17 minute queue times


I have always loved battleground content since original vanilla. I just came back from a year off and noticed my bg queue times are quite high. I am alliance US.

Should I try and queue as horde if I want quick queue times?



Not sure what times you play at but 17 minutes seems high. I play alliance US and get on average about 8 with the high end being over 12+

If you’re sick of long queue times though then yeah you can merc. Not sure if there is a merc guy in the new capital, I haven’t checked, but I do know he’s still hanging out in valdraken

I’ve had 14 minutes times yesterday!

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I dont remember bg queues ever being longer than 2 minutes. This sours my experience a bit. Is PVP just kind of dead or have people moved on to other PVP activities like arena?

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Sync groups have destroyed randoms. You will hear lots of excuses and gaslighting but it’s on them.


Horde queues are almost instant for reg bgs. The faction imbalance seems to have grown. We can’t merc atm right? Perhaps that has put it on full display.

whats a sync group? is that like a premade?

It’s multiple premades dodging queues till they all get in together. Gives them a huge advantage.


thats pretty lame. outside of queueing with 5 people, you shouldnt be able to do that


I agree. But it’s been happening a lot and it’s killing randoms. Hopefully blizzard fixes it.


Lots of people are still leveling mains and alts. Queue times will probably be bad for another week or so.


thanks guys

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You can but there doesn’t seem to be a merc npc in Dornogal yet so you have to go back to Valdrakken to get the buff, which may be discouraging people from doing so.

gotta wait for the peasantry to catch up to the upper class and finish leveling/gearing.

I always found it hillarious how the “upper class” always likes to trash on the “peasantry” failing to realize their entire world would collapse around them without the presence of the “peasantry”.

Always has through out every civilization ever (which they are all built on the same premise of needing a underclass to do everything for the people who are unwilling to do it themselves). Once that class ceases to exist (which it usually does cause people never…ever have enough to satiate themselves). The entire structure collapses in record time.

So i think they should probably dial it back a little bit. I even heard 80’s were forming groups to go grief people on the actual release date who were leveling… like really bruh?

I don’t know what it is you smoke when you make forum posts, but I hope you brought enough for the rest of the class?


I don’t know what psychedelics your on or what you are seeing but i am just stating fact.

And that the whole 80’s griefing 70’s was cringe and still is cringe.

Did you play dragonflight or did you skip it? Shadowlands was very horde heavy for population, so alliance got extremely fast queues. Since dragonflight, a lot of horde swapped alliance so now horde get the fast queues

I can guarantee that sync groups are definitely not destroying randoms. I have to assume you meant epics, but you will see a sync group in random bgs once every 1000 games

try horde

instant q times

but u also get stomped 90% of time

fun fun

by the way ur not missing much

the game quality is very terrible if i have to be honest with you

the gear gaps are already absolutely insane

one team will be 4m hp players… where the other team has 7.5mHP players…

the gear makes you hit so so so so so much harder… its just completely screwed. i really hope they do something about it or jeesh random bg gonna be in the gutter the entire xpac

thank god bg blitz scales gear to a minimum level… not sure why they cant do that in random bg? i guess they just dont care about the quality of random bg?