15 renown for flying is ridiculous


Got a good chuckle seeing this, well-played sir :clap:

Just made a minor fix though (see: capitalized word)

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People crying about the most generous of all Pathfinding requirements (if you played the expansion at all youā€™d have most of it done already) while theyā€™ve had a superior version of flying from the very start really is something, lmao.

Nice Reddit-tier response.

The market was already tanked by bots who can dragonride and even figured out how to teleport through terrain to make it faster.

If you think a 410% speed druid is going to tank a market over a dragonriding bot at 800%-1200% speed plus teleportingā€¦ I have a bridge to sell you.

LOL what?

People with disorders and disabilities are childish now?

I love how this thread devolved.


Itā€™s good that theyā€™re enabling normal flight for those that do, but Iā€™d wager most of the people complaining do not have disabilities.


I have motion sickness. Itā€™s not all the time but sometimes, and sometimes medicine doesnā€™t help. Also what doesnā€™t help but is really amusing are all of the ones thinking they can assess peopleā€™s disabilities here like they work for SSI. Blizz has an accessibility team. They donā€™t need the community of all things to vent people.


Most of the complaints around here are from those who have disorders or disabilities that prevented them from doing dragonridingā€” some of which couldnā€™t even finish the campaign due to not being able to do the tutorial chapter.


I honestly donā€™t know what happens outside of here. I donā€™t Reddit or Twitter, so Iā€™m sure itā€™s absolutely full of those youā€™re talking about. I donā€™t doubt it. lol

Those who are complaining about renown just because they donā€™t like dragonriding, I ignore. Itā€™s not worth paying attention to that, imo. They can dragonride. So theyā€™re irrelevant to me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dragon flying is free from day 1 with no grind, Fact.
Old flying is locked behind 15 reps. Fact.
You think gaining rep is not a grind. Opinion.
Gaining 15 reps require a great deal of repetitive gameplay. Fact.
Repetitive gameplay is grind. Fact. Opinion of what is a grind does not matter because words have meaning and you agreeing with it or not does not change what the word means.

I would say you are done but you never even started.

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Do any of the motion sickness settings in the Accessibility category help?

Iā€™d wager most donā€™t. The general discussion forums were also full of a lot of the same people complaining about the new Dragonflight UI, which was an objective improvement. This subforum has a lot of people that have a very narrow approach to the game and get viscerally upset if any change is made to it.

It actually doesnā€™t take that much because most of it is covered by doing the story quests in each zone.

Logging between alts on the forums to back up your arguments is repetitive but you still do that, so youā€™ll be fine.

No not really. Only laying down helps. But I like that they have tried.


Guess itā€™s a good thing that it wasnā€™t an argument at all. Nor is it a debate.

Flying REQUIRES the completed achievement as it has for yearsā€¦and if you want to fly, you WILL do it. They donā€™t owe an explanation to you or anyone else.


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It took me until 10.1.5 to get max renown with the base factions. But I only did event stuff and the weekly quest. Nothing else.

I think I was around 8 renown at the end of the campaigns. So thatā€™s only 7 renown to get for the achievement. Which isnā€™t so bad. Theyā€™re not asking for max renown here.

Nowā€¦ Iā€™m still not at 15 for Loamm. And I wonā€™t ever be. Iā€™m not going down there ever again. LOL

Hi. Big fan of Bepples here. I promise Iā€™m not the same person; Iā€™m just such a huge fan of his that I made sure I have the same achievements, pets, and mounts. Anyway, is it true that you are logging on different characters of the same account to like your own posts and pretend to be different people in the same discussion? This greatly concerns me as an honest forum poster who would never do such a thing. Iā€™d just like to hear your input given you havenā€™t responded to Bepplesā€™s posts yet.

Well that got weirdā€¦

Thank you for your support. Its a grind.


Eh. I donā€™t see it as a grind at all. I just have no desire to do anything down there.

Also: this doesnā€™t support anything you said:

once you do the campaign its a boring slog of WQā€™s which require dragonriding to accomplish.

Ion truly hates us.

hoping MS realizes thisā€¦


if it actually wasnt a grind, you would. Grind is not something that is subjective, it is clearly defined. The tasks can be fun to a person, its still grind because part of the meaning is ā€œincluding non-repetitive tasks to achieve a desired result typically for an extended period of timeā€.

A prime example is, I love the gathering materials grind for crafting and in fact would hate crafting as a system if materials were instant/free. It is however still a grind no matter my enjoyment of it.

Because dragon flying is free on day 1, old school flying should be free once unlocked in the zones. We already had our wait for it and as many keep saying, dragon flying is superior, thus the inferior flying should also be free.


This is coming from someone who hates Ion: itā€™s not a big deal and Dragonriding is a better version of flying so it doesnā€™t matter. Cope.

Untrue. A grind is constant repetitive content. Researchers is once a week. Treasure digging is similar. Thereā€™s no way to grind.

I just defined it. Nothing is constant repetitive content.

Iā€™m not even arguing that.

Careful; you might summon his alt army.

If you want to win the argument, just bring up his alt posting and he will ignore you and stop replying. Thatā€™s what worked for me.