1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

A mount alone is 20,000. You’re telling me the 3 boss quests are WEEKLY? So 1.5k x 3 = 4.5k. And this event only lasts a month. How would anyone possible get the pets and mounts - never mind catch up gear - unless they completely no life grinded mobs for 1-5 each. That’s it, I decided this event is not worth my time.


That’s funny right there

Usually pre-xpac events are very efficient and convenient for players. This info makes me want to just wait for the 23rd.


This is your content for a month. No crests, champion gear… Yay. HYPE!


Meanwhile, me and my 23 level 70s will be just plugging along. I don’t think I’ll be able to do all 50+ of my level 50s and higher.


I’m guessing they are assuming that people will do the dailies on multiple toons given the currency is transferable, which fair - I suppose. You’d reasonably need to do all three on 7 toons.

Which would be fine… and I wouldn’t care…

Except you’re looking at spending hours doing this for one mount, then forget if you want pets.

They need to adjust the timer.


They probably figure people don’t need everything.

Clearly this is incorrect though. Nice job, Bluzzard.


How does that even help? Boss only spawns once every 1.5 hours so you can’t even take a alt there to do the quest as boss wont respawn


or cut the costs or multiply the rewards


I refuse to believe anyone at Blizzard actually plays this game. It would’ve taken someone, with two braincells to rub together, to kill a boss and then immediately go “Now what? Kill mobs for an hour and a half? That’s boring”


Don’t adjust the timer. Adjust the costs. This is going to be boring after 1 or 2 weeks, the rest is going to be a slog.

This dovetails with “let’s make them waste time on every mount swap” to start really painting a picture of a future of epic time gating and wasting. Starting to worry about legion .1 and .2 extremely repetitive blech again.


I’d be fine with that, too.
But they’d need to lower the price for rewards then.


To me it was boring after the first 5 mins where i was like ok kill this guy oh wait the server killed him. ok go do some events. ok oh wwait the boss! im half way across the zone. oh cool i made it with 5% hp and got a tag. ok now what? im bored.


What? Of course I can. You can only do the three quests once per week per character. That’s basically 6k per character per week I can get.

are the quests once a week or once a week per character? I haven’t tried on an alt yet

It feels very slapped on and untested. A lot of these events have always been haphazard but locking mounts and pet rewards behind alt runs is just bottom of the barrel wasting.


apparently you can use traders tender for echoes. I haven’t done it, but it is a thing.

I think I recall having my new character for dragonflight geared up in a day or so during that prepatch. While I think it makes sense to extend that a little more than a day, this is a little out there.

Not sure what they’re thinking with this.


A sound came out of me when I read this and I genuinely don’t know if was anxiety or amusement based. :woman_facepalming:

I made a feedback thread on this event but it’s already buried so I’ll copy/paste what I said there here because I think it’s relevant.


Sounds like the intention is to have us sit at our PC’s 24/7 banging the keyboard. Might get a pet if we are lucky?


While I don’t mind a grind, this one is just way too much for me. I don’t want to sit around watching a timer countdown and attempt to slap mobs for 1-5 memories. In an hour I had only accumulated about 700 memories, and that was with me running around like a mad man spamming my fastest spell to tag mobs before they melted. So I thought that maybe the boss kills would give a lot more with their quests, nope… 2k. Sorry, Blizz, but expecting your player base to be chill with just running around tagging mobs for literal pennies is wild to me.