197 iLevel Cap Casual PVP

You can expand that mindset to the whole game.

:sunglasses: he had a great name

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Yes he did. I wish he still played. Back then we had the arena forums guild called Shut Up PVE Guy. It was the most fun time in this game I ever had

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I found a pvp video i’d made from cata with typical cata awful music from back then, its the cringiest thing but so many good memories rewatching it now

I’d link it but i was a clicker in cata. Its too shameful :joy:

That is definitely part of it.

This link has some decent info on item levels.

It seems in the older days it was a 13 item level gap from honor to conquest.

Right now it’s 29 max, but I would argue most people aren’t in full 226 either so it’s probably closer to 20.

The guild was so active with pvp players we actually had 3v3 scrims and practices just for fun.

Had an rbg team and everything. Favorite time of my WoW career.

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Why yes, those people that pay for boosts have placed a good amount of time and effort to empty their wallets and pay their way to full 226.

Yeah, because people buying gladiator carries are really common. A dime a dozen, for sure. :roll_eyes:

The consistent advertisements that I find in LFGs for arena/RBGS suggests that is the case, yes.

They might be buying gear but masses aren’t paying for carries for full 226.

Based on your comment, you and rated players only do rated because it gives you gear, not because you find it fun. Just because you do a content you don’t enjoy to get gear, does not mean other people have to do the same.

If all you need to do random bgs during the season was 197 item lvl, once you get all 197 pieces you can pvp for fun. I don’t get any gear benefit from random BGs but I do them for fun, because I like pvp.

Rated players that claim worked hard for their gear should have no problem killing an unranked player in an equal playing field, no?

Make 200 the max item lvl for random battlegrounds with the current pvp gearing system or bring back the real WoD system.

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This is indeed the system that would be the most fair for the most people, without interfering with other gear. Those with better gear would still be fully geared. Even players whose self-esteem depends on using their gear to slaughter helpless opponents will still have newer and ungeared players to flex against.

Everyone wins.


Gladiator isn’t 226.

And the state of the ladder is abysmal even for a late season. BFA S4 had more activity and it was toted as the worst season ever. Really crazy how it’s even worse.


I don’t find PvP in WoW enjoyable when gear is equalized. Simple as that. Part of the reason that I find rated less enjoyable is because you face similarly geared players (carries not withstanding) for the most part. Rock-paper-scissors gets boring after a while as does trading CD’s and lining up CC’s. Sometimes I just want to step into a random BG and one shot a rogue. You know?

Nah this is Snozy…I’ve been having fun with them in another thread…they really do believe in that whole git gud mantra.

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So what you’re saying is, your Honor currency should be replaced with Chicken Feathers?

you can still one-shot leveling people, skirmishes arena people, lows being carried in rateds…

just give at least one safe ground to start pvp and upgrading pvp gear as new player, alt or casual, the way it is now it’s insufferable and as alliance it’s even worst we sometimes got carried but some 40k hp horde in mercenary mode but most the time we have to deal with our lowies and horde lowies in our side.

Or how about no to both.

The problem is that if they did this then all the “casuals” would have to find new excuses and defense mechanism for why they’re getting dunked (they’d probably show up demanding a bunch of nerfs they don’t understand), because the good players who already dunk them would still be dunking them, just slightly less fast.

Sometimes its better for bad players to just have a release valve of something they can blame other than themselves, so they can happily live in their delusional world where they’re super skilled, but some “unfair” externality always robs them of recognition. lol


Being able to roll in with a gear advantage from PVE is a big help for casual PvP players who stink at PvP. It’s nice to go into an unrated BG and actually be able to stay alive for a few globals against people who are actually good at PvP.