1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

It sucks just how bad this event is for alts. And it’s why I traditionally looked forward to these events, because I’m coming back from a break and I want to get my alts ready.

This event is horrible for that.

Just level on panda remix. You’ll be 70 in 2-4 hours, and they are outfitting them with the event gear free. No grinding needed.

Still not enough, the total amount you need for mount+pets is TOO MUCH vs the pathetic amount we get.

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You also get 500 per boss plus whatever you can scrounge up from the mini world quests during the event.

While i wholeheartedly agree with the first part of your post, i disagree with the last bit. I don’t think we should be calling for anyone to be fired, i very much doubt the person that wrote the code had any say whatsoever in deciding how the currency gain is earned and at which rate.

I personally think that it’ll be fixed at reset, and it all comes down to Blizzard’s hairbrained attempt at forcing us to see the value in the Warband system, seeing as anyone who wants all of the crap from this event has been at the very least contemplating shuffling through all of their alts in order to meet the insane currency demands as they stand.

This feels like a big test of warband bank and sending currency (residual memories) to alts. This should have been resolved in beta and given us a properly tuned pre-patch.

Ah, another unpaid live beta testing gig for Blizzard. Gotta love it.

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You need a small army of alts to be able to buy everything. You transfer all your residual memories to one character.

I got the mount, did the event 9 times across 3 characters for a total played time throughout the day of just under an hour.

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And here I was thinking I would not only be able to gear up alts, but level them up too. Like the legion event. It made sense since they’re clearly moving to a more alt meta with the warbands being introduced. Sounds like not everyone is on the same page on the design team.

The problem here is you are implying there IS a page to be on.

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I just did Dustwallow on my demon hunter, I’ve got 3 items + 1500 currency.
If it keeps this way I’ll get all items before the launch day.

Duplicates can drop. I got 3 wands so far.

For those saying “ooo look, you get gear from the boss, that’ll cut down on your costs” I’ve now gotten the same cloth shoulders twice in eight events. Duplicates are super exciting. :slight_smile:

Today I waited for the timer to begin. I already had quest. Flew to the blob spawn point. Dozens of people there waiting for the event to begin. Nothing happened. Looked at map, 2 mins into the event and already 4 of the 6 events were complete. SO, I flew to where the end boss would spawn… NOTHING again. Just dozens of people standing around with their thumbs up their bums. I do not like wasting my time waiting around for this event to spawn, just to have it bug and/or zerged so fast no one can complete the event. Awful design.

People can lie too, statistically speaking.

I got 3 identical maces spread over 2 characters as well. It’s completely random.

The Warband system was supposed, Or at least it was advertised, as removing the “Alt Farm” type mechanic as being required. This flies directly against that.

“We made this thing, so you wouldn’t feel the need to play multiple characters, and if you do then it’ll make it easier for those other characters.”

Which, with this one single handed event has turned into “If you don’t have an alt army doing these weekly quests for you, then you’re wrong and you should have an alt army because we made these Warbands and you should be warbanding up on that farm.”

Who is lying and what does that have to do with duplicates dropping?

speaking of jumping up and down like a child (lol, I swear I didn’t see you were a gnome): 3x1.5k per week (1 quest per zone) additional resources: 1-5 radiant echos per kill)

I ran around last night for 90 minutes (boss countdown reached zero with no spawn, then zipped back to 90 minutes) in those 90 minutes I managed to tag kills worth about 2,000 echos. Seriously if it wasn’t for the maniac boomkin running all over pulling everything, me tagging, I highly doubt I could of achieved 2k echos on any of my melee alts.

after killing each of the 3 bosses, before logging off I had accumulated 7994 echos. Obviously i didn’t spend any since I dread facing a fact of wow: buy gloves and wow awards you exact same gloves as loot next drop. Highly doubtful I will spend any echos except for mount if I make it till then. I did managed to get 493 shoulders, 480 dagger and 480 gloves. Equipped the shoulders since merchant only sells 480 gear.