2-3 hours until we see potential patch notes

its doomed we are stuck with boomy and aug like this forever

The last game I played was a few days ago, was 2 people with 2600 XP playing feral/augmentation. It was 5am, I’m tired anyway, and they just come out of the gate spamming tons of CC, the feral’s damage is getting augmentation buffed–I trinket after sitting initial CC because the pace of the game is going at light-speed only to instantly be CC’d again while I watch the feral finish off my DPS–all the while the brief instances I could even play my character were spent with a 30% healing debuff. Lol

I’m closer to 40 than I am 30, I’m not trying to be the best player on the planet, I just want to queue up and have fun and this ‘everyone has 500 forms of CC’ stuff is so awful feeling. It wasn’t as bad in SL when there were more people playing so the enemy team were also bad boomers screwing up their ability usage, but now it’s like I’m fighting heavyweight championship matches at 1800-2k MMR. Lol

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it’s over, doors played disc once and immediately jumped straight into the void



there’s no way man

Disc is actually the only fun I’ve had this season. I really like how the spec plays–it feels cool to just keep atonement on people, buff their damage, and spend 2/3 of my spell casting playing like I’m a DPS wizard. lol

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Just remember kids, disc made doors join the secretive forum cabal :shushing_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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biggest lie holinka told us was to expect exciting changes or whatever when he quit a few months ago

I don’t think he was lying. I think he just wasn’t talking about WoW.

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Get down to the pvp notes before you freak out about some of the pve changes.



This talent should just be removed from the game. You’ve been completely taken out of the game by clones. After you’re finally free, your output is still nerfed.

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Can’t wait to see venrukis face when he sees those mage buffs.


called it.


I mean you were really only right on half of what you called. Though I will admit its kinda wild that sub got left alone.

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monday night nerfs will probably be enhancement ascendance and unholy damage
(if they care about us they’ll nerf ret too)

thoughts and prayers


Caster meta has left the chat.

Also if you trinket it your output is nerfed. It runs utterly counter to what should be the interaction between a CC and its target. At the absolute minimum trinketing it should prevent the debuff from being applied.

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If only. If only.

rev up ye ol’ death knight, time to q unholy play again only to give up and play enh sp with 10x more success (how tf did this happen btw)!!!

then we can q some m+, bomber has a new route for mechagon!

the moonkin nerfs are so incredibly light i’m positive moonkin will likely be a tier above every other spec in the game

dots do entirely too much damage and fury of elune was probably better at effectively closing out games vs teams that aren’t hands off the wheel

spriest didn’t lose any damage, demo and destro are still the second and third best specs in the game

fire got pretty insane buffs

ele got a pretty insane buff

the best comps in the game will still probably be

moonkin/x/x and demo/spriest
any of those 3 (destro) / ww will probably be ultra too