Hello guys !
Hey @Blizzard, recently a friend and I spent some game time playing some PvP on different characters…
…AAAAND we were talking while we were in the queue…
The complaint was the same, as always:
- Hunter sets are horrible;
- There are certain attack animations, even today, that don’t make sense;
- Why not just make an elf race, based on Blood Elf, that doesn’t have that weird waist posture;
- Where’s the rest of the allied races’ customizations?;
So…We debated a lot about the lack of “customizations” in the game.
But don’t get me wrong, @Blizzard, the trading post is a great addition, we see the sets and improvements you make, but it’s still… very limited, from a certain point of view.
This Isn’t about general customizations…
At the point we’re at, we should have at least Ogres, Mok’Nathal, Vrykul, Gnolls (which are more recent), and the most debatable ones - Centaurs and Nagas - as playable races.
We spent hours talking about these subjects, such as animations, races, items, and it doesn’t make sense. There are things we understand about the direction of the game, but there are other decisions (or the lack of them) that are hard to understand, even to this day.
Every reason we had about why Blizzard didn’t make a certain race playable fell apart when a quick, easy, and plausible justification came up in the conversation.
Nagas could have the same disguise spell as the Dracthyr… Centaurs could simply have Pegasus wings as a way to fly, being a race that doesn’t need to actually mount mounts – “Oh, but players who are mount collectors will complain” – just play with another race. Done, that’s Simple. “But i want to play with a CENTAUR using my pink blue red dragon” - you can’t. That’s it. OR > disguise form. Done.
We don’t need to complicate things…
There are so many easy and short answers to “problems” that could exist, it borders on absurdity how there are so many races in this game but we simply can’t use them.
And here comes another problem :
Okay, you don’t want to add new races? Not even harder-to-create races? Then why the lack of focus on the current races? We need to remember the amount of hairstyles the Zandalari trolls have, skin colors, tattoo types, the lack of beards for Blood Elves (come on, we have a goatee beard on B.E but no full beards? seriously ?? )… You added 2 hairstyles and 3 collors for the DarkSpear female troll and think that’s enough?
I understand the focus on thematic sets - on bringing items to the trading post, but honestly? There’s still a lot of customization missing… It’s a big company, it doesn’t make sense the lack of significant customizations that are missing in all the current races…
About me and my friend…this will be something that repeats itself forever – we pay 1-2 months of subscription, we play some PvP, grab a set from some class that’s interesting, stop playing for months… Why?
The game needs more exciting content.
From giving us the ability to play with more races to adding interesting types of activities in the game.
It’s already clear that we (me and my friend) don’t like to farm (whether it’s gold or professions) – we simply enjoy jumping into PvP and PLAYING, playing, having fun, without the pressure of having to do ‘repetitive quests’ that looks like a second day-job.
It should be like this for all game content. If you were to create a new race, my favorite – Centaur – you know what I would do? Try to collect all the Xmog items I can for him. From old dungeons/raids to world bosses, whether they’re old or new, or PvP…I would do all activities that involve direct content, where I can just hit things and have fun doing it
And what about when i got all xmogs that i want ? There should just be activities where I can use this race as much as possible, like… You’re adding player housing, there could be guild housing with wars between guilds. There could be more world bosses, more delves (also, about delves, I think they are fantastic, it’s a recent addition that makes sense).
We wanted more races, more customizations within the race, not just sets, we wanted to see Blizzard make some radical changes to the game…
Every time we’re in queue and walk around, for example, in the Centaur clans’ villages in Ohn’ahran Plains, we’re left wondering what the heck happened with Blizzard to make so many customizations for them and…just stopped there. They even fixed the story about them not having issues with the Tauren anymore.
C’mon you just bring Highmountain taurens out of nowhere…OUT OF NOWHERE…
When we see a Gnoll, a Naga, any “cool” race, we end up debating until we conclude that Blizzard has a very strange sense of direction for the game.
This strange direction, where, for example, we had places like Crossroads, Thousand Needles, Howling Fjord, Tirisfal Glades, big locations, you know? Wide, beautiful areas… and then suddenly they destroy Crossroads and make maps with tight, tiny corridors, ISLANDS, like…what ? Or they show us beautiful races and leave them forgotten in time… it’s WAY too weird.
And there are other issues still going on today, look at this:
A request from shamans that they ignore:
An update they did after everyone bought the sword on the Trading Post:
I gave these two examples above – one is about shamans wanting to use one-handed swords, not just axes/hammers.
The other is about a gigantic sword, which would theoretically be a Vrykul treasure, that they simply reduced to half its size, turning it into a very ridiculous item. Everyone bought the sword because it was massive, and then… they changed it AFTER the addition.
Anyway, you know what will happen now?
My friend and I will grab our set, play some delves or whatever else, and then move on to other games… because our interest fades when we start thinking about what Blizzard doesn’t do, and we’re left with a feeling of abandonment from them.
“Oh, but they created the trading post” – it’s not enough , I can’t quite express this feeling… but we still feel like they could deliver double, triple, or even more content.
So @blizzard…that’s it.
I’m leaving here , again, our opinion, hope someone at Blizz reads it…