17 minute queue times

Ahh I see you are one of those people. Good luck with your games I suppose.

Thank you very much. Have fun yelling and screaming about the boogeyman “sync queue premades” in all the randoms you lose!

You don’t seem like a very mature and nice person. No wonder you play alliance.

Pretty weird attempt at an insult, especially when I just told you I don’t care what you think. Maybe next time you want to complain about sync queue premades when they likely have a regular premade maybe you’ll stop and think “hmm…maybe I was wrong”

Jk you’re probably incapable of thinking like this

No attempt was needed. What kind of person you are is very obvious.

One who doesn’t make things up and try to educate the world? agreed, i am one of those

You, however, are not

Whatever you need to tell yourself i suppose.

It is him.

Ugh. is it a different account?

No, look at the alt list on check pvp. His last forum poster, Freydis, is there.

Oh did he just hide theadreu from that list? probably sad nobody likes talking to him, swaps to new alts all the time lmao

I actually didn’t even see it right away because he wasn’t using his trademark “bud” in every sentence.

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Ya…ally q’s are insane right now 16-20 min q’s they were never this bad during Dragonflight not even during Prime time. Guess my Team and I are goin to help out the horde team for a bit :dracthyr_shrug: :face_vomiting:

What are you guys going on about? Who is theadreu?

The priest you deleted/renamed/transferred.

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I have an undead priest but that’s not it’s name and never has been.


Right. Explains this, of course…


I have a shaman with the same name? Is that supposed to be surprising or something? Do you see someone named Theaedreu on there?

LOL god I’m embarrassed I didn’t catch it :frowning: I even looked on check pvp when every dumb thing he said smelled of theadreau

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