Hey people !
I would like to kindly request, @Blizzard, that you allow shamans to use 1H sword transmogs, as I would love to embrace the fantasy of being an elemental warrior.
Hey people !
I would like to kindly request, @Blizzard, that you allow shamans to use 1H sword transmogs, as I would love to embrace the fantasy of being an elemental warrior.
I am ok with current options
or warglaives.(or 2h…) I don’t necessarily like the idea that they design these for a single class, especially when they show npcs that aren’t that class using similar weapons.
I would be fine with shamans using swords, however I think allowing daggers to be mogged on other one handed weapons would be a better fit. Keep daggers restricted to only daggers however for rogue stabby reasons.
Missed the chance back in wrath when rogues gained ability to use axes.
I wouldnt mind shamans being able to use 1h swords, think it kinda fits an ‘elementalist’ fantasy as much as axes do. However I agree with another poster that allowing daggers to be mogged over other weapons would be a really good change instead.
Also giving us a toggle option to let fist weapons show when sheathed would be great.
Doesn’t make sense we can’t transmog swords and daggers.
Should ask Thrall what he feels about anything that isn’t an axe.
Dude’s iconic weapon is a hammer.
No these should stay dh only imo.
Why tho? Non-DH characters use them.
IMO I think every class should have a weapon only they can use.
Dk Runed Blades.
Monk the fan weapons.
DH Warglaives
Hunters have bows no one but hunters can use them, they used to be used by warriors and rogues way back.
And I am curious what Non-Dh use Warglaives??? And I am not talking about Warglaive of Azzinoth. Those even though is said in the name Warglaive they are classed as swords. And only dh can transmog them when you get them from the time walking raid.
But I am curious as to what other characters use warglaives.
Pretty much every elven guard npc uses warglaives. They aren’t a DH thing, Illidan was just famous for using them.
Trolls use them as well. Vol’jin did and Rokhan’s weapon could very easily be a warglaive.
Those are just Glaives
A Glaive is a polearm.
Nekana is one of very few named warglaives. This was Vol’jin’s weapon.
ok I stand corrected but Vol’jin is a hero character so he is using weapons others can not.
its like how thrall used a stone fist in his dual with Garrosh Hellscreem but shamans can not use that or how Thrall was able to make earthen bridges and we can not.
What class was Vol’jin? Blizzard is lose with its main story npcs allowing them to use whatever they wanted hell in the end of BFA there was a cutscene where Lady Liadrin was dw 1h swords. This was after the fight between Saurfang and Salvanis at the gates of org. The scene goes to inside org and you will see Lady Liadrin with 2 1h swords instead of a sword and shield.
But this dosn’t mean that paladins can dw. And Lady Liadrin is the hordes Paladin leader so to speak. like how thrall used to be our shaman class leader.
A warglaive is the typical weapon of Shadow Hunters, Sentinels, and Spellbreakers. Those are a lot of non-hero characters.
Ok but again we do not have those classes. Even Though I would love to see a fusion class that is Shadow Hunter, Sentinels and another class.
I guess we can agree to disagree because I think Dh should be the only class to use Warglaives. Maybe if we had Shadow hunters or sentinels they could open up Warglaive to them. just like I think only elves should be able to be DH. Just how I see things you may disagree but everyone has their own opinion.
I don’t know about the warglaives; they really seem like a choice made only for DHs, and it makes some sense because of Illidan…
But if you think about it, DW Paladin should be something possible, as well as DW Unholy DK, or Warriors being able to use bows for abilities like Shattering Throw or some other relevant skill. It was interesting how things worked before.
It doesn’t make sense for an Arms Warrior not to know how to use a bow.
Just like it doesn’t make sense for a Hunter not to know how to use a dagger in close range or a small axe.
And I’ll go further: Shamans are essentially spiritual cultists. The idea of locking them to axes and fist weapons is way too weird. Honestly, fist weapons require as much finesse as using swords.
More actually, at least in the real world.
General rule in combat is it takes three times the skill to overcome the advantage of range/reach.