TWiW: The War Within Pre-Expansion is Now Live, Season of Discovery Phase 4, and More!

Looked at some of those reports on the Guild bank gold issue. Seems at least some of them do report the issue has to do with the amount. Did some quick tests and now it appears, for me and my two accounts at least, that the symptoms have changed a little. It appears that if I deposit a large amount (2-3 million) I can withdrawal that amount. But trying to take it out without having just deposited it limits the amount I can take out, though that amount seems to be higher today. I was able to take out 2.5 million but couldn’t take out 3 million. My point - You might try playing around with how much you try to take out, if you need the gold now. Not really a fix, but a temp work-around anyway. Hope that helps until Bliz gets things right.

Live but the main features are a broken mess.


Can’t really say that The War Within pre-patch is live when 75% of the features are broken & disabled.


Ponzo only sells things for Barter Boulders after that character has completed the “Bartering Boulders” quest, which is available from Newsy next to the mailbox outside of the main building in Loamm.


Aha! Thank you for this. Glad this isn’t a bug.

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Can we get a release schedule for delve’s similar to m+?

The War Within Pre-Expansion is Now Live

Can you really call it “live” when one of the major features was dead on arrival?

It’s a stretch, truly.


Please remove the feature and put it back the way it was on Monday.

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TWW = The wait for warbank


Tell the kobalds to stop blocking access to my warband bank blizz. Still waiting on that…

Anytime now.

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I blame the Goblin Union.

TWiW? Thought it was TWW?

Make the flying toggle 10 second cast with a 60 min cool down just to trigger all the whiners even more


TWiW = This Week in WoW


oh that’s bad, you’re an agitator aren’t you? we’re friends now.
but let’s bump it up to 24hr cd hahahaha!!
:fire: :fire_engine:

And if not broken, just poorly received. That article links to their original article detailing the new flying mechanics with the toggle between styles, and of course the replies are saying “Hey this looks bad. We don’t want it like this.” Yet here we are. I guess the period of blizzard listening to feedback and not stubbornly clinging to what they think is best is over.


I honestly forgot “TWiW” meant This Week in WoW.

I thought this was some weird new horrible TWW abbreviation.

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Cool, ETA on warbanks?


wait wait wait.
why is it " TWiW " ?
the i is strange.

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'Tis ok. Last Week it got me.

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