Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

These devs are so petty and out of touch with these nerfs to classes and lack of buffs to others that it boggles my mind.

Where is the dungeon tuning and nerfs? Oh right, the lowest dungeon rate participation in many seasons due to the trash rotation and balance, but let’s not touch that, let’s just hand out nerfs.

All because of the 0.1% of players in MDI.

You have to be kidding about buffing hunters blizz…

They hit like a TRUCK in PVP currently. Especially MM. They are already over tuned. Please reconsider this.

A concerned clothy and healer

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Maybe you dont know the difference between arms and fury warriors.

Aug gives the same amount of primary stat, vers, crit, and flat damage replication to all specs.

If fire scales from stats literally double as good as any other spec, wouldn’t that mean fire is broken with or without an Aug?

Mythic+ (again at high levels WAY past all the rewards except the 0.1% title which is in many ways a PvP title since you are directly competing with other players for it) primarily just really favors very specific damage profiles and fire mage lines up very well.

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Who would’ve ever guessed Aug Evokers would Eventually Break the game!?!

All seriousness it feels as if these nerfs are based around Blizz Automatically assuming there is going to be an Aug Evoker in each group which isn’t fair to the groups who don’t have one.


We’ve added the following adjustments, which will also go live with scheduled weekly maintenance:

Player versus Player


  • Arms
    • Deep Wounds damage is no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 28% reduced).
    • Mortal Strike damage increased by 35% in PvP combat (was 10%).
    • Bladestorm damage increased by 70% in PvP combat (was 40%).
    • Fatal Mark may stack up to a maximum of 5 times in PvP combat (was 8 times).
    • Execute damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Protection
    • Execute damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.

ok that’s nice and all, but where are the ww nerfs?

are you guys not gonna address the fact ww has 0 weaknesses atm and is the indisputable best melee atm?

“Based on player feedback” btw.


If the performance of Fire Mages is still far above every other spec WITHOUT aug & PI buffs, then I can understand the need for Fire Mage nerfs. If, however, they are middling or even towards the top without those buffs, then clearly the problem is not Fire Mage damage.

Does anyone have numbers that show Fire Mages are OP without aug/PI?

Hi there!

Like these changes, though I’m not an Arms warrior main myself.

Is there any way the team can reconsider the Elemental Shaman Adjustments? The dev note explaining that they’d like to move some damage away from flame shock and towards “instant spells” is a fantastic philosophy, however, the proposed changes have sufficiently taken power away power from flame shock but have not sufficiently brought power to finishing potential .

The talent volcanic surge is not a practical one for Arenas because of the multitude of interrupts and crowd control at the disposal of the enemy team. Therefore, the buffs to volcanic surge are being disregarded.

That leaves 12% increase to Lava Burst damage as the only “real” buff to compensate for the massive loss in spread pressure with the massive nerfs to Skybreaker’s Demise and Fire Elemental.

I’ve tried some builds to prepare for Tuesday and proceeded to lose hundreds of CR in the span of a few days. I quickly recuperated most of the losses in a few solo shuffle lobbies going mostly 6-0 with the default build and playstyle ( the one revolves around spreading flame shocks and resetting fire elemental to turbo charge the tick rate of those flame shocks: )

I don’t think 12% Lava Burst is going to drastically improve these alternative builds and with these changes ele will not only lack finishing power, but they’ll now lack sustained damage.

How to fix it?

  • Un-nerf earth shock: in s1, earth shock was nerfed due to the synergy with the tier set bonus. This interaction is no longer present, so removing the 9% PvP nerf to earth shock would make sense here.
  • magma chamber: magma chamber was nerfed for similar reasons. It’s currently nerfed by 50% and I think with these changes forcing us away from skybreakers fiery demise (and thus, making fire eles uptime much lower) unnerfing magma chamber wouldn’t be out of line with compensating the loss in sustain

Holy cow… 30% buff on bladestorm and 15% on Execute?

You really hate healers this season, right?

I don’t think those numbers are well thought, please reconsider it. When there’s even a few Dampening stacks, healers can’t keep up with Execute, and if there is a WW monk, bladestorm plus their AOE will mean instant game finishers… You need to buff warriors on their sustained single target damage, not this burst nonsense.

Stop buffing burst. This season is already full of it.

Suggestion: Make it so it is not possible to do 60% or more of the total HP of a player in 2 seconds or less. Diminishing damage returns based on burst times.

Noooo leave us alone :frowning:


buff goldrin make wolf boi do sumthing again 20k hits is nothing

Sadly they stopped doing it once it became a meme, even though it’s still the lowest damage tank by a big margin.

I guess they decided they’d rather the game be unbalanced than be ridiculed for their repeated inability to fix the problem.

can we talk about fire mages doing x2 every ones dmg ignite hitting 70k
pyro spam hitting 100k each
had a game vs a fire mage he did 26mil dmg i did 11mil and my ww did 9mil
and we ran at him all game and yet he still did unhealable damage
cant kill them simply because alter time lasts way to long and we have no purge so he is simply immortal while his healer is in cc

No one will believe this story because there are no Fire Mages left in PvP anymore.


Let me spell it out for simply and plainly because you somehow missed it the last 1,565,308 times we told you this over the years:


If you’re nerfing Aug for extending games too long then why would you BUFF a tank spec in Arena?


I think what they’ve done with tanks is reasonable; include them, but nerf their numbers to the point where they aren’t really “viable”. Not unplayable, but also not good.

Their play rate is low, and I imagine their overall performance going off internal metrics is probably similar, but they aren’t excluded.

Just queued into two. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Seems fine/good, although I’d say the other specs are definitely a bit more forgiving.

It’s more a case of why play x spec when you can have x spec with y benefits by playing y spec. Fire needs something else than just damage that the other two don’t have to justify their existence if Glass Cannon is going to exist. Cauterize was the answer to that but Glass Cannon and Blazing Barrier being reduced in PvP nullify that.

Yeah, as it often is. I imagine Arcane will get an adjustment in some way in the coming weeks, along with hpal, but Fire doesn’t seem to be in a terrible spot.