15 renown for flying is ridiculous

My apologies for having a personal opinion on something that you disagree with. Its a good thing the decision making process isnt up to either of us eh

Dragonriding is a feature. Other mounts are a choice

Old mounts have been a feature longer. Dragon riding is a gimmick stolen from another game.

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The vast majority of WoW idea’s had always been taken from other games. So your point being?

All the context you ignored on someone else’s part, troll.

I think ungating Loamm would be cool, right about now.

Actually that person is right to say that Dragonriding is advertised from day one as a major feature of Dragonflight xpac. So it is considered by Blizzard as a feature of this xpac, it also fits the theme of it. So nothing wrong with what that person stated.

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With gold inflation they would put it to crazy amounts, for each character, and they could still delay it for months, which is my biggest gripe when it comes to pathfinder so no, I don’t want to pay for flying.


The vast majority of people do not think the game is perfect.

Wow, removing context from a post is easy, no wonder trolls do it all the time. Thanks for the protip.

You don’t have to answer to me anymore, I’ll mute you now. :person_shrugging: After trolling around with several alts and throwing around insults because you’re not able to deal with other opinions, there’s no point in reading this stuff. It’s just weird, man.


Why not give us a choice then, pathfinder if you want it for “free” and pay gold if you don’t enjoy rep grinding. I enjoy gold making, so I’d easily be able to buy flying for each of my lv 70s.

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That is all he has been called out for in other topics for doing. A number of alts to bump his likes or even to pat himself on the back. Which he will never answer people who call him out on it. Then when you catch his forum PvP and point out his flaw in how he is trying to dodge the point or the discussion or what he is saying to someone, he of course just dodges that with insults or word play.

Outside that he is a returning player from early MoP and he doesn’t like Dragonriding. There is nothing else he really has stated that has helped the argument that much for people wanting old school flight without Pathfinder. He has done more harm than good for their cause.


And now you’ve forced everyone to use gold because it’s simply the most efficient way.

That is not what the word forced means. More than one way to achieve it means its a choice.


I just came back a month ago and I’m already halfway done with all the quests in the Dragon isles. My Rep is building quicker now, that I’m getting some better gear and able to complete things quicker. I’m enjoying all the cool quests, pets, mounts and other rewards. Still have a ways to go, but I actually look forward to logging in each day and doing more.


The only thing flying in a new expansion should require is buying the new expansion.


No, it’s not a choice. If it was available in the same time, it would be a choice. If it required the same gametime to obtain it, it would be a choice. That’s simply not the case.

Not that all of that really matters because dragonriding, but this topic has been a discussion since WoD.

And I don’t care either way anyway since I’ve had 15 in all renown for a looooooooooong time.

Where’d you get this “most” from? You do realize they’ve started creating a toggle for many mounts to go between normal flying and dragonriding, right?

It’s literally being expanded to old world. That’s how much people enjoy dragonriding.

If they are doing that they should also do the reverse and allow mounts like the Fyrakk fire owl to be used for old flying. I would feel so ripped off if I were a mythic raider. Restricting such a nice mount to dragonriding is lame.


As somebody with both the Raz & Kaz raid mounts, and will be getting the owl next tier, not once have I ever thought “gee, I wish I could fly this thing way slower in old-school flying”.

Don’t know why anyone would.

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