15th Anniversary and my last one

yeah blizzard has been perfect every single time the first time every time before now! this is an outrage! Now im going to announce im leaving publicly, then stick around to see what others have to say about me leaving!


im happy you got through treatment of such a terrible thing, however i would absolutely dread developing for people like you.

The fact that it “will get fixed” is not just a problem with WoW but with gaming in general. And the worst part of it all is, you casuals enable it.

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how nice of the 282 ilvl calling someone else casual. the event had only been out for like an hour or two when OP made this post, so of course there were bound to be issues happen between the reset and everyone else rushing to complete it the moment it popped up. so like i said, this event lasts until January 7th so just take a breath and chill out. it isn’t the end of the world if you are unable to complete this event the first day it comes out.


Pretty much. I’d like to see any piece of software that was released without any bugs at all.


So just one last thing to say: Alot of you wondered why I posted about the bugs? I paid for this content, same as everyone. I am allowed to have an opinion.
Also, After 12 years of Wow leaving feels very much like leaving my family. i don’t see why that is hard to understand.
I finished treatment in June and am just regaining my sense of taste.
Cancer taught me that life is short. I intend to use my time to live as much as possible in the real world.
I have had a brilliant time over twelve years and I will miss my friends. But I see nothing wrong with complaining about the instance. I hoped that the last content I did in Wow would be amazing and I could leave with a sense of completion, closure.
Much like I have with the Cancer.
Anyway My sincere apologies if I offended anyone who feels I have no right.
I honestly meant no harm

IlseWitch/Mallenroh/Mirrorshroud Cata/BFA


Because they aren’t actually going to quit. They just desperately need the attention.

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Rofl ok how do casuals enable a bug? Really truly explain your thought process here. No matter what game you play, bugs happen. If everyone jumped ship anytime something wasn’t 100% none of these games would exist.

I am happy they made this a surprise event, I am a little bummed that it didn’t go as smoothly as planned, but man your doom and gloom mentality is part of the reason why they don’t listen to the community as a whole.


Sorry you had a bad go, but it’s barely been out for a few hours. The event goes until January 1, there’s plenty of time.


Perhaps you just had a rash of bad experiences since the most recent one I had was quite good. All of them have been, but hey! You survived cancer, not better achievement then that! I was fortunate and they caught mine early, so no treatment after surgery.

Which Instance, I am curious.

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continues to post
despite all the important things he could be doing.


Have fun with terminal cancer? Yikes

Congrats on surviving cancer, that is no small deal.

In my opinion, if what you wanted was an amazing experience before you left, I think the 15th anniversary event won’t be it. I’d just hold onto the good memories you’ve already had and quietly leave like so many do. Coming to the forums to announce your leaving is destined to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

I wish you well in your future endeavors!


i see what you did there.

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/hugs to you. As you’ve discovered the hard way, these forums are a cancer all their own.

Most of the people here have literally nothing else in their lives to look forward to, so they react viscerally to anyone who dares criticize it. That, and the painfully obvious internet standard of psychopaths trolling.

I, too, have abandoned WoW, for different reasons. Actually, I’m still surprised that I can post here, as my account has been over for nearly a month now.

I agree with how painful it is to leave. Leaving after creating an emotional bond with your characters and the story is hard to do. I contemplated deleting my characters and “killing” them off, but it felt too much like killing a real person. Especially this character, my alter-ego. We’ve been sharing Azeroth for almost 15 years. In the end, I took them all “home” and told them they are now free to write their own stories. Yeah
 I still bawled for an hour after “abandoning” Eru. Only people with actual emotions will ever understand that

You’re a survivor now :slight_smile: Go forth and conquer the real world now! Or at least find something fun to do that doesn’t cause endless aggravation. Life is way too short to put up with frustration, bullies and stupidity.

Good luck to you, in whatever you choose to do with the rest of the time you have in this life!

also: /more hugs There are not nearly enough of those in the world.


I wish you well on your journeys friend! (gives OP a little box of cookies to go).



Bye Felicia! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

Yeah, don’t think your logic really applies there buddy.
OP posting his leaving is seeking attention, people responding to OP are not in turn seeking attention, we’re merely responding and having a conversation.

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I wouldn’t call engaging in discussion as “seeking attention”.

This however, is seeking attention.


Right because alts don’t exist right? I know youre desperate to make some sort of argument but that was just pathetic.

Hope you recover well. We will be here when you are ready to return. Enjoy life :grinning: