This Week in WoW (TWiW) delivers the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week!
Please make the toggle switch from static flying to skyriding instant cast while mounted.
You might want to take out the bolded part, since it doesn’t exist yet. You’re just confusing people.
Expand the potential of all your World of Warcraft® characters with account-wide progression across your® account, regardless of faction—including shared The War Within™ renown, a Warband bank
Never before have I agreed with something harder.
I’ve tried to be patient and understanding about the problems with the pre-expansion, but instead of an update on solving the issues you appear to be posting false advertisements to lure folks into buying content that doesn’t exist. At least it isn’t working. I have to say I’m disappointed.
Two bugs I’ve encountered:
- Ponzo is not selling his goods for Barter Boulders to my alts (not a bug! thanks Donoma
- My Black Proto-drake has disappeared from my mount list
We’re seeing more promotional material that advertises a broken, disabled, and not currently available feature on the blog, in a forum post, and via email than actual and updated information on when this issue (and many others) will be fixed.
And it’s Friday. If this doesn’t get fixed today, I doubt much will happen on the weekend.
LOL! These guys just keep posting the same drivel while ignoring a mass of peoples reported issues, from broken quests, to broken achievs, to broken currencies, broken warband features, and even the fact that many of us can not remove any gold from our guild bank. The game is literally unplayable to so many of us, but yet, its all good… Heres a free day.! ROFL - pathetic disgusting company.
Currently have an open ticket, asked for a refund (denied ofc), and yet they wont even respond to the fact that its now Day 4, i havent been able to play the game at all.
Garbage company for nearly 20 years now.
Zing! Lol
What is going on with the War Bank ?? Update please. It has been disabled since Tuesday
Also: why did you replace my Archivists Elegant Bag with a trash can?

just keep posting the same drivel

that many of us can not remove any gold from our guild bank.
Pretty sure that’s the third or 4th time I’ve seen this exact comment of yours on different posts.
Bug Report it and move on.

Garbage company for nearly 20 years now.
So it’s been garbage for 20 years? Yet you are still here? After 20 years?
Yup and Yup. Come again.
I haven’t seen the reports of not being able to remove gold from Guild banks, so excuse me if this doesn’t apply. I had that issue, but I found out the problem went away with a lower withdrawal request. When I tried taking out 2 million, it failed. But, 1 million and lesser amounts worked fine.
I know it’s just your marketing team getting ahead of your engineering team because of your corporate mangers but including the warband bank in the press release as a live feature when it is very much not a live feature is false advertising.
Edit: that was weird autocorrect
then you clearly havent read bug reports, including mine, alongside many others. Try again. Just cause it hasnt hit you , doesnt mean its not there.

If the rumors are true, probably August 20th…
Absolutely tone deaf.
So you’re going to act snippy towards someone who said the following:

excuse me if this doesn’t apply
Dude literally said he wasn’t sure if his issue was the same, was up front about that and basically said, “sorry if this isn’t the same thing,” yet you still chose to act nasty.
Maybe calm down?