1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

I’m gonna have to start paying more attention.

I’m pretty sure warband loot is meant to be rng/random - so it’s possible your friend just got super unlucky.

I know the box is meant to be once per week (or day? Probably week, cause… Blizzard lol)

It is easy if you play on some alts. I already have the mount and 2 pets with enough to get a 3rd.

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i feel like it not dropping currency is the worst part though

This is such bad game design and I am legitimately concerned for the future state of the game due to their approach on this

I can’t stress enough how terrible and dangerous of a precedent this is

Multiple alts should never be the de facto approach to paid content


Yeah it’s not great. Bosses should rotate every 15 minutes. Maybe 30.

Also, 3 boss quests? I thought I only picked up one quest last night? Guess I’m going to have to check that when I get home.

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there’s one in each zone


Terrible precedent to allow people to play more than one toon?

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Thank you!


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no, but even as a person who has a lot of alts i play, its a terrible precedent to basically FORCE people into alts


No one said that.

It’s a terrible precedent to create events that focus heavily on a player needing to use multiple characters to build currency to transfer.


There are lots of people who enjoying playing multiple toons. Are you saying the “correct” way to play is to force everyone to play the way that YOU think is correct?

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Holy actual crap i cannot believe we are here

Blizzard has lost its marbles this is so bad

This isn’t even an RPG anymore :sob:

Their new target audience is mentally cooked too, look at this guy

Yeah this might be my last patch with the game I’m out

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the correct way to do it is to not punish people either way

it’s a prepatch event, if someone plays 1 character they should be able to get it done in a reasonable time. If someone plays more, sure it can be faster, but that’s ok too.

The whole point of warbands was to make people who did play multiple characters have a bit of an easier time, WITHOUT punishing those people who only play one. Hence rep restriction in TWW


No one said that either.

There are just as many people who enjoy playing 1 to 2 characters, not everyone has a hundred alts.

For the people who don’t have a lot of alts, it’s absolutely harder for them.

No one is saying cater to JUST me, but asking for balance is absolutely fair.

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Define reasonable time. The event is designed to last for over 3 weeks. If you only have 1 toon that should be plenty of time to complete it. People saying you need over 300k to buy everything don’t account for getting some/most of that gear while playing the game.

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The event really sucks, probably the worst one since the original one. But the expansion features like solo rbgs make up for a lot.

Lets do some math here.

Bosses don’t seem to drop more currency the second time you kill them in a week, so reasonably lets assume 6k a week, because no one in their right mind is grinding mobs for 1 currency a pop.

That’s 6x4 or 24k currency.

You need 50k to buy just the mounts and pets

you cannot reasonably get the rewards

The problem isn’t needing to run this on alts -
it’s the sheer amount of alts needed to make this feasible in the first place.
I have maybe 12 viable level 70 alts, and only so much time to play, so the solution isn’t necessarily “get more alts.”
12 alts times 3 quests plus boss kills plus incidentals comes out to roughly 6k memories per character, going by the two I had time to run yesterday, the first day of the event.
12 toons times 6k memories is 72k.
72k times 3 weeks is 216k memories over the course of the event. I’m told you need upwards of 330k if you really, absolutely, want to obtain everything.

So in running 12 alts (let’s call it 2 per day reasonably the first week, speeding up after that), one can definitely get the mount and pets the first week. But you’ll still never get enough to be a completionist.

And many gamers LOVE to be completionists. Like, that’s their reason for playing. That’s their motivation, just like some RP and others gank lowbies. Collectors collect.

Farming memories in between boss spawns is inefficient and low-yielding, and mindless grinding. Though we know Blizz loves making us mindlessly grind.

Solution: Bosses need to spawn multiple times within each zone rotation, to allow alts to hit them without the forced 90 minutes waits and 5-minute “be there or miss out.” At least that would speed up weekly quest completion and allow players to more efficiently farm the memories dropped by bosses.

Solution: Increased memories yield on all mobs, to allow for faster farming of the event currency.

Possible issues: too much currency allows players to more efficient obtain all that sweet sweet ilevel 480 gear just in time for the expansion. Oh, wait. That’s um… not a bad thing.

Regardless, players shouldn’t be forced to deploy an army of alts as a 24/7 grind to obtain cosmetics and gear that’s outstripped by normal gameplay.


I have gotten currency on repeated boss kills and you get them from the events as well. On 8+ toons, I have not gotten less than 6400 and up to 7000 on one. Some were reporting a bug of not getting any currency from boss kills, so maybe that is a large part of the issue.