15th Anniversary and my last one

Wanted to say goodbye and also vent my frustration at a bugged failed experience.
Survived Cancer treatment and this is to be my last expansion.
There are simply more important things than gaming.
I really wanted to leave on a high note with a new mount.
But to my dismay, the instance is a bugged, broken mess.
The Cata instance repeatedly stuns you until you DC and that is but one example.
I hope I get to complete the instance, but I won’t hold my breath as Activision has shown me nothing in terms of quality or feedback/support.
I remember a time when these problems would have been dealt with immediately.
Guess since there are no original WoW team members left
those days are dead.


I mean, blatantly false, but sure, you go on thinking that lol

Bye bye


WOW is just not one of their priorities anymore. Have fun on your new adventures.


this event is going on until January 7th, and today is the first day of the event. chill out. it will get fixed.


I’m not entirely sure what this has to do with your post.

It’s day one of the event, it just started a few hours ago, and was never bug tested. Wait a few days and try again.


There will always be bugs. The event is going to last for almost 2 months, it’ll be fixed in that time. Complaining on the forums and announcing you’re quitting because of it is overdramatic.


You don’t need to hit return after every sentence.


Give it a couple days for Blizz to (hopefully) fix everything and try again. Patch Tuesday and whatnot.

Can i have your gold ? .

One horde less .


I announced I am quitting because I am quitting.
The fact that the instance is broken has nothing to do with my leaving.
I suppose you missed the part about surviving cancer as you were too busy rushing to criticize me and defend an overpriced under maintenanced dinosaur of a game.
At any rate enjoy yourself. I have had a good time, but there are far more important things I can be doing with my time.


Ah, you’re trolling. Now it makes sense. Next time you should go for something less obvious, like mentioning that you’re in the military and you’ll be deployed soon or something.


So, why come to the forums to tell people?
Just leave lol


No, I skipped that part because it’s clearly meant for attention. You put that one sentence in and then proceeded to bash the game and the WoW team.


I had stage 4 metastatic cancer on the base of my tongue. You can believe as you like. i was trying to say goodbye and also express how disappointed I am to be leaving with an unsatisfactory experience. But, you need not think my farewell includes you or anyone graceless enough to insult me or my condition.

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Blizzard can’t even get a battle pet done right now…tons of players learned Lil Nerf and they can’t summon him…tons of players have lost their mount they were award…and you folks think this is petty.


The event has been out just a few hours and it lasts until January. They’ll probably have it fixed tomorrow but whatevs. See ya later.

p.s. I’m a cancer survivor too. Glad to see you say the same.


Best of luck to you op.


Best of luck to you as well. most humbling experience of my life.


Glad you won your cancer battle. As for the rest… :woman_shrugging:


Well, this thread went places.

First off - congratulations on surviving cancer!! My mom suffered from and beat 3 of 4 she was stricken with - skin, colon and breast cancer, and was defeated by stage 4 Pancreatic cancer back in 2012. Medicine is becoming increasingly successful in fighting this disgusting disease of many, and I am always happy to see someone state they’ve survived such a struggle.

Secondly - I hope that whatever you have found that occupies your time better than the time you invested in WoW is as fun and eventful, meaningful and fulfilling as the time you spent in this game.

This game is old, many are gone, and there are many problems that need to be addressed. I hope you reconsider coming back before the event is up in January, and give the run one more shot for the mount, just in case you ever decide that you want WoW as a hobby again.

In any case - take care, blessed be.
