1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

There is a huge difference between farming for years for a mount permanently in the game and farming low drop currency, with a WEEKLY that only rewards you 1.5k that only lasts a few weeks.

It’s not being spoiled to acknowledge that the amount of Residual Memories you get is VERY low and that it would take multiple hours of WAITING in order to a WEEKLY to get a big chunk of currency.

Also never stating what is wrong with a design just allows for blizzard to continue to do poorly implemented designs, so trying to ‘shame’ people into shutting up about something is kind of silly. If something is bad, it’s bad.


So what? I mean that very seriously. So what?

It’s not like the rest of the game’s content disappeared. This is content on top of everything else…you don’t need to sit there waiting for 90 minutes.

You should be doing mythics and/or raiding or whatever you were up to before this event dropped. This is supposed to be a side activity, not THE activity.

You’re missing the point.
It’s not about having nothing to do.
It’s about the fact that you actively have to wait for 90 minutes in order to do the next one or to do one if you missed one. And considering how fast the phases move, you’re looking at about MAYBE less than 10 minutes of actual playtime during one event. No one is just ‘sitting’ there waiting.

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Don’t you get another 500 of the currency for killing the boss? If so, it’s 6K with boss kills and weeklies per character. If you have three alts, it’s already 18K.

That said, there’s still a really big gap between spawns right now. Unless you’re no life-ing WoW, you’re probably not going have time to sit around waiting for all the area spawns to happen.

We are only on day two and I will already be able to afford the mount. Not sure I am understanding your issue? I have also gotten about 10 items for mog so no need to buy those. Put in 10 min every hour and a half. All I am doing. Set an alarm and go do other stuff.

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Now you are missing my point. You do not have to actively wait for anything. Do what you do and occasionally do one of these events to get your weekly. It’s a side activity, not THE activity. We are upsetting ourselves for no good reason.

I know, the free stuff sucks because a lot of us feel there isn’t enough free stuff…we should just get over it.

You have to wait 90 minutes. How is that not clear? There are 90 minutes between each event. So yes… you have to wait.

You could also get over my opinion, imo.

P.S Never complained about “free” stuff.

Also kind of ridiculous to insinuate that feedback on an event shouldn’t happen if it’s negative, just because “Blizz DiDnt hAvE tO”

The mount.

There’s pets, transmog, etc. The quest is weekly - that’s where your big chunk of currency will come from.

No one is complaining about the 10 minutes it takes to do the event.

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If you completely ignore the idea that this is a side activity and not THE activity. This is not supposed to be the only thing you do in the game. People like you are seeming to imply that you have to idle for 90 minutes constantly to do this. And I’m sure you are aware that the 90 minutes is becoming 60, then 30. Events starting at certain times is nothing new. There are several a day and many per week, you will have plenty of time to get your weekly done. You won’t have to wait anymore than you did for superblooms, community feasts, etc.

I 100% support you having your own opinions. I was just trying to improve your own hapiness levels with some perspective because you (and others) seem pretty upset about all this.

Never thought you complained about that. Just trying to put things into perspective for you.

Pretty gross display of putting words in my mouth, I hope you feel better soon.

Of course feedback is appropriate. What bothers me is when I see people upsetting themselves needlessly, there is enough suffering in this world. I see people here getting fairly emotional and grumpy about this stuff so I thought I’d help you take a breath and calm down a bit, maybe pick the wad out. Feel free to remain miserable, I tried.

That’s around 4.5 hours a day for 1 character (270 minutes), where at least 4 hours of that is just down time. Like I understand that it works on paper, but it’s not fun and/or engaging design.

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Which is why I have my alt army. I bought the mount today lol. I will also get the heirloom ring today. Just need like 30k more currency for the pets to call it done.

Not to mention the 1.5 hours between each one so doing it on alts takes all day as well. It’s an odd punishing feel to it. Getting bad vibes of late Legion and all the worst parts of Shadowlands here.

Time gating multiplied by FOMO and grind equal bad design.

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Once again, I repeat: No one is just sitting around waiting 90 minutes twiddling their thumbs. You HAVE to wait 90 minutes for a new event, that doesn’t mean people are sitting idle. You’re mixing the two and putting words in my mouth. There is a 90 minute wait period.

Those weren’t limited events with limited currency.

You seem to think people voicing their opinions/feedback means we’re over here thrashing our keyboards. No one is that dramatic. But stating things that we find wrong with how Blizzard implemented something is how Blizzard knows when the player base is happy or upset with something.

It’s no different than what you’ve done every reply to me.

You also just went from arguing about the mechanics of the event, to trying to turn it into ‘I just care about YOU and YOUR happiness’ lol


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there needs to be something to do in between bosses / zone switch other than kill mobs for 1 essence each, this is just awful.
for shadowlands prepatch, we were chasing after a new rare every couple minutes.
for dragonflight prepatch, we farmed constantly, getting xp and random drops.
this is just unfun and waiting 90m between actual content, which takes 3m to complete, is terrible game design, and blizzard, you f’ing know better.
quit making terrible content.



Ok, Chief. Sorry I got you ruffled.

This is why we have a problem with people being spoiled and entitled. It’s not even so much that they annoy others, it is that they are making themselves miserable for no purpose. It is sad to see.

To the miserable:
Everybody else is having fun, why can’t you? Why would you let your own attitude hold you back in life so much?

you really need to add to your math that about (in my experience) 1 in 5 times doing the event you might just get nothing, no quest credit no 500 currency drop no item just another 1.5 hour wait.


I missed the groove yesterday or I would already have the mount. Just need 1 or 2 more weekly clears on my alt for both that and the ring. Not interested in the pets but at the end I will grab them.

Like you I got 30 or more character able to do this. I see no issue other than the wait between and only one boss spawn that if you miss you can’t make up.

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I was actually just talking to someone earlier about how compared to previous pre-patches, this event feels like it’s lacking content.

The BFA pre-patch was pretty fun if I remember correctly, Legion was good.

Def doesn’t feel like Blizz took their players time into consideration

Thankfully I have not experienced this, but I’ve seen others complaining about it. =/

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so, apparently the bosses don’t drop ANYTHING if you do them again on the same character?

if true that means you would need to do the event on 14 characters to get everything…

They drop warband loot, I -think- but it’s rng.

I think you only get the champion box once a day per character though

i had a friend kill LK a second time, once yesterday, once today, today they got nothing, no boxes/warband loot, no memory currency, nothing