$180 12 month sub promotion

I don’t mind bundles or cash shop cosmetics. I am however worried about the implications of this deal. Releasing this a month before a new expansion that is very clearly unfinished and unrefined is worrisome to say the least.

This is akin to all the people paying cash for homes without an inspection in recent years. I hope it doesn’t have damage to the foundation.

Trying to get a years worth of money up front before anyone gets to actually see the final product is huge red flag territory for me.

That said, the mount is cool and tons of people stay subbed regardless of the state of the game, so no judgment from me. Bonus if they just used in game gold to buy tokens and paid for it that way.

You can actually play Dragon Flight for almost a month and half before having to decide if you want the 12 month sub package or not…DF goes live Nov 28th…you have till Jan 15th 2023 to buy the sub package…

About a month, which will have plenty of content as it is a new expansion with higher level cap. That’s hardly enough time to gauge if they will pull a WoD and quit trying at all for the rest of the year.

But again, I’m not judging anyone who buys this, just pointing out that it is an indication in my mind they have less faith in their product than usual. It’s just an opinion like most of the posts on this forum. Disregard it if it bothers you.

Yes mine was less because I had the 6 month package stuff already

Incorrect, $12.99x12=$155.88, $12.99 being the discount 6 month has had since the very beginning and 12 month has now, previous mount ownership makes no difference whatsoever to the amount.

If u only play wow and dont feel that the riot mmo will be good, this maybe isfor u, if u dont know if u will play wow from a year from now… well dont buy it

That’s what I was starting to wonder on their post earlier

The new 12 month discount is added on the tail end of the already running 6 month sub also at a discounted rate.

Everytime you buy a special sub block with a mount incentive it is added on to the end of your existing sub packet. Discount or not. However many are in the middle of the 6 mount packet that had the worm.

Ok? That has anything whatsoever to do with what I said how?

The price for the 12 month sub is $155.88 before taxes regardless of whatever mounts someone has, the poster I was replying to said if someone had a prior mount it changed the price of the 12 month cost, which it does not.

It’s just a commitment to game time. I’m unsure as to how this is a controversy. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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its the same reason for the subscription model that many companies are moving to in the first place.
one time purchases are unpredictable at best. OF COURSE they want you locked in and paid up for the longest period possible. Dont matter if the product is good or sucks, they want your money.
Same reason my golf club offers a yearly membership. Its saves me a few bucks and they got my $$$. Its not like they get the $$$ and just stop taking care of the lawn lmao.



transmogs them to hidden socks


Depending where you live the sub prices have went up multiple times. In Canada, if you do the conversion, we actually pay more per month than the Americans do. $77.94 converted is $106.01 Canadian. My 6 month sub is $115.99. It was cheaper before they forced me to pay Canadian funds a couple years ago instead of converting Canadian to American. So for some of us, subs have increased.

Subscription Length Cost/Price (US) $ Per Month
1-month $14.99/month $14.99
3-months $41.97 $13.99
6-months $77.94 $12.99
Subscription Length Cost/Price (CAD) $ Per Month
1-month $21.99/month $21.99
3-months $61.49 $20.50
6-months $115.99 $19.33

Mine was $165 for 12 months subscription with tax .

not worth buying
they allow guilds to be stolen

The riot MMO is too hyped to be good, I expect it to crash and burn or be “good” but not a “Everyone is playing this!” type game. It will be meh at best after a month and people will forget about it.

Context: This guy abandoned his guild for at least 90 days, failed to demote everybody to at least Rank 4, which would have prevented anybody from being able to dethrone him. When he eventually returned, he discovered that someone had taken over the guild in his absence.


It’s like $164 I bought it today.

Depending on where you live, there can be taxes applied by law. That does not change the core price - which is the same - but it certainly does add up.

Wish I could put some screenshots in here for you. Straight from my bnet transaction page:
Sept 2018 6-month sub $77.94
Feb 2020 6 month sub and squeakers and trickster $97.99
Nov 2020 6 month sub $97.99
When I renew this time it’s going to be $115.99

Going from $78 4 years ago to $116 now, is not tax, it’s an increase in the core price, so it’s not the same.