15 years give or take of bgs and premades still can queue be randos

Still 3 minutes for reg bgs and longer for epics. Now let’s make that longer for both factions? When it already puts premades against premades for the most part? No thank you. I have no issue solo queing and I have limited time to play.

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For now. No one knows what faction will be the go to for SL.

…it’s quick but I have never had instant que.

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Ok 3 minutes max then. That’s insanely quick. Takes longer to get an overwatch match going. At any rate, it’s a small price to pay to avoid getting stomped.

It’s been around 5-7 minutes for horde the last few weeks for non-epic.

Now. If we are to get stricter like you’re asking for it jumps 5-10 minutes? Longer for horde? Not worth. The current system is 100% fine.

Gee what is that last word you said? RANDOM BATTLEGROUND.

Make your own group.

oh its sweetjuicyqt. Hi there doll :heart:

Hosting more premades tonight in your honor, OP.

It’s unrated PvP in an MMORPG.
People are going to play with their friends, and group play is encouraged.

If you don’t like it, make some friends.

The OP is in a guild of 900 players and a community of thousands. They can easily find 4 players to queue with.

some people want just to have the fun with out the pressure of rate, and been in a premade is also as random as just random group, since can benefit your faction, or can benefit the other, wow even offer voice chat for instance, party raid etc… no excuse for bad communication, bgs are been the same for 15 years, so is no like a new thing that players hasn’t seen before.

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Not the point. Who said premade a shouldn’t be a thing? I’m saying organized pvp should be reserved for organized pvp. Every other game manages to do it, wow is just being lazy.

Again… It is for the most part. If you faced a premade it’s highly likely that you just had a casual group of friends playing together on your team.

I lose way more games playing with my casual friends than I do playing solo because we get pitted against way more serious premades. When I play solo 90% of games are all solo quers.

I don’t care to get that last 10% at the expense of waiting longer in ques.

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No premades in randos means no queuing with friends. I like queuing with friends. It’s fun. What do I (used to) play the game for? Fun.

As it sits, the queue system attempts to match premade/premade. The downside is it considers you and your buddy a premade and will stack you against a premade of 5 players. Bit harsh, yeah, but the system doesn’t seem able to differentiate.

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100%… I’ve qued with a single friend for some casual PvP and it’s amazing how many more 5 man premades I see :sob: I wish it was a little better at this part…

Still not sure if it’s worth it for the expense of que times though.

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It’s really not imo. Even when it stacks us against a 5 man, our odds of winning are pretty good. People auto assume premade means srs biz when it mostly means a group of friends. Are there srs biz groups on queue to steamroll people, sure, but I don’t think it’s a thing you can get away from. To do so means penalizing people that want to play together just for the sake of fun playing together.

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i know we all have an idea of how a premade should work if… base on each of our situation, 2 friends vs a 5 premade, if premade vs premade etc… is hard for blizz to categorize each one of us. one things is what we say, what we want, what we need… so far i think the pvp has been good , i would hope players get better to have a more fun game, i don’t care losing for a few points but when is a massacre, you know your team was bad / terrible.

Maybe group the teams base on honor? that way you can tell who does a lot of pvp vs a just casual player, example:
range 0 -10 tier1
range 10-30 tier2
range 30-50 tier3
70 + up
if there are enough of players for that tier put that person in a lower one so he can play and all have fun.

They should ONLY match pre-mades against pre-mades. If you want to be in a group of 5 and there are no groups of 5 from the other faction, then tough, you can sit in the queue for hours or you can split up and get mixed randomly like the rest of us. I have no problem with the idea of pre-mades, it’s just that, to be fair, they need to be matched against each other. It’s especially sucky now when you get 4 warlocks and a healer with someone calling out targets. How is that fun for anyone?

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Le sigh dude… It does. If you see a premade on the other team it’s because your team has premade on your team.

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Not always, but they do try. It’s like healers, sometimes 1 side just isn’t queuing them or queuing a lot more than the other so you can have premade vs random. It’s a little harder to tell when it happens, though, since teams aren’t marked.

Dude alliance have such a low population we can’t even get a heals in 15 man sometimes. You really think there’s this magical place blizzard is going to find premades to match with other premades from. Are they looking for ivl too? I don’t think blizzard cares honestly