1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

You don’t need 333k. That includes buying all the armor and weapons. Which many of them you will get as you play, if not all if you are playing that many alts.

To be fair, this expansion is all about alts. Encouraging players to have them isn’t awful but they shouldn’t be punished for not having them as well. Kind of tough to know where to draw the line, I guess.

With a weekly, just not sure what the point will be when this event speed up. Get all of our alts done faster so we don’t need to log in for the rest of the week, I guess. Seems like bad design.

bug or not, the prices are outrageous compared to past events

If you need 8+ toons to feel like you are making good progress, this event is a complete failure. And it is.
You should make satisfactory progress on 1 character. If you play 8, you should be flying.


You don’t need gear, people have done all sorts of things in wow ungeared.

Would that be fun for most? Likely no.
Is this event fun for most? Certainly not.

What a stupid argument. You don’t neeeeeed it. What are you six?


Don’t have strong feelings about it, as I can’t change it. I would argue the same thing about gear upgrade costs. They have costed too much for a long time.

Probably the same team that doesn’t play the game and instead spreadsheets it, balances said spreadsheet with their playtime expectations, and calls it good. Seriously it feels like there’s a massive disconnect between actually playing the game, and the design sometimes (perhaps even often).

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So much this. I’m NOT farming 20K points 1 at a freaking time grinding mobs. It’s easier to just go farm the normal weekly events for upgraded gear and run LFRs for the time value.

Whoever thought making those weekly should be fired

how is that alt friendly? lol i have 6 lvl 70s.

LoL… you are talking about progress like it has been a long amount of time. We are ONE day into it.

Are you able to read? I am not talking about a want vs need. I am saying you need far less than 333k because that total includes buying every armor piece which will be dropping while you are playing…so yes you don’t NEED that much of the currency.

That’s why I said upwards of… I’m aware this can drop as you get gear along the way. But still, starting at a 330k ceiling and hoping you get lucky with drops is not exactly a reassuring feeling. Especially if you’re unlucky enough to get duplicates.

But let’s say that my 12 alts, times three bosses, times three weeks, each get a unique piece of gear dropped. That’s 72 chances to get 59 items. I… guess it’s possible to win the lottery as well.

Still, players need to field a lot of alts on a rather punishing schedule in order to meet a rather unreasonable goal. I’m just asking for something slightly -more- reasonable. Because otherwise, players will burn out on the pre-patch before the expansion even hits.

I don’t need the whole thing to play out, Anyone with half a brain can see the writing on the wall and do the math. i’m not a moron. If that’s you, ok. Wait and see.

Wow has been encouraging completionists for 20 years. Transmog is a driving factor in the game.

I can read fine, but i’m starting to doubt your ability to comprehend.

Are you talking from experience or are you just guessing? After running 8 alts, I have always gotten at least 1 piece of gear/weapon from every boss kill/event. Most of the time I wind up with 2 pieces from completing the event (but you need to do more than just kill the boss as you can get gear and currency from the events in phase 2). Those give the same transmog since it is the same piece that you are buying from the vendor. So, it is fairly reasonable to assume that during the event time frame that many of the pieces can be acquired without buying them.

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Nobody is grinding this over the entire time frame. What a farce. It’s not fun to begin with, grinding it out over extended periods of time. LOL, this isn’t candy crush. Whole thing is a joke.

You do you. Almost time for the event and I am done with this. As with all forums, this will never be resolved as neither side cares what the other has to say. I wouldn’t mind them to make this easier to get what you want to get. I am fine with that. I just was posting that I am currently not experiencing everything that people are complaining about. Have a wonderful day and if everyone continues to play, then happy adventuring!

Anecdotal evidence, isn’t evidence. Stay in school kiddo.

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I have 6k plus in a few days and did like maybe 4 of them, and didnt complete the 3rd weekly yet. Ill probably be able to get the mount next week.

Totally wild that whenever people say “this is too much and we’d like some adjustments so this can be completed in a reasonable amount of effort” there’s always someone going “NUH-UH I ALREADY DID IT AND BECAUSE I HAD NO PROBLEMS NO ONE ELSE WILL ALSO.” Followed by “YOU DON’T EVEN NEED THIS” and in many cases adding “OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO ENTITLED.”


I really don’t want to do this event on multiple alts… And I actually need this stuff on my main after my year long break. Thankfully the currency can be shared.

The mobs are too spread out for me to kill at a decent pace to make the pathetic ONE currency drop worth the time. That is an insult to players right there— ONE currency PER mob? Who thought that was a good idea? Sounds like the people in charge of this were not communicating with each other…

I think I’d like to see the event up every thirty minutes with a build-up bar to activate the mini moss. Then at thirty minutes we get the actual boss, who drops at least 1500. Or just increase the mob density and drops, and have the boss spawn after the meter gets filled ALL THE DANG DAY LONG.

Or go back to it :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Just did some basic math based on the weekly reward. Keep in mind this doesn’t include what drops during the events when you actually can kill stuff.

3 x 1,500 x 15 characters over the course of the week x 3 total weeks = 202,500. I think asking for that many alts for any player is extreme even if some of us have 30 or more. And that 202,500 isn’t even the needed 300k for everything. I just assume people will get some item drops to mitigate costs.