15 renown for flying is ridiculous

Those are some, yes. But that’s not.good enough for that troll. I specifically told him my disorder and he didn’t believe me. I specifically said there are many vision and neurological issues and he ignored me.

That one is purposely acting obtuse just to belittle others.

They do not.


I love how this is the only cart you have to hitch onto. Few and far between are those you’re actually advocating for.


I don’t even know what your problem is.

You’re the one who tried to claim normal flying bots would ruin things. I gave you factual information to refute that, due to dragonriding bots being a thing since day one.

You’re going off on some nonsensical tangent, insulting people for no reason because they like normal flying. I told you there are people who actually do need it.

And it’s not that small of a group, otherwise Blizz devs wouldn’t have told us in the last huge thread about these issues that they’re working on more accessibility options for this very reason.

Of all the ones acting childish here, it’s you.

Normal flying is not going to ruin your game, sir and/or madam. And Pathfinder for slower flying is pretty nonsensical when a faster version already exists.

That’s it. That’s all. Maybe calm down.


Normal flying isn’t ruining anything. The people complaining about pathfinder are the problem. Deal with it, it’s been here since WoD, it’s not going anywhere and it works.

The argument of “new players” is a joke. They can play the game and unlock pathfinder but it’s not even needed with dragon riding available from the start.


He means that people who don’t care about world content have no need to care about how they fly. Makes perfect sense to me.


They don’t affect you. Ignore them. Instead, you just devolve to insults, making you look worse than them.

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The point is playing the game semi regular shouldn’t stop you from getting pathfinder.

You choosing not to do content is a player choice


Bingo. I chose not to go into ZC. Therefor, I chose not to earn renown.

And I’m okay with that. It was my decision.

DF is the expansion of play how you want coming after the expansion of systemlands forcing players to play a certain way and locked into a covenant.

So which is it? Can’t have it both ways!

Is DF an inferior version of systemlands or is it supposed to go in the opposite direction and allow player choice?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You know good and well that theory and statement doesn’t apply to every single thing in the game in this xpac. Or we all could just sit in town and do nothing at all and just collect BIS gear in our mail box each morning for doing nothing at all.

you changed the meaning of something to make an argument.

You choosing to end up arguing in circles proves the point that we are correct.

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Who cares about normal flying in the dragon isles, when are we getting dragonriding in the old world?? Id happily grind out a silly pathfinder achievement for that


Yes! Bring it!

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Thanks dad.

New players are not the ones complaining about dragonriding.

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At least we’ve confirmed you have no argument and are just here to troll.

I ain’t your mom. Go talk to her about your attitude problems.

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I missed the first 2 weeks of 10.1. The zone itself licks. I didn’t find the idea of being underground that long enticing. Reminded me of how little time I spent in the zone under the maelstrom in cata.

That being said, once I played the story I found it endearing and there are numerous venues of easy rep for the niffen.

The main thing holding me back is my alcoholic syndrome this xpac.

Well regular flying was introduced in BC, needed a new license purchased with gold in expac zones until they started Pathfinder in WoD. Old world flying was implemented in Cataclysm, and I’m pretty sure we STILL can’t fly in Azuremyst Isle or Eversong Woods. So going by the history, I don’t think soon. Unless they make it a priority with an old world revamp, and that’s a Blizzcon question.

Unless you wanted to use your normal flying mounts.



There aren’t any.