$180 12 month sub promotion

I sincerely hope this is just a very clever way of trolling people.

I know Americans are notoriously bad at math, but people aren’t this stupid are they?

I mean you guys feed and bathed and clothe yourselves. You can’t be the stupid

Hope you feel better ASAP! Sleep well and hopefully you got some medicine?

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LOL /10 char

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You’re so late to the conversation I can’t even hand you a detention slip!

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Get well soon :frowning:


I got this bundle right away. It’s a no-brainer, even though I already had the previous 6 month mount.


Yep, same for me.

I’m saving money, plus getting four free Retail mounts that are unavailable through game-play, making them at least a hundred-dollar value.

When considering that the Feldrake has sold for thousands of dollars online, this deal can arguably be said to be a value worth over $3000 for under $160.

The decision to throw my money at this deal took all of about two-seconds.

I can’t believe can totally believe some people think this isn’t a good thing and/or are on the fence about it. :man_facepalming:

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Apparently no one pays attention to the ad that clearly states $155 even after you posted still scrolling and seeing “$180”

Geez people

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If you were to edit your first post (you do know you can do that, right?) to add an addendum that states:

“I realize now that I made a mistake, and that the 12 month subscription price is $155.88, regardless of whether or not you already have the mount.”

…then perhaps…just perhaps…you wouldn’t have to be replying to all these posts calling you out on the error. Very few are going to claw their way through several hundred posts to find the one where you’ve already admitted the mistake.

Then again, it’s more likely that you are enjoying the (undeserving) role of ‘persecution victim’.

Remember that’s same person who has a post not wanting a credit/debit to pay for it

Value is subjective, friend dwarf.

I suspect you would probably keep riding Hogrus anyway. :wink:

The only value to me, is the savings on the monthly sub fee. I would never use any of the mounts in this package.

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Hogrus is my favorite and likely always will be. Him is da goodest piggeh. :relieved:

There are a small handful of other mounts in my random summon group, but not many.


*gives friend rogue a tin of dagger polish and some cushiony noise-reducing socks…

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Exactly. Plus, I didn’t really have much choice since the Gargantuan Murloc is a fishing themed mount and is absolute badassery incarnate. I would have paid $155 just for the murloc, but I got TWO awesome new mounts AND another year of game time AND the Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year Mount.

Hogrus himself is a Lunar New Year mount!

The excitement is real, and it’s already paid for.

A lot of people seem to play the game differently and for different reasons than we do.

If I cancel my subscription, something is wrong. There is a major problem; a glitch in the Matrix, as it were. Part of standard homeostasis for me is being subscribed to WoW.

In my case, I also buy every premium mount, no matter what.

For me, this is the King of All Deals.

But for someone who likes to subscribe for a month or two, then quit again because they finished raiding… well, I guess it isn’t a great deal. But I can’t imagine being those people. What a drag.


Yes! I had forgotten that. :slight_smile:

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Yes, its a no-brainer for short sighted Pavlovian conditioned mazed rats that see something shiny and can’t help but paypig it out

Putting aside that none of your weakass opinions mean anything to me, your statement also rings hollow on every other level as well.

You can wait just as long as you want to wait, and I’d still want that mount enough to spend $155 on it.

There’s no point in resisting anything that you truly desire, because in the end, you will either lose the battle against yourself by having what you want or you will “win” the battle by denying yourself something you wanted.

I team up with my Id. If I want it, I fight to get it. I never oppose my own wants and desires. Pleasure denial is some puritanical nonsense.

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Nah, I’m enjoying making snide comments at the knee-jerk reactionaries.

Does he or she expect to shove cash through his or her disk drive?

I’ll be subbed anyways and saves like 24$

Charges $155.88. So it does take into account previously owned mounts.