1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

garbage event lol

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That’s what I’ve done too. Can’t get the mount though as I died at the end of the LK fight (on a 40 and there was no place without the black ground) and got noting but kill credit. No 500 Radiant Echoes, no Essence of Northrend, at least I could turn in the weekly -_-
From now on my low levels are only going to tag the boss and stand back, I don’t mind dieing but if I’m getting nothing because of it I’m not risking it.

Prepatches are normally pretty lame, but this one takes the cake lol.

I actually got 3x two handed maces to drop for the hunter I was trying to gear lol. Not even going to bother at this rate, though.

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Except you can only get loot and memories once a week from each boss per character. If you killed the boss once on one character, you cant get any more loot on that same character on subsequent boss kills.

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You can tell they’re trying to plump up numbers (either player count or time on) before expac. What a weird way to time gate.

Just curious where is says what our REMIX characters will end up with after the event is over. With zero time to upgrade any of it for those of us with early access I can only hope it is reasonable for anyone looking to use one of their remix characters as a main.

The only players that can rack up big amounts of RM are players that have an Army of alts to keep changing out each time an event comes up every 90 mins now…I already have the mount…I only need 28K more and I’ll have the 3 pets then I am done.

If you have 9 characters you can get though all the weekly quests and rekill bosses for 500 RM you can make enough for the mount and 3 pets in two or three days now…the event is really sad…its bad .

If you don’t have an Army of alts its worse for those players now.

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You’re totally right, I’m sorry my comment was more aimed at people with an alt army. I mean every character can get about 5k per week so that adds up quickly if you have multiple characters and I don’t think they even need to be high level.

Is it fun, no. Should Blizz adjust numbers, yes. I’m saving my currency to see if they cut prices

Curious, are the pets Unique or can you get 3? Can they be caged for the AH

They can not be caged your only allowed 1 of each of the 3 new ones…cost is 10K each for a total of 30K for all 3…there is 3 different ones.

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Thanks appreciate the reply!!! Glad to know I only need enough for one of each im still a pet collector