15th Anniversary and my last one

My boss does this! but he double taps, frustrating as

To the OP, after 15 years you should realise that these things are always bugged, there is always going to be fixes, and they were not always dealt with immediately, unless they were literally whole game breaking or a cheat.
Relax, go do a daily or two and come back tomorrow…

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Well the fact that you still look at WoW forums every day means you have not completely left WoW :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wanted to ask for your stuff at first but now I am confused.

he played BFA

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Yeah I’ve unsubbed too op. It’s been one hell of a ride and wow got me through some tough times so I have a soft spot for the game but these new systems: grinding, rng etc. just to boost time played for shareholders, I can’t do it anymore.

p.s: I got one million gold but I’m giving it to someone special.


He said he survived and is moving on to other things…

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Dude. They aren’t insulting you for having cancer - they are wondering what the relevance is to the game bugging.

I sorta see their point - The implication that this horrible because you’ve had cancer is a bit disengenous. Your cancer and the games issues are unrelated.

To me, if, after 15 years and surviving cancer -this is the disaster you focus on that ruins your entire experience… that seems sketchy.

On teh other hand - cancer is a big deal. I wish you good health, and respect your change in priorities.

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Please, choose some more appropriate wording next time!

I did have some issues myself mostly due to the warping bug on Ragnaros, but I was able to complete the entire experience relatively well and quickly.

You have to expect an bug or two to make it to the live servers, but you would already know this if you played during Vanilla like I did. So, your feed back is pretty lame in my opinion. The game might be better off without you based on your word choices.

The fail is strong with this one…

Blah blah blah cant get mount on first day… Blah blah blah cancer… Blah blah blah whine… Blah blah blah Im im patient…

Not sure what instances you were in. I logged in after work and got my mount in under an hour. It was literally a joke.

Cancer surviver here too! I hope you find a new source of joy in your new life.


Living through something that had you staring at your own possible mortality changes one’s perspective. Some things you once held in high regard may no longer be seen as important. Conversely, you may realize things that may have seemed minor before are actually more important than previously thought.

For example, none of the treatments, some of which were extreme, killed my cancer. My last chance was surgical removal and none of us, not even the doctors, knew if they’d be able to remove it until they literally split my chest open to see. I went under not knowing if I would wake up to a “We got it” or an “I’m sorry, you’ve got X amount of time to live and you’re going to die a very painful death.”. It fundamentally changed me and my outlook on life, how much of it I wasted, and what really means something in the long run.

The way I understand it is the OP has realized WoW just isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things and had planned on leaving anyway. The anniversary event was hoped to be a high point to go out on, but the bugs and problems took that away.


That is a terrible out look and excuse. It has literalyl only been open for a day. And the event goes until jan 7th.

For him to use Cancer and to quit after just 24 hours… Real life must be a nightmare.

So he can get attention from people like you who antagonize him. You think you are the “solution” but you play right into it…

Or the OP realized a video game isn’t important to his/her life, was going to quit anyway, and wanted to go out on a high note and had that taken away.


Please reread the first four sentences of the OP.

Who cares?

Yay you’re leaving…have fun or don’t…have a life or don’t…

So you no longer enjoy the game…awesome just uninstall and get on with it…are you looking for validation with your decision? Because honestly, none of us know you or gives a rats a** if you leave or stay.

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If so, congrats! Huge congrats!


People complain on the anniversary usually they did not get anything good. So Blizz makes something and the mount is very lovely by the way and they complain about that. I agree it was a little confusing as to what I had to do to win…but in under an hour of perseverance I had my lovely dragon.

Love how you had to chuck cancer in there as well.

Its a game if you are not having fun go do something else, if you really are a cancer survivor you would think having another shot at living might temper the way you approach the world.

Shakes head…

It’s obviously important enough for op to come and make a post about it and tell everyone about cancer too.