1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

You can get enough RM if you have enough alts now …if you have 9 characters you can run though all the weekly quests and keep tagging bosses after doing the weekly quest you can make that 50K in less then a week…you can get 500 RM each time you kill those bosses over and over with alts…what I am doing …I have close too 20K already now…

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All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not into collecting pets or toys. Just transmog and mounts. And I don’t need to gear up any alts. So, I’ll be passing on the pets, toys, jewelry, and cloaks (the cloaks just don’t look very good).

Farming for just one mount (since it unlocks for both factions), the weapons, and the armor will be much easier. Not sure if I’ll care enough for the heirloom ring. Heirlooms are pretty garbage now, imo, so if I get it - cool - if not… oh well.

I don’t usually complain about stuff like this but between Plunderstorm, having to grind bronze in Panda timewalking and now stuff from this event taking so much currency - it’s just getting to be too much grinding lately.

I pretty much have given up on getting everything and I think many other folks have as well.


The remix grind for bronze wasn’t that bad really and we ended up getting 40K of bronze free cause of those froggers on Timeless Isle…I just flew around most times collecting the bronze in the air …doing the raids were damn simple and easy too …nobody died when I was doing them.

Alts are definitely your friend during this event. Since the RMs are warband bound it really is do the 3 on a toon and move on to the next.

The other thing I’m doing is running my alts ahead of time into each portal and grabbing all 3 quest ahead of time. Have several parked in the portal room with the quests already in hand. Helps keep track.

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I posted this thread yesterday and it didn’t gain traction. What was everyone doing? :joy:

The event’s drawbacks including this quest being weekly and not daily were evident in the first 10 minutes. Blizz definitely struck out here.

Oh nice, I hadn’t seen that, thanks!

Your welcome hun…

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I can’t believe how out of touch with reality some people are to unironically type “it only takes 13.5 hours”

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I’ve been doing the weekly on my main and 3 alts since yesterday, which as of today I have 23k to purchase the Alliance mount from the vendor. Other than that, nothing else from the vendors interests me.

I have several alts, but some people only play one character. We shouldn’t have to play alts to get all the rewards. Just plain dumb.


Yeah trying to get enough RM to buy certain things and not having an army alts does hurt those that don’t have the alts for sure…

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I’m more annoyed that the mount and pets are UGLY. We have some beautiful mounts that are in game and a see thru yellow and blue bird? The pets are ugly too


so you only have 1 character huh? weird. I can buy the mount right now if I wanted to.

I think they did the math based on us running the weekly event on 50 alts to pool the currency.

It would have been a dream come true for their time played metric.


Just looked at them now. Ew is right.

Thats only for the main i would much rather gear my alts to 480 just for faster farming. I dont want to level 20 chars for 550 gear…

I’d say nerfing the costs and boosting the gains are the best we can hope to get in terms of a “fix.” The event itself is so poorly designed and there’s so little time, they can’t do much else.

That’s if they do anything at all. Based on the zero communication we’ve gotten, I wouldn’t expect them to change anything. Just let it burn!

For an event with only 3 weekly resets this is kind of silly to be honest. However, this can be done on alts. So, if you’re like me and have a lot of alts you can just cycle threw them during the week. The currency is tradable. Only way I see to maximize results.

But if you only have a few characters, you’re really at a disadvantage.

Multiple hours for one mount is outrageous.

Looks back at how I got some of my favorite mounts.

…Wait a minute…How in the heck did we get so spoiled as a playerbase?