1800 RBG Grand Marshall Tmog unlock still not account wide

Because you’re 1800 on the class you achieve it on, not 1800 on the classes you don’t.

You just made a post about lack of Battleground content, and now instead of giving yourself something more to do, you want it given to you instead?


1800 elite set are not account wide, getting 1800 on a paladin does not give you 1800 on a warrior, so i don’t see the logic in making rbg transmogs not the same as elite transmogs

Rbg weapons are account wide, if you get 1800 on a paladin you can buy the claymore and use it on a warrior because it is a weapon. Same can be said for current crimson 2400 elite weapons. WoD weapons were different than MoP CMs because weapons can be used by multiple classes, class specific armour cannot

Furthermore, giving everyone who has 1800 in rbgs full transmogs for every set would just remove whatever incentive transmog collectors had left to play their alts through rbgs (i only have paladins, if i reroll to another class i have to do rbgs on them to get mogs). I am 100% never queueing an rbg as a rogue/mage/priest if i can just piggyback off my 15 paladins

Those are seasonal rewards. Not Transmog from the 18 years ago. Elite sets are only available for one season. They aren’t even RBG transmogs because if you have the marshal (maybe it’s grand marshal?) title from vanilla you can also access it on the toon that has it.

Oh, I didn’t realize so many transmog collectors are spamming RBGs for vanilla transmog. I knew this argument would come up but it’s not a good one. If people want it to stay as an achievement based thing per class for RBGs then fine. But don’t make the argument that people queue now for RBGs to get this transmog because very few do.

Most people don’t queue on other classes for the transmog anyway.

I get you thought you had a gotcha moment there, but go read what I linked. The thread is specifically about BG maps.

Honestly a better idea would be to make new versions of the Grand Marshall gear, updated versions and put it at the 1800 achievement for RBGs. I bet that would get more people to do RBGs for those looks. Just silly to me the old vanilla gear is gated behind rating.

Good thing it’s an insanely easily attainable rating and not locked behind actual grand marshal

Insanely easy huh? The numbers says otherwise lol.

It is, rbgs throw mmr at you if you win two games in a row

Anyone can brute force their way to 1800 with enough games played

I really do not believe making rbg transmogs a “one and done” is the way to go

Solo q rbgs might help now that everyone is boycotting LFG. Better tank balance would help or outright making changes so that groups don’t need tanks at all on some maps. Reducing group size from 10 to 6 and map size to make it significantly faster to put groups together would help. Adding new rewards instead of trivializing what rbgs have left. Seasonal hero titles instead of once and done to get the top end more active, maybe some pennant/back thing for 2100 or a faction themed flag of ownership toy at 2400, an “elite” version of the vicious wolf/steed which were the first vicious mounts introduced. Rbgs would be a great place to introduce “elite” remakes of pvp sets that never had elite versions like the tbc and wotlk sets

A lot of things could help rbgs, but i 100% do not support account wide unlock to all rbg sets on all classes for just getting 1800 once

They aren’t even RBG transmogs lol. It’s just vanilla gear gated behind rating. A lazy reward honestly.

What is enough games played? You realize the numbers don’t back up your statement right? How many is enough games?

Again they aren’t even RBG sets, they shouldn’t even be gated behind rating in the first place. Like I stated above, why not make new versions of Grand Marshal gear? Like even just update them like they did with a lot of the t3 sets from TBC?

Good idea. No argument against this.

Most people don’t even know these sets are locked behind 1800 or they even exist I bet. This isn’t some thing that keeps people doing RBGs at all.

These are all great, but people need to start being honest adding more and more rewards gated behind 1800+ doesn’t help that much. They need to start adding more rewards to get people to just do RBGs and add the things you mentioned above along with them. I feel like people just don’t know what % of the player base actually sits belong 1800.

Pink haired battlemaster <3

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pink hair best hair <3 now just need the pink recolour plate set to show up on trading post and i am beautiful

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You’re already beautiful T_T

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Oh, pink and blue. :dracthyr_love_animated: Pretty. I forgot that they were adding new hair colors.


What color will you choose? It matters.

Dunno, I’ll have to look at them.

RBGs seem more active right now than they’ve been in a few seasons. Wasn’t Hero last season like 2200 or something?

(There’s over 300 people who’ve broken 2400 for the season already, seems like pretty good participation)

I don’t, either. I’ve unlocked the sets for a few of my toons, it’s a cool feeling to ride out to Area 52 and collect your prize.

I do understand the woes of farming 1800 in RBGs, though. I honestly like RBGs more than any other content but barely play them because I don’t have the patience to link XP all night while people who can barely break 50% WL at 1800 MMR let you sit apped in LFG hoping some X class reroller will come along, and then want you to hop into Discord and listen to people argue 30% of the time. Lol

RBG participation is good right now, but I definitely think it’s a form of content that would be hyper popular if Blizzard added a tankless, 6v6 solo/duo queue option with 3 or 4 new, smaller maps. That’s how you coerce participation.


Did you read my post with your eyes closed?

You complained about no content, AKA nothing new to do, yet you don’t have 1800 on the class you want an 1800 transmog on. That’s something that you haven’t done yet, AKA new to you.

So go do it instead of begging for it to be given to you. There’s content for you to do, you just want to pick and choose what you call ‘new content

Lazy casual.


Sure, but 3v3 was also down 600 points for R1 in that season as well. S4 was kind of a dead season for everything. Well I guess other than 3v3 but we didn’t have RSS competing with it then. Comparing activity to S4 for anything is going to show a big difference. Since BFA the cutoff for RBGs has been around 2400ish.

I don’t want 1800 transmog lol. I am talking about the vanilla PvP stuff which btw this toon has that I am posting on. I am not talking about the seasonal PvP elite sets. I have gotten elite sets in the past too.

I mean again the thread I linked there was about lack of BGs and I didn’t complain about lack of content, I literally just said they address lack of content which was the title of the thread I linked lol. Which again has to do with the lack of BGs. Not picking or choosing anything lol.

I mean I get liking to go to Area 52 and grab a reward feeling cool. My thing is why is it gear that is 18 years old? Why not update it and make it current? Some of those sets still look good, well maybe look more “iconic” I guess but some are just blah. The Alliance Rogue set and Druid set are basically the same and boring.

Also yes, no matter what anyone else says in here getting to 1800 especially trying to do it on every class just to get a 18 year old transmog is a task. Not to mentioned at 1800 right now you are also probably still queuing into hero players at times. The top of the ladder in RBGs has been the same players FOREVER. Even if RBG participation is up it’s still extremally low. S4 even had the mad rush for the conquest grind at the start too and still the cutoff was only 2.2k or so.

My argument isn’t for removing rewards, it’s for removing 18 year old transmog sets as a reward. Could easily be replaced with like I said, a update version of each set which would probably do more to drag people into RBGs than the current old sets which I am still willing to bet most people don’t even know how to obtain or that they even exist. They are actually in two spots still two and you you can still buy and use the old versions you just can’t transmog them, and I am willing to bet most people just think they can’t be transmoged.

If only the GPS in your phone worked for conversations.

Where did I say ‘Elite’?


Go achieve what you don’t have on other classes that you’re begging to be given for free with this thread.