17 minute queue times

I dabbled in dragonflight a little at release

Fair, I can’t remember at release who had the majority population at launch. probably still horde and then it slowly went over to alliance. Just merc if you want though for fast queue times

Edit: see… this is why I should read whole threads first. But that’s just so taxing. Others have stated what I’m about to. Still gonna keep my wording here though.

Howdy OP,
Just about to read the thread (lots to read, haven’t yet).
But unless someone else has mentioned it - the queue times are a symptom of the current state of unrated pvp: Allies have huge queues because there’s no reason to play horde, really.
And thus, horde has pretty quick queue times but all they do is lose for the most part.

But why?
Answer’s simple - there’s no real reason to play Horde as a true min-maxxer. And most players cut & reroll ally after a few month’s (or years, tbh at this point) of losses.
So the problem was a tiny little snowball once upon a time. But it’s reached avalanche levels at this stage.

You want fast queue times? Roll Horde. My queues have been less than 5 minutes at their WORST since I came back for pre-expac. We get in fast, lose like champions, and repeat.

Until Blizzard addresses & gives people tasty reasons to join the losing side, it ain’t gonna get any better than those options, I’m afraid.

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No I defiantly mean all randoms and you can tell the population of randoms has dropped a lot sense Dragonflight and sync groups became the norm. Blizzard is an old game with little to no care for pvp players. Sync groups driving players away won’t help that. Randoms is where people start. It should be fun and fair for everyone.

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Ill give horde a try then. Thank you!

I’m doing anywhere from 6-12min ques.

Its fast to gear but the gear gap is EXTREME. Surely people are giving up after 10 or so games.

I’m basically sitting SS ques waiting for bgs

Since dragonflight? What? Random BGs are popping right now, everyone is playing BGs. I’ve seen more R1/Glad players in the last couple days than the entirety of dragonflight. All the arena/shuffle players are doing BGs right now because they need gear and BGs are the only place to do it. What are you on about lol

No they haven’t

Sync groups don’t happen in random BGs. They’re rampant in epics, but you rarely see them in reg bgs. They exist, but they’re far and few between. You either aren’t playing the game right now and are just making things up or you ARE playing the game right now and making excuses on why you lost.

… you’re a strange one. Not even going to waste my time arguing with you. Facts are in your face if you chose to ignore them that’s on you.

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I had to go check if you were theadreu, you sound just like him.

What facts are you talking about? You haven’t listed a single fact, you’ve just listed unrelated things that have nothing to do with sync queue groups.

Provide any proof that “sync queue groups are running rampant”

?? what a weird thing to say.

I need to provide proof of something that is openly done?

Just go play randoms. Plus, they openly advertise their groups and don’t even try to hide it so idk why you deny it?

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It’s not openly done, not in regular random bgs. So yes, provide proof of this

I play a -lot- more randoms than you do, I promise. I know a lot of premade groups that run and none of them sync queue. I knew one that did back in shadowlands, they stopped. Out of a dozen communities, lots of discords and tons of premade groups I know of zero sync queue groups

For epics yes, there are multiple communities devoted to this for epics. I know of none for randoms

But clearly, it’s still done. Ran into a full tichon sync group and they were so bad they lost because all they did was zerg around and didn’t play the objective.

Shouldn’t be for anything. Game should be fair and fun for everyone don’t you agree?

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I ran into one as well last expac. Once, all expac. You running into 1 group doesn’t mean it’s “running rampant”. I said 1 in 1000 and your “proof” was that you ran into one group once

Yes? I’m not saying it’s a good thing, that I do it or I agree with it. I’m saying you’re making up things that are untrue: random BGs do not have a sync queue problem

Didn’t say that was the only one just a super obvious one. They aren’t always from the same server. The fact is it shouldn’t be happening at all. Doesn’t matter if you personally run into it. Do you run with a group or solo?

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Which is the issue. Most PvP player went back to alliance as they have the most broken racials, especially lately after the nerf to Orc.

So deal with the queue times or transfer to Horde. It is the same with Shuffle. If you don’t like the queue times, play healer!

How do you know they’re sync queueing?

And I don’t think you personally run into it


They way they play. I have been playing for a very long time and I know the difference between pugs and groups.

Sorry don’t really matter what you personally think. I do and it shouldn’t be a problem at all in epics or non-epics.

You’re just making it up and it’s obvious. Your “proof” is your “feeling” that they have a sync queue group. Actual meaning? You want an easy excuse why you lost to a better and more coordinated team lmao

Kinda true, but I don’t really care what you think. Just clearing it up for the rest of the people reading this that you have no idea what you’re talking about