


Spriest haste theft
Surv hunters insane damage and BM ai bs damage
Balance druids in general
Sub rouges need a 50% damage nerf
Mages need a blink prune
Warlocks need a damage nerf by 50%
Warriors need their nerfs reverted
Dks need a nerf


Blizzard has seen and promises to deliver


Unless something is affecting M+/raiding, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. lol

These boomkins lately are just an even higher tuned carbon copy of Destro locks. Every time I see a boomkin accidentally oneshot someone on a stream they always feel the need to qualify it on their stream like “oh lol haha that guy could have used his 2 minute trinket and kicked that” knowing full well if the guy did that he’d just get cyclone and full moon would get cast anyway.

Every boomkin has Mud’s mentality right now.


atp the people who say you can clone in an astral lockout are doing it on purpose

Ya because that lockout totally lasts until the interrupt comes back up.

Stop. You’re boomkining on the forums again.

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we’re rotting for sure

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I just either want my healing unborked to some extent, or for a larger suite of utility like other DPS have. Devastation has never been peak complexity, but previously there was a push and pull between dealing damage and healing and overall you were a throughput machine and your goal each match was to push that as far as possible and putting every point where it needed to go. Now it’s pretty much all damage all the time because you oom after like two rounds of the generic CD>LF>CD>LF combo, and if you do OOM you don’t just lose your ability to heal but also your ability to use that combo offensively or use VE for the dash.

The spec has been memed on as one-dimensional since its release, but with the mana changes it really does feel pretty damned one-dimensional now. The original iteration of our healing was busted, when Ancient Flame procced off of Living Flame and we could chain-(self)cast the hasted heal, but after they moved that effect to our healing CDs exclusively the healing was in a good spot in the context of a spec where that capacity for healing was a large part of the spec’s identity and kit. Without it the spec is just barren, and throwing everything into offense because there isn’t much choice feels horrible. If this is how our healing just is now they straight up need to drop the CD on Sleep Walk (with no cast time increase), give us Swoop Up baseline, and then slash the CD on Landslide and our racials.

I feel like Dev’s healing was wildly overpowered for a hybrid in a vacuum, but the spec needed it. It feels very similar to the sentiment I’ve seen expressed by Balance druids where Cyclone is very strong, but if you gut it the spec just loses so much because for better or worse it’s that core to its identity now.

Can I borrow some of those cope fumes? You get the good stuff man