15 renown for flying is ridiculous

There are, I spend enough time helping out a new player/learning community to know that for certain.

You don’t help every new player in the game.

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Yes, there are more than manage to find the help community.

Which is nice that you agree that

is BS.

There would be more push back if there where more new players but its likely a pretty small number.

In any case it doesn’t defeat the fact that throwing Normal flying behind renown walls isn’t user friendly.


We got upgraded/enhanced flying for free day one of df.

Which is why it’s mind boggling that slow flying is behind Pathfinder. lol


Crazy that old flying wasn’t just deleted.

or they could just delete draonriding after df since its so lame/


Being a pvper doesn’t mean not caring about world content.

I’m a programmer who likes gardening. Amazing, I know, but people can mostly do one thing, and still do other things.

I do lots of dailies. I also gather. I don’t have 15 renown.

No, it’s not a great argument. It’s called a false dichotomy. Though we all know this is just a “how much can we insult the other person by appearing smart, but not too smart”, and not an actual discussion that’s going to result in anything productive.


Nah, way too popular and successful. It’s here for good.

Of course it wasn’t deleted. Why would it be? It’s a big part of the game for some people. Because they either dislike dragonriding or they just can’t do it due to one reason or another.

It’s silly to delete anything from the game.


Nah, removing 60% mounts after you got 100% was fine

As is removing old flying after DF was added

I know a small handful of people are upset that their bots broke but the rest of us have been managing fine

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Static flying is entirely different than Normal flying.

And slow riding wasn’t removed. It just gets upgraded to faster riding later on in levels.

Deleting anything from the game is dumb. See: old legendary questlines.

People have been botting with dragonriding since day one of DF. LOL


Yeah, dang shame, that.

It was for people who played at the time, which is fine.

No, it took a while, and several of the low levels demanding old flying were script users. :dracthyr_heart: Of course it under another guise but we’ll not get into that. I hope that they’re doing well.

That’ll make people hate Blizz more.


It’s a legendary. Not all legendaries were removed. It’s dumb to remove stuff.

I’m guessing you’re just here to play contrarian to troll.

(Edited 'cause I was acting like a jerk.)


Because they can’t use lesser riding? That’s a bit of a reach.

No, it’s more a matter of what is removed and why. Some stuff is fine/good. Just because not everybody can get it doesn’t make it a problem, as much as they push it as an objective truth just because they couldn’t manage it.

it aon’t lesser riding just in your brain many prefer it.


Yeah, it’s just slower and generally worse in just about every capacity.

I don’t think so.

If they thought they could get away with it they would’ve done it.