15th Anniversary Server Blades

In the way you’re suggesting, yes. The item arrived, albeit sure, not in the condition it should. But suggesting a chargeback under the pretense that the item never arrived? Without evidence that Blizzard isn’t willing to offer a resolution (which is what their current discussion is trying to determine)? Absolutely fraudulent practice.

Tracking numbers exist for a reason, and they’ll be used as evidence in the case that Blizzard builds against your claims.


It’s been well over a week since Blizzard said they’d have an update in 3-5 business days. The issue is not that complicated that it takes this long to make a decision.

and where did they say that?


You’re missing your blue text in order to be so sure about this.

Don’t forget that all of the proceeds, which AFAIK were taken up front, were given to charity.

Definitely isn’t simple.


In a live chat response to a customer requesting the refund. It was posted in one of these threads.

First of all… have the proceeds already been donated? It’s possible that they have been, since they’d probably want them logged as 2019 donations for tax purposes.

But so what? That’s Blizzard’s issue. Customers bought a product. The customer was not making a charitable contribution and being given a gift. They purchase a product that arrived damaged, seemingly due to negligence in the packaging.

Refunds will cost Blizz money. That’s unfortunate for them. But that doens’t make it complicated.

Then link it then.


You find it. Unless blizz deleted the thread.

Ah, I see. The onus is on you not me.

You was already told by Vrakthris to stop with the speculation and misinformation.

Like the old saying goes “Put up or Shut Up”.


They must have. The only one in recent memory is this one.

“We don’t have any information on when they plan to have that decided, though.”


Bickering back and forth is not conducive to a productive discussion, nor is it for what these Forums are designed.


Someone posted an image of the chat. It was originally posted on reddit and then reposted in a thread here. The chat snippet showed the rep saying 3-5 business days for a response. I’m not going to search for it. You can choose to believe it or choose not to believe it. Up to you. I’m not the only person who saw it.

I get that maybe it’s taken a little longer that the original 3-5 days from the holidays, but now it’s going on two weeks. The “radio silence” contributes to the frustration that the affected customers are already experiencing.

Well, it doesn’t help when people spread misinformation to push an agenda. The last official word was they are busy discussing options and don’t have a time frame.


I have seen that image. However, until such information is announced officially, such evidence will have to remain as speculation. At this point, it is best to end this discussion. I do not desire this thread to be locked due to this unproductive direction of attempting to bring up unconfirmed information.


Blizz said what they said. 3-5 days. They’ve obviously not met that commitment. Fine. But they’ve been dragging this out for a long time.

And now you’re goining out of your way to make it personal. Don’t do that.

I love Blizzard. I love their games (well, WoW, HS, and Diablo anyway). What I dislike is poor customer service. And I hold Blizzard to the highest standards of customer service because that’s what I’ve come to expect from them over many years of patronage. When they fail to maintain that high standard, I’m critical. It doesn’t happen often. But it seems to have happened here and it’s continuing.

Drop this discussion. It is only creating hostility and such things are not tolerated on these forums.


Folks, I have said in more than one thread that deliberations on exactly what steps are going to be taken - or offered, has not yet been decided - in more than one place.