15 renown for flying is ridiculous

With…what? :dracthyr_a1:

If they tried getting rid of Old flying all together.


I mean if they wanted to they’d delete it and nothing would happen.

The concept of “some people enjoy this and not this” is lost on many. God forbid we all like different things.



Why? Some of us prefer it. I’m thankful it’s there on days where DR makes me feel nausea. And it’s better for searching for things.


Yeah I’m not sure why people seem to think this broke bots. There are videos up of bots teleporting around early in the expac and now DRing around. They aren’t phased by this. Hell in Vanilla they just used fly hacks even when there wasn’t flying. But people still believe flying helps them.

The concept of “some people enjoy this and not this” is lost on many. God forbid we all like different things.


I think some players get pleasure out of trying to ruin things for others in the community. It’s real petty.


Making players play the game, what were they thinking?!

Seems kinda simple to me. It is nothing more than a movement button. Something bots have been using since vanilla. It’s not like they can’t respond to conditions… DR didn’t break bots


No, you’re not getting it. Nvm.

Making players play the game a specific way for arguably less mobile transportation and an alternative to something they’ve acknowledged will be accompanied in the same patch by some hopefully increased accessibility options.

Then you’re going to have to be more plain beyond either “no pvpers do world content” or “because you dislike renown dailies you must dislike all world content”.


this has to be a Thallia alt…

Aside from giving pirate servers a huge hook to bring players in?

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I…think you’re overestimating the appeal of legacy flying. Also those servers are against the rules.

I don’t think so.

Plenty of other players enjoy it still and would prefer it over DFing.

Plus I’m not even really sure if pirate servers are still a thing but removing old flying could cause a resurgence.


It didn’t with DF.

While I don’t agree with your stance on things here and feel it’s contrary just to be contrary… I do warn you against Ard arguments. They’re worse than arguing with me. :wink:

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Well the promise of Old flying coming back keeps people skeptical.

That its still being put in the game shows not everyone in Blizzard office is blind to the appeal it has for certain players.

  1. You have to play the game a specific way to get renown (or to get enough in a reasonable amount of time to have it by the time Pathfinder launches)
  2. It’s a slower alternative to dragon riding
  3. They will also be adding accessibility options to dragon riding in 10.2, because there are enough people who have a problem with it
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You’re right. The stupidity thing was a bit too far. I take that back. It was bad form on my part.

Quoting just to say sorry for that earlier. I was out of line.