15 renown for flying is ridiculous


Something for everybody. :dracthyr_heart:

1 troll leaves, another magically appears to repeat the last set of arguments. When this one leaves, the next will come in. Always the exact same arguments and by arguments I mean the exact same words with nothing behind them other than trying to put down anyone that does not like dragon riding and wanting old riding back without a grind since the new flight was also free.

This will continue until the thread dies because they are so busy NOT flying in game which they claim to love but instead are on here letting everyone know how great it is.


Old flying is superior to dragon riding for me because old flying doesn’t make me feel like I’m going to throw up, dragon riding does.


The same people complaining about having to grind rep that I did just by playing the game will be here later definitely crying about how it takes ten minutes to fly to iskarra on their various flying whatever and that blizz needs to speed up flying….even though they already did. Complaining is a hobby. Change my mind.

I hope they make it where you need max rank Renown with everybody now.

Ion is just salty about the fact most players would rather have regular flying with their vast mount collections, than dragon gliding. It is comical they actually thought everyone would have embraced dragon gliding and saying good bye to their vast flying mount collections. So of course he is going to make it a pain to get.


“They don’t share my opinion, so they must be trolls”. Classic.

How is that a fact? Are there any statistics or is this just some “I’m the majority”-thing?


You bring up many valid points.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

We’re going to see more tears when people on static mounts are trying to fly through airspace with the anti-flying cannons. Remember how much people loved the skyworms in BFA and the birds in ZM?

See, one left, the other came back with another troll post.


They alternate on multiple alts and accounts which is quite apparent.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I hate the “think of the new players” concern trolling that happens these days. Can you all just have a shred of honesty and just say “I’m too lazy to do anything, and demand everything be handed to me.”


Lets see it impacts new players, returning players, existing players, those that have purchases shop mounts they can not use, those with disabilities etc.

So it impacts a larger portion of the player base contrary to those that claim it is a minority.

Also the people that are coming in and interjecting of “git gud” are the same people that form 40 man premades bypassing Blizzard grouping sizes in randoms BGs so they have no room to claim to be pure and pious.

This game needs more GMs to police the bad behaviors in game and on the forums as the cheaters, liars and bullies are rampant.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I hear you. Me too.

It’s just blizz invents things to blow time because of MAU metrics and wait for it the odds you stay in game longer which ups the odds of them capturing more dollars from you.


Yup, that pretty much sums it up

It’s so dumb, so petty tbh :man_facepalming:

I don’t want to be “limited” to 4-5 boring dragon models… I just want to fly with a cherrypicked favorite mount of my choice from my collection, is that asking too much?

People saying “but it’s faster, teh speed!1!” conveniently forget that lots of folks have hundreds of flying-capable mounts and chances are they like those older flying mounts more than these boring/generic-looking dragons


I only returned a few months ago and I’m pushing nearly 200 hundred right now, mount collecting isn’t really my focus. When I started, I had none. The dragonriders all seem to forget that not all of us are Endgame focused.

I love having specific mounts for certain classes/races/combos. All of my Death Knights use the Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade mount, much better looking to me than that undead horse look. My Blood Elves use Dragonhawks and are currently in Northrend earning the favor of a group said to have a unique breed of Dragonhawk.

Sometimes I’d also just like to explore the world. One of the things I liked about monks were the flight cloud ability, it wasn’t fast, but it was useful for looking around and I could mine or skin with it if the opportunity arose. I found a few places that were just like these little cavities in the mountains often with just an overhang or were empty caves that clearly had had time and effort put into some even seemed to be trying to tell a story. I can’t do that with Dragon Riding, it wasn’t made for precision movement it was made to be a racing system that was repackaged as mounts.


And a lot of flying mounts are fairly easy to get, a lot can literally be bought for gold (auction house, NPC vendors, faction vendors, etc)

Not uncommon at all to have 200+ flying-capable mounts even if you’re a fairly new player. And I’m going to guess most people actually prefer some of those earlier flying mount models to these 4-5 generic-looking dragons we got served up and “forced” into using with these gigantic-sized Dragonflight zones

Some of the flying mounts took a good deal of struggle/effort to get and people like “showing them off” while parked in a major city/hub, so there’s also that aspect…

There’s nothing “impressive” about being parked in major city and your “ride” (Dragonriding model) looks exactly the same as random other dudes parked nearby with the same blue/green/red dragon :yawning_face:


How would it impact new players and returning players? Especially new players won’t be bothered by that because they have no nostalgia regarding old flying and won’t cling to that like some other players who are allergic to change. Most returning players will, just like existing players, be glad they can fly on day 1 and ignore PF. :person_shrugging:

And they’re already working on that, so it’s no big deal.


By level 70, it will probably take 2-3 weeks max to hit 15 renown with each of the 6 reps, if they are doing weeklies and quest lines. And if they need slow flying, they are probably doing that (or should be) anyway.

Compared this to those other pathfinders this version is relatively tame compared to those from past expansions.

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