1H swords for enhances

I hope Blizz see this one day

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back when shaman came out in 2004 or whatever and it was just tauren, trolls and orcs speaking with the spirits out in the wilderness of kalimdor, i would have said they might feel inappropriate

but we’ve since gotten shamans that use oil rigs and enslave elementals, shamans from outer space that fly in ships and build mechs out of crystal, shamans that maintain great mechanical forges underground, and pirate shamans helming the ships of a naval military.

so yeah these days i dont think asking for swords is that much of a stretch.


This is what I thought: nowadays, there is so much variation that it would even make more sense to use other types of weapons.


Even just enabling us to use Dagger mogs, not even asking for the weapons to be useful for us, would go a long way. I’ve got several “dagger” mogs that frankly look like better swords than a lot of the “sword” models.


I’m on the same boat, I would like to see Swords become available to shamans and allow daggers to be transmogged with other one-handers so that enhancement shamans can use them.


There’s old art of a troll shaman using a machete, it never would’ve been that out of pocket. They used to get daggers too.


Lots and Lots of elf NPCs that aren’t DHs use them.


yeah, like BE sentinels

Considering he was using Doom Hammer until legion. And he gave it to us. Personally I prefer axes or swords over maces.